Video footage:

Obito penetrated by Ratchet seems to have nothing happened.

Obito continued, "I know everything, it was Rin who pounced on your Ratchet and chose death herself. At that time, Lin was abducted by the Wuyin Village and forced to become a three-tailed human pillar force. Although you managed to rescue Lynn. But this in itself is also part of the plan of the Mist Hidden Village, and in order to drive you to Konoha Village, they even pretend to be in hot pursuit.

Kakashi looked shocked, "How do you know?" "

Kirihide Village captures Rin in order to make her a test for some experiment, and in the process of escaping, Rin realizes that she has been used and that returning to Konoha Village is likely to cause harm to the village, so Rin wants Kakashi to end her life.

"Kirihide plans to attack Konoha by letting the three-tailed inside her run away as soon as Rin returns to Konoha. Ryn, knowing about this, so she took advantage of the Ratchet you unleashed on the enemy and committed suicide. She is determined to die at the hands of her beloved (the previous one who said that Rin loved Kakashi, this sentence is Obito's own opinion, not the original words of the Book of Formation), in order to protect Konoha.

"Whatever you say, you who failed to protect Lynn are an impostor to me. For me, Rin's life is not destined, so the dead Lin is just an impostor. Lin is only real Rin if she is alive!

"It's the ninja system, the village, and the ninja that repeatedly causes this." What really despaired me was the world itself, and I despaired of this false world.

Obito's madness made it difficult for Kakashi to accept.

Kakashi touched his chest and said, "Naruto said that the most painful thing is that there is no real companion in the heart, and I relayed to him what you said in the past. You used to empathize with Naruto and say the same thing, and I still believe..."

Uchiha interrupted Kakashi, "See clearly! I have nothing left in my heart.

Uchiha pointed to Kakashi's heart and continued, "You don't even feel pain now, you don't have to feel guilty, Kakashi! This hole was torn open by this hellish world, and I used to have nothing but pain in my heart. What's the point of that? So I threw everything away!

"Aren't you suffering all the time?" At Lynn's grave? At my grave? Kakashi, that's enough, you don't have to continue suffering, Rin is here! And your ideal me is also here.

Obito looked at Kakashi dumbly, "You can pursue what you like, and in this world of illusion, you can get everything you want." The hole in your heart can also be filled at once.

Kakashi once again used Ratchet to sweep away the illusions around him: "Rin is no longer there!" And you, aren't you still alive? Do you think... Do you think this will really fill the hole in your heart? Don't erase Rin's memories before her death. That is the memory left by Lin protecting the village with her life, even if you fill it with more delusions alone, the hole in your heart cannot be filled. "

[Uchiha Obito: Well, the next time you encounter these pictures, skip it directly, the second middle school disease is really annoying to watch. 【

Kiki Kakashi: Die of laughter. 】

【Uchiha Obito: Yo, Kakashi, want to fight?】 [

Kakashi Kiki: Huh? Come on! 【

Rin Nohara:... [

Uchiha Obito: Hey, Kakashi, can you?] Is the kidney deficiency cured? Just want to fight me? 】

【Kiki Kakashi: Die of laughter, I am very full of Chakra now, don't talk about Kamui, I can use Kamui shuriken! 】 】

【Uchiha Obito: Eyes return me! 】 【

Kiki Kakashi: I don't! 】

【Uchiha Obito: Mommy.】 Video


Ten Tails becomes like a fat man with his mouth wide open.

It was like something was about to be spit out by the ten tails in his mouth.

Endure the coalition forces looking at such a scene: "It's starting to change again."

Yao said, "No, he's just returning to his original form, it's just an attack form." It's just that we're one step away from the final change. Naruto is healing, the Nine Tails are condensing Chakra, now it's our turn to appear, than!

Kirabi responded to Yaoi: "That's right, we'll steer for everyone."

"Listen up, once it's done with the final change, we're going to lose." Now..." The

ten tails protruding like a trumpet flower, the ten tails constantly condensed the huge tailed beast jade, and the space was shaking.

Uchiha said: "The Ten Tails have no mercy from his subordinates, it sees the same tailed beast in Naruto's body as itself, so is it anxious?" I didn't expect that what I was expecting was just around the corner, but I had to be destroyed once.

Shikamaru looked at the huge tailed beast jade: "It's getting bigger and bigger." "

It's aimed at Naruto?"

"To be honest, without Naruto's Chakra, how can you fight that thing."

Everyone is a little lost, how can such an attack be followed?

Sakura shouted at the battlefield, "How can we waver anymore now?" Naruto did everything he could. Hearing Naruto's words just now, I completely understood. "

[Senju Tsunade: Although Sakura has always been disliked by all of us, at this critical moment! Still useful! 】

【Four Generations of Thunder Shadow:... Hokage was right. [

Terumi: Lei Ying is also right. [

Onoki: Mizukage is right. 【

I love Luo:... You're all right. Okay

, I'm completely substituted into the small group of Five Kages.

Video footage

: Enduring the coalition forces: "Even a ninja like us, he is also desperate to protect him..."

Sakura interrupted: "Not this, I mean he treats us as companions from the bottom of his heart!"

Endured the Allied forces shouting, "We... It's companions!

Sakura looked at the giant tailed beast Jade and continued, "I will heal all of Naruto's injuries, we should do what we have to do." Anyway, the same is death, instead of waiting for death, it is better to die in their own way, fight!

Shikamaru looked at Ino: "Ino, help me connect someone."

Ino hurried to Shikamaru's side and said excitedly, "You have an idea?"

"It's Shikamaru."

Shikamaru spoke to Loess through Ino: "Uncle Loess, listen to me.

Huang Tu was stunned: "You are Lujiu's son."

Shikamaru didn't answer, but Loess had something to say in his heart, "Teach me the seal that can be used by people other than the ninja of Iwain Village who can use simple earth dun and barrier ninjutsu."

Loess's first reaction was that it was useless, "The earth barrier that everyone can learn immediately is not of much use at all, or use more..."

Shikamaru interrupted the loess: "No, the most important thing is that anyone can use it, since the enemy is heavy on quality, we will fight for it." Even then, the barrier will be broken immediately! Even if it is broken, as long as new ones are constantly created, the barrier can become a shield wall. Instead of fending off the attack with a strong barrier, weaken its offensive layer by layer with weak walls. Of course, I also need everyone in Yanyin Village to continue to create strong barriers. "

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