Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 102 Fairbanks (2/5)

After returning home, Lin Bei started planning the show.

The state in the United States that connects to the Arctic Circle is Alaska, which is also the largest state in the United States. Due to the harsh environment, there are only 770,000 residents in Alaska. Most of them live in the interior of Alaska, and only a few Inuit live in areas close to the Arctic Circle.

In the area where Alaska meets the Arctic Circle, the temperature is below zero all year round. Now this season, the temperature is about 15-25 degrees Celsius below zero. And because it is close to the Arctic Circle, there will be polar day and polar night phenomena.

It's October, and the Arctic Circle is just in time for polar night. For half a year, there will always be darkness there.

The route planned by Lin Bei is to use a helicopter to send himself to an area about 120 kilometers inside the Arctic Circle, and then go all the way inland to survive. This time the challenge is not only the harsh environment of the Arctic Circle, but also the double threat of Alaskan brown bears and coyotes.

The Alaskan brown bear is the third largest bear in the world, with a body length of up to 3.5 meters and a weight of 800 kilograms. The power of a slap is comparable to that of a Kodiak brown bear. To be honest, even with the intimidating gaze skill now, 21 and Bei still don't want to meet these guys.

After confirming the route, Lin Bei started preparations. Lin Bei didn't finish his work until the lights came on, and then he booked a flight ticket to Fairbanks tomorrow night online.

Fairbanks is the city closest to the Arctic Circle in Alaska, and many people go there for sightseeing every year. Generally, tourists who go there are enjoying the aurora and skiing, and there are also dog sledding activities for local residents.

There is no direct flight from Shanghai to Fairbanks, so a connecting flight is required. After everything was ready, Lin Bei closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After getting the B1 visa at noon the next day, Lin Bei rushed directly to the airport with his backpack on his back.

Walking out of the airport, Lin Bei shivered suddenly. He was only wearing a jacket and a T-shirt at the moment, and the temperature in Fairbanks at 12 o'clock at night was below zero. But a miraculous scene happened, in less than a minute, after this short adaptation time, Lin Bei didn't feel cold anymore.

The passive skill of Deep Frost Bloodline is really useful. After hailing a taxi, Lin Bei quickly arrived at the reserved hotel.

Walking into the room, Lin Bei began to inquire about the company that rented helicopters in Fairbanks, but after a search, he was suddenly stunned. There was no company that rented helicopters for sightseeing. The only one with helicopters is the US government search and rescue team.

He also doesn't know whether the helicopters of the US government's search and rescue team can be rented privately. He will only know if he asks tomorrow.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Bei walked out of the hotel in cool clothes, and the passers-by who wrapped themselves into rice dumplings gave Lin Bei a thumbs up in admiration, and then asked, "Hi buddy, are you an Inuit?" person?"

Lin Bei didn't realize it for a while, and then immediately thought that the Inuit are also yellow races. They live in the Arctic Circle and have a natural resistance to severe cold. It is obvious that this buddy regards himself as an Inuit.

"Unfortunately, I am from China. Brother, do you know the address of the government search and rescue team?"

After asking the address clearly, Lin Bei didn't choose to take a taxi, but took a walk all the way there. The deep cold bloodline needs a certain amount of time to adapt before it can be fully triggered. In Fairbanks in the early morning, the temperature was only minus 3 degrees. Lin Bei, who was dressed in cool clothes, was walking on the street and became the object of everyone's attention.

All the way to the government search and rescue team, Lin Bei told the front desk his purpose after entering the door. The attitude of reception at the front desk was very good, but Lin Bei was very disappointed by the answers he got. The search and rescue team's helicopter could not be rented to private individuals.

Frowning and pondering for a moment, Lin Bei had no choice but to take out his phone and call Charles to see if there was any way for him.

"Hey Lin, don't worry, the search and rescue team will definitely agree. Your program will be broadcast on the Discovery Channel in the future, which can promote the search and rescue team in Fairbanks."

Hearing what Charles said, Lin Bei was a little confused, so, "Why? How much do I need to pay?"

"Fee? No need at all!" Charles was taken aback, and then smiled: "Lin, it seems that you don't know much about American government departments, especially remote states like Alaska. They urgently need a positive image and publicity. Can you help They advertise, and they want what they want. Well, you give them the phone number, and I will communicate with them."

Lin Bei dubiously handed the phone to the beauty at the front desk, and sure enough, just as Charles said, after a few words, the beauty at the front desk showed a bright smile.

Handing the phone to Lin Bei, the beauty at the front desk asked curiously: "Are you filming a new show? But are you alone? Why is there no film crew?"

"Um... this is a brand new wilderness program, mainly about a person surviving in the wilderness, so we must strive to achieve the most realistic effects. I will handle the filming and hosting by myself!" Facing the curious baby The same beauty at the front desk, Lin Bei explained.

After listening, the eyes of the beauty at the front desk lit up, "It sounds cool, I think it will be very exciting. By the way, are you an Inuit? Or a Chinese? Do you know kung fu?"

Facing the curious baby-like beauty at the front desk, Lin Bei couldn't stand it, so he quickly changed the topic, otherwise it seemed that he could chat with him all day. "So I can borrow a government search and rescue helicopter?"

"Of course. I'll take you to the director's office." Fortunately, the beauty at the front desk didn't forget her duty, she shrugged and led Lin Bei into the office.

After meeting with the director, the beauty at the front desk introduced him. When the chief heard the Discovery Channel and the propaganda, his eyes lit up.

Things went smoothly, especially after Lin Bei promised to introduce the government search and rescue team in Fairbanks for ten seconds on the show, and the atmosphere in the office became more enthusiastic.

After discussing the time and place of departure tomorrow, Lin Bei returned to the hotel. He felt incredible along the way, perhaps because of cultural differences, Lin Bei could not understand the American government departments.

Anyway, no matter what, Lin Bei's goal has been achieved, and that's enough. It was almost noon when we got back to the hotel, how can we come to Fairbanks and not taste the delicious food here. After ordering a red wine steak and the special king crab legs, Lin Bei slowly tasted the food. .

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