Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 111 Undressing At A Disagreement (First Update!)

Once he falls into the water and activates the hunting rhythm skill, Lin Bei is sure to swim 100 meters to the shore within 50 seconds. With the blood of deep cold, he should not be frozen to death, but if he wears transparent clothes, he will definitely suffer deep frostbite in the cold wind. At this temperature, wearing transparent clothes, it only takes a few seconds for the clothes to freeze. Then Lin Bei is equivalent to being naked and exposed to a temperature of minus 20 degrees.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Bei made a decision, and he had only one choice. After putting down the backpack, Lin Bei began to take off the jacket lightly, followed by the sweater. While dragging his clothes, he said to the live broadcast camera: "I am going to quickly cross this lake, but at a distance of 300 meters, I will definitely fall into the water."

"In this minus 20-degree environment, I have to put on dry clothes within two minutes after landing, otherwise the cold wind will cause me deep frostbite." While speaking, Lin Bei had already taken off his upper body clothes. His movements are very light, otherwise he will fall into the water ahead of time if he breaks the critical point of the ice layer under his feet.

"At this time, a person's body will secrete a large amount of adrenaline, which can stimulate people's nerves and is a natural stimulant. But the adrenaline will not last for too long, only three minutes. Therefore, many Extreme sports enthusiasts call these three minutes the golden three minutes! Now, I can feel my body has started to secrete adrenaline, and I must hurry up."

At this time, Lin Bei was only wearing a pair of boxers, and the low temperature of minus 20 degrees made his whole body start to tremble slightly. After stuffing all the clothes into the waterproof backpack provided by the system, Lin Bei put on the backpack and smiled at the live camera: "Pipi shrimp, let's go!"

But in the live broadcast room at this moment, the audience was stunned. In the environment of TM minus 20 degrees, wearing only a pair of boxers and swimming in the freezing cold lake water, this completely ignited the atmosphere of the entire live broadcast room.

"Porn~porn anchor, I want to call the police."

"Irritable Mr. Pei, take off your clothes if you disagree with me."

"666, it's really exciting!"

"The fighting nation expresses its appreciation to Mr. Pei!"

"Grandpa Bei is still hot and anal!"

"Ci'ao, when did Master Pei become so good!"

"The mermaid line has a male dog waist, and I am envious of Master Pei's figure."

"The house manager Ye Xiaotian 123 gave the anchor 100 rockets! -- Seeing that Mr. Pei is still so irritable, I feel relieved!"

"My majestic gift of 100 rockets to the anchor!--Bei Jiang, come on! How embarrassing!"

Lin Bei didn't have the time to watch the barrage right now. After taking a deep breath, he rushed out like a cannonball. The ice layer that was originally standing was directly collapsed by this force. Then a chain reaction was caused, and the shattered ice began to spread in all directions.

After really running with all his strength, Lin Bei didn't feel cold anymore. Adrenaline brought excitement, constantly stimulating his nerves.

And he was getting closer and closer to the river bank. The most important thing was that the ice under his feet didn't seem to be breaking. This surprised him, if he could run all the way to the river bank, that would be the best result, after all, who the fuck would want to fall into the icy cold lake.

Extreme joy begets sorrow, Lin Bei was not happy for a long time, suddenly his feet were empty, and then he fell straight into the lake.

Immediately, the bone-chilling lake completely surrounded him, and all the pores on his skin instinctively tightened. Lin Bei only felt countless chills rushing towards the inside of his body through his skin.

Hunting Rhythm! Open!

After just a few seconds of adaptation time, the hunting rhythm injected a surge of energy into his body! Lin Bei didn't dare to waste any time, and quickly rushed out of the ice and swam towards the river bank.

For a moment, the water splashed everywhere, Lin Bei was like a bulldozer, and all the broken ice on the lake was knocked away by him.

The distance of 80 meters took Lin Bei a full 50 seconds. After quickly climbing ashore from the lake, the cold wind blew by, making him shiver immediately. he feels on shore now

It's colder than being in water.

Putting down his backpack, Lin Bei took out his jacket with difficulty, and after putting on the rear jacket, he finally felt some warmth. But at this time, his hands and feet had gradually lost feeling, and he couldn't even do simple movements like bending his fingers.

"Now I have completely lost feeling in my hands and feet, and I can't put on clothes at all. This is the most instinctive self-protection of the human body. In extreme cold, the blood will shrink from the hands and feet back into the body to protect important organs. I must Gotta get my blood flowing again or I wouldn't be able to get my clothes on and I'd freeze to death in a few minutes.

After speaking, Lin Bei quickly crawled on the ground and began to do push-ups. His movements are very fast, and he has done hundreds of them in just a few tens of seconds.

Only at this time did he feel that his hands regained some consciousness. After making fists several times in a row, Lin Bei turned around and turned his back to the live broadcast camera. At the same time, he adjusted the angle of the camera so that the audience in the live broadcast room could only see the upper body. Quickly take off the see-through boxers, then take out the thermal underwear from the backpack and put them on.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately quit, clamoring to see the front.

"Hold the grass, this TM is worse than coding."

"Master Pei, I want to see the front!"

"Take it off, if you don't show the front, you can take it off."

"Hey, are you Yaoyaoling? Some people here take off their pants in public."

"Hi, how angry!"

"The super tube is coming, the situation is almost out of control!"

"Pfft... Mr. Bei is too cheap, I want to see the front (Zhao Le) 1042306421 Feilu 094150360]

"Don't be cowardly! Turn around if you have the guts!"

Putting on warm clothes again, Lin Bei finally breathed a sigh of relief. The cold wind blew just now, and he felt that the water droplets on his body were about to freeze. Fortunately, I put on my clothes in time to maintain the core temperature in my body.

Wringing the water off the boxers and putting them in the backpack, Lin Bei glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and said seriously: "You young people, your thinking is too dangerous, I think you must have not been run over by tanks. Need Accept the education of the core view of socialism!"

Putting on his backpack, Lin Bei began to walk towards the jungle. There are a lot of pine and birch trees growing in this jungle, and the snow on the ground has become thinner. Walking in it, Lin Bei said to him: "I have to find a place to light a bonfire and dry my shoes and socks. Otherwise, my feet will be frostbitten. Once my feet are frostbitten, the chance of survival will be greatly reduced.

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