Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 117 Hengmei Coldly Pointed At Thousands Of Husbands (Seventh More!)

The rabbit-eye lingonberries an hour ago gave Lin Bei a lot of sugar, and the main source of calories in the human body is sugar.

But the fruit does not matter, most of it is water, when the water is absorbed by the body, hunger will come soon. In less than two hours, Lin Bei felt hunger again in his stomach. It’s not good to be hungry. It’s been more than three days since I came here. The only protein that Lin Bei supplemented was a rainbow trout and three worms.

While enduring hunger, Lin Bei also had to avoid the black bear's pursuit.

"Did the audience see it?" Lin Bei was squatting on the ground at the moment, holding a ball of black feces in his hand. After showing it in front of the live broadcast camera, Lin Bei explained: "These are the feces of brown bears. You can see some animal hairs on the poop. Now things are in trouble. I seem to have entered the territory of a brown bear. I must quickly find a river and make a raft down the river. The jungle is too Danger."

After throwing away the feces in his hands, Lin Bei quickened his pace and began to look for the river despite his hunger. Compared with hunger, his life is more important.

Walking through the jungle, Lin Bei suddenly stopped, and then quickly got down on the ground, hiding in the bushes, and at the same time adjusted the replay camera to point forward.

I saw a huge bear sitting on a pine tree about a hundred meters ahead. The bear was covered in brown hair and sat there like a mountain of meat.

Alaskan brown bear!

The brown bear didn't notice Lin Bei, but concentrated on breaking the pine cone with its wide palm. From time to time, his back rubbed against the trunk a few times, causing the pine tree as thick as a person to shake slightly, and pine needles kept falling from the tree.

Lin Bei secretly raised his head and took a look, and quickly retreated into the bushes. After swallowing, he said in a low voice: "This is an Alaskan brown bear. Just sitting there, it is already about the same height as me. The guy is definitely more than three meters in size. Look at its palm, which is bigger than my head. If it hits me, it will definitely die.

"While its attention is still on the pine cone, let's withdraw quickly. Otherwise, if this big guy finds out, it will be completely over."

After finishing speaking, Lin Bei stepped back slowly and lightly, and after 50 (cbad) meters away, he turned and ran. Encountering this Alaskan brown bear was completely unexpected. If you don't find a river as soon as possible, when the brown bear is hungry, it will definitely follow the scent all the way.

(I saw a lot of readers saying that they want to add qun, but Feilu is not allowed to post it now. You can directly search in the qun~search for the live broadcast of the heads-up wilderness and you can find it.)

Lin Bei walked quickly through the jungle while answering questions from viewers in the live broadcast room: "Why do bears attack humans? Generally speaking, whether it is a brown bear or a black bear, they attack humans for three reasons: hunger, self-defense and curiosity. Theoretically It is said that bears will not actively attack humans when food is plentiful. Only when they feel threatened, they will make self-defense actions."

"I also saw some viewers say that when they meet a bear, they can escape by playing dead. I think you are still too naive. It is not that bears do not eat carrion. When they are hungry, they even eat stinky mandarin fish, let alone human beings. In addition, the bear is very curious. If you lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, it will come up and turn you over with its big paws, or even sit directly on top of you. Think about it, hundreds of kilograms weigh on What will happen to you."

"So, when you encounter a brown bear or a black bear in the wild, you should either anal it head-on, or run away. Don't even think about climbing trees. Black bears can climb trees better than humans. They can climb up to a height of more than ten meters. If you encounter The worst is the brown bear, which will knock the tree off, or sit under the tree for days and nights."

Lin Bei's walking route is very particular. He tries his best to walk on roads with dense trees, uneven terrain and obstacles. Brown bears are not as flexible as him after all. If they really follow the scent, these terrains can greatly delay the speed of brown bears.

Turning over a two-high rock wall, Lin Bei continued: "A few years ago in Canada, a tourist encountered a brown bear. As a result, this guy followed the rumors on the Internet and lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. Now his grave is grass It's almost a meter high."

"Fangguan Ye Xiaotian 123: Holding the grass, I can't beat and beat, and I can't run, so what should I do if I encounter a bear?"

Seeing this barrage, Lin Bei smiled and said: "When you can't beat or run, you can stand on a rock, try to make yourself taller, and then shake the branches around you to make a loud noise. Of course, you can also You can stretch out your middle finger towards it. In this way, you can die with dignity."

Lin Bei's words immediately made the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter, and they started to launch barrages one after another.

"Pfft, Master Pei, don't be like this, my kidney hurts from laughing."

"666, die with dignity!"

"In the past, my friend was like a dick, but now the grave is as green as shade."

"The grass on the grave of God is almost one meter high, I accept it."

"Okay, okay, I lost."

"Hengmei coldly pointing fingers!"

"Haha, the talent upstairs, laugh and piss!"

"The mud horse upstairs, I can hardly hold Lu Xun's coffin board!"

Originally, I met a brown bear, which made the atmosphere in the jungle very depressing. But seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Lin Bei couldn't help it anymore and laughed out loud. For a moment, the tension suppressed in my heart suddenly dissipated.

Finally, Lin Bei, who had been walking through the jungle for most of the day, heard the sound of trickling water. This shocked him, and at the same time, he quickened his pace towards the direction of the sound of water.

As they got closer, the faint sound of water flow became louder. Just listening to the sound of water makes people feel that the scale of the river must be quite large.

Pushing aside a shrub, the vision ahead suddenly opened up. A river flows down from above, and its banks are covered with rubble. Lin Bei stepped forward, picked up a handful of water and washed his face. The cold river water made him shiver.

"The water in the river is very cold. This river should be formed by the melting of ice and snow on the high mountains in the distance. Look at the driftwood on both sides of the river bank. These are left by the river washed down from high places. In the short summer, a large amount of snow and ice on the mountains melted, forming floods.” Looking at the river, Lin Bei rubbed his chin and thought: “I definitely don’t dare to stay in the jungle, who knows if I will encounter the first three Bears."

"My idea is to make a raft, go down the river, and at the same time cut off my own smell. Prevent brown bears from tracking me."

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