Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 119 North American Pike (1/5)

Although it has crossed the tree line, the daytime temperature here is still around minus ten degrees. Lin Bei didn't have the time to choose a location. After collecting some firewood, he unzipped his backpack with trembling hands and dumped all the contents on the ground.

Chu Niang fell to the ground, and was a little confused about the situation for a while. Lin Bei directly pushed it away, and picked up the fire-making bowstring on the ground.

It's just that his hands are completely frozen, and he can't even bend them. Putting his hands by his mouth, he exhaled several mouthfuls of hot air in succession before his fingers could barely move.

At this time, the test is no longer physical attributes. Because the physical fitness is useless when the nerve endings are frozen, unless Lin Bei can break through 20 in the four-dimensional attribute. What is being tested now is entirely a person's "four two seven" willpower.

The willpower to survive will make people break through the limit and do the impossible!

Although it is time to race against time, Lin Bei's movements are cautious. Once you accidentally drop the water from your body on the fire tool, it's all over.

"hurry up!"

Lin Bei was expressionless, but his heart kept shouting. The fire should not be rushed, the heat on the wood needs to be rubbed again and again to superimpose to the ignition temperature. On the other hand, Chu Niang played the role of the melon-eaters who didn't know the truth. At the moment, it is leisurely eating the lingonberries scattered on the ground, looking at Lin Bei with interest while eating.

Glancing at Chu Niang, seeing its cozy appearance, Lin gritted his teeth in hatred. I secretly said in my heart, eat, eat, eat your MB. If I can't catch any fish tonight, I'll eat you!

Just then, a wisp of green smoke curled up from the grooves in the wood. Lin Bei hurriedly accelerated the speed of pulling the bowstring, and the green smoke gradually rose more and more. Take the wood and prepare to pour the embers from the grooves into the firelighter. Suddenly, a drop of water dripped from his hair, Lin was startled, and quickly stretched out his hand to catch the drop.

After letting out a sigh of relief with lingering fear, he didn't dare to waste time and speeded up his movements. With the continuous blowing, a group of flames quietly appeared.

After adding firewood, the fire gradually increased. Feeling the temperature from the campfire, Reserve Mother's instinct of fearing fire made it take a few steps back. Seeing that the fire was getting bigger, Lin Bei began to take off his clothes one by one, leaving only a pair of boxers in the end.

Sitting by the campfire, feeling the warmth of the fire, Lin Bei felt alive again for a moment. Ten minutes later, when the blood circulation in his body resumed, he stood up and used the branches to build a simple shelf.

After wringing out the soaked clothes, put them on the rack one by one, and let the bonfire slowly dry the moisture in them. All of a sudden, five or six pieces of clothing emitted steam at the same time. This scene made Niang Chu feel very interesting, she even forgot to eat the huckleberries, and stared blankly at the mist with her head tilted.

Sitting by the campfire, Lin Bei sighed: "It's more than one o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be completely dark in about 3 hours. I can't go anywhere until my clothes are dry. The most correct choice, It is to build a shelter here directly. It is close to the river and can replenish fresh water, and I just saw fish in the river when I was upstream, and I will see if I can catch one or two later.

Lin Bei didn't have a good figure at first, but after the five phases of survival in the wilderness, his abdominal muscles are now particularly obvious. The main reason is that after the increase in body attributes, the muscle cells are fully developed, and you also eat a lot, the muscles will soon appear.

After waiting for his body to fully recover, Lin Bei found a straight branch from the firewood. Tie your own dagger firmly to the front end and use it as a harpoon.

Holding a harpoon, Lin Bei came to the river in boxers and began to look for cold-water fish in the water. Searching along the river bank while walking down, the low temperature of minus ten degrees was taking away a lot of heat from his body every second. At the same time, the hunger in his stomach made him very uncomfortable.

After walking for about 50 meters, Lin Bei still didn't find it. Just when he was hesitating whether to go back and eat Chu Niang, he suddenly found water ripples in the water in front of him, among the aquatic plants near the bank, as if there was something hidden in it.

Overjoyed, Lin Bei slowly approached, while the harpoon in his hand was ready to go. After getting closer, Lin Bei realized that the pike was a North American pike among the aquatic plants... The pike is a very ferocious freshwater fish with strong adaptability. It can live in both cold and temperate waters.

This pike is 50 centimeters long, enough for him to eat if he can catch it. Swallowing, Lin Bei said softly to the live broadcast camera: "When spearfishing on the shore, you must shoot quickly. At the same time, due to the refraction of light in the water, it will make it wrong to judge their specific positions. You need Cross toward where the fish are, because that's where they actually are."

While speaking, Lin Bei's hand shook suddenly, and the audience in the live broadcast room only saw the harpoon flash. When I came back to my senses, I found that the harpoon had been stuck in the lake water, and the front end of the dagger directly passed through the body of the pike.

What Lin Bei didn't expect was that the pike was not killed by one blow. After the pike was hit by the harpoon, the severe pain immediately made it twist and struggle crazily, and even swam towards the center of the river with the harpoon directly.

Mouth-to-mouth food, how could Lin Bei let it run away. Regardless of the icy cold water, Lin Bei jumped directly into the river and swam towards the frantically fleeing pike.

Blood gradually oozes from the pike's wound, and after swimming with a harpoon for tens of seconds, the pike's speed gradually slows down. Lin Bei swam quickly, dragging the harpoon all the way back to the shore.

The whole pike is close to 50 centimeters and weighs at least ten kilograms. After taking out the viscera and cleaning it with Clean 3.0, Lin Bei excitedly took the pike all the way back to the campfire, took off the dagger from the harpoon, and introduced: "This is a North American pike, also called black-spotted pike. This guy is so ferocious in the water they can eat their own weight in food out of ten."1

Chu Niang, who was on the side, had already brightened her eyes, staring at the pike with burning eyes. After all, the arctic fox is still mainly carnivorous, eating only berries and tree roots, so that it cannot accumulate subcutaneous fat to fight against the severe cold. After cutting off the head and tail of the fish, Lin Bei threw it to the reserve girl on the side.

The little guy immediately yelled happily at Lin Bei, then lowered his head and ate the fish head hungrily. This poor guy has never tasted meat since he was born, and he is devouring it now. .

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