Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 126 I, Zhao Ritian, Are The First To Dissatisfy (3/5)

Originally, when Lin Bei saw that the progress bar of the dagger upgrade was still more than 400 points away, the first thought in his mind was to go to the slaughterhouse and spend a few days randomly, and he would definitely be able to make up the progress bar. But the system immediately came up with a reminder.

"The prey killed by cheating will not be counted in the upgrade progress bar. Please complete the host as required.

After angrily pointing his middle finger at the system, Lin Bei hugged the reserve mother at the end of the raft in his arms. The little guy seemed to be over excited, lying lazily in his arms, rubbing his little head from time to time. Looking at the live broadcast, Lin Bei said solemnly: "I have been drifting on the river for two hours, and it is estimated that I will be able to enter the Chena River in two hours at most. Now I have enough food, and the next two days , there will be more time to hurry."

"When survival is nearing the end, people will always unconsciously "550" to relax. But the facts tell us that the closer to the end, the more vigilant you must be. Nature often gives you a fatal blow when you are most proud. Once a fishing boat hit an iceberg and sank in the western Pacific Ocean. The captain and 8 sailors landed in the Arctic Circle in a lifeboat. They chose the same direction as me, that is, to go to the warmer inland Alaska.

"They successfully crossed the tree line and then walked in the mountains for 39 hours. Finally, when they were about to walk out of the mountains, they were attacked by brown bears. Three of the nine people were killed. When the search and rescue team found them Only then did they realize that they were only less than one kilometer away from walking out of this mountain. So, when you are not really sure that you have reached a safe place, never let your guard down. Survival is still going on, and no one knows what will happen in the next second. what happened!"

The time sitting on the raft was very boring, the sun in the sky was always gray, and the sun shone on my body without feeling warm at all.

Lin Bei was lying on the bear skin, while teasing the reserve girl, while chatting with the audience to pass the time.

Hours passed by, and finally, Lin saw the open river ahead, and a vast lake appeared in front of his eyes.

"Finally reached the Chena River safely, haha, there is no problem with the raft this time." Lin Bei finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, if there is any problem again this time, it is estimated that he will really have a shadow in his heart.

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed disbelief when they saw this scene.

"Holding the grass, it didn't sink?"

"Fuck, this is not scientific, what about Bei Bichen?"

"I, Zhao Ritian, was the first to dissatisfy, why didn't I sink?"

"666, did Master Pei become resistant to Pippi Shrimp's curse?"

"I'm not convinced, Bishen No. 3 was spared!"

"Don't worry, this shit hasn't landed yet, maybe it will sink later."

"There are still ten seconds before the sinking of Bishen No. 3, nineteen..."

"Grandpa Bei: I'm such an idiot, why do you hate me? Are you going to treat me like this?"

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Lin Bei's face was full of black lines, and he said angrily: "Okay, okay, let you be proud for a while. After a while, I will hit you hard in the face."

That being said, Lin Bei is still a little uncertain. Throw the reserve girl into the backpack and zip it to death. After putting on the backpack, Lin Bei held on to the handle of the stretcher with one hand. Once he fell into the water, he could drag the stretcher ashore.

Soon, under Lin Bei's nervous gaze, the raft entered the Chena River steadily with the current. Picking up the stick, Lin Bei began to adjust the direction of the raft "to let the current carry him to the shore.

Gradually, the raft began to drift toward the center of the Chena River. Seeing a small whirlpool on the calm water ahead, Lin Bei's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition rushed into his heart. Sure enough, after the raft approached the range of about ten meters from the vortex, it was pushed by an invisible force and began to slowly rotate around the vortex.

Obviously, there is a strong undercurrent under the river. These undercurrents collide and eventually create a pulling force. This situation can be seen in large rivers, such as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. But the chance of it happening is very small, Lin Bei feels like a dead dog in his heart at the moment.

"Fack, there is a vortex caused by an undercurrent at the bottom of the river center. I have to find a way to get the raft out of this area, otherwise the final result is that the raft and I will be dragged into the river bottom by the vortex's pull." Lin said. Bei desperately moved the water surface with both hands, trying to get the raft out of the range of the vortex...

But with the power of the undercurrent vortex, it is impossible to get rid of it just by swiping with his hand. In fact, the undercurrent in the center of the river is not strong, and ordinary fishing boats can easily get rid of it. But unfortunately, Lin Bei's raft does not have the ability to actively sail, and can only drift with the current.

Seeing that the raft was still spinning along the undercurrent, Lin Bei glanced at the opposite bank 200 meters away, and made the most correct decision in an instant.

He took out the dagger, cut off all the back of the bear meat, and then tied it firmly to the body with the parachute rope, and then jumped into the water without the slightest hesitation.

For a while, Lin Bei experienced the icy cold water again, causing the pores of Lin Bei's body to tighten suddenly. After starting the hunting rhythm, he quickly swam towards the river bank. Lin Bei's approach was the most correct decision at this time. The bear meat was too heavy, and the stretcher weighed more than 60 kilograms. With such a heavy object, it is impossible to escape the pulling force of the vortex in the zero-degree river water.

So he could only reluctantly discard most of the bear meat, and time was running out. The raft was only on the periphery of the undercurrent vortex. Once it was pulled to the center, he would really be dead. The strong pulling force in the center of the undercurrent will drag him into the bottom of the river together with the raft.

The distance of 200 meters is not long. When a person is exercising, the blood will always keep circulating. So swimming in zero-degree water will not cause any 0.2 problems. Many swimming enthusiasts have the habit of winter swimming. Winter swimming from time to time is good for the body and can increase people's resistance.

However, winter swimming in the wilderness is very dangerous, especially in the few minutes after going ashore, when people stop exercising at that time, blood will rush back from the limbs to the body quickly. cold.

Two minutes later, Lin Bei managed to reach the shore. With the previous experience, his movements were much faster and methodical. While still feeling his hands and feet, he quickly took off his clothes, and then began to collect firewood and kindling.

I have to say that the fire-making bowstring in the backpack helped him a lot in this episode of the show. The high-efficiency fire-making speed allows Lin Bei to light a bonfire within a minute. .

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