Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 134 Leave? No Approval!

Lin Bei is now focused on going home. He and Lin Qingyu have just established a relationship. It was the time when you and I were together, and the two wanted to stick together every day. The most important thing is that he wants to get closer to the arrogant king.

Thinking of this, Lin Bei asked: "Brother Grove, can you borrow your car to take me to Fairbanks, I will pay for it."

Who would have imagined that after Grove heard what he said, he would forcefully invite Lin Bei to stay with him for one night. Lin Bei's face turned green when Grove said that he would be entertained with traditional Inuit food. Although he had eaten bugs and raw meat, it was a last resort in order to survive. Who the hell would have nothing to eat these. And to be honest, Kivyak is much more disgusting than worms and raw meat.

"Brother Lin Bei, accept the warm hospitality of our Inuit people. I will personally drive you to Fairbanks tomorrow." Grove patted his chest, very heroic.

After Grove ordered his wife to cook, he and Lin Bei sat and chatted outside the house. The aerial drone naturally attracted 143's attention, so Lin Bei had to explain that he was making a show.

Chatting with Grove let Lin Bei know the current situation of many Inuit people. They have been integrated into civilized society for a long time. According to Grove himself, he has been here since he was born and has never seen the so-called igloo.

The main income of the family is from selling traditional handicrafts and various fur products. As more and more people come to Fairbanks to travel, their annual income is also increasing. When Grove said that his annual income is about 120,000 US dollars, the audience in the live broadcast room felt like a dog.

Not only the audience, Lin Bei also didn't expect the Grove family's income to be so high. When I saw these simple country huts, I thought they were living in poverty.

You must know that in the United States, a family with an annual income of more than 100,000 US dollars, no matter which state it is in, is a proper upper-middle class.

Although breaking away from the traditional Inuit way of life, the Groves did not adapt to life in the metropolis. The family still follows the ancient tradition, and every winter (cbea) they take a small kayak to hunt seals.

The time passed quickly in the chat, the sky was getting dark, and Grove's wife also prepared the meals. Lin Bei walked into the hut and was stunned.

From the appearance alone, the country house has a strong style of the 1970s. But after walking in, I found that the interior decoration and all kinds of modern appliances are the same as the houses in the city

Glass chandeliers make the whole living room extremely bright. The long dining table was filled with sumptuous food.

Lin Bei took a sneak peek and was secretly relieved when he found that there was no Kivyak. Sitting down under Grove's warm hospitality, Lin Bei carefully looked at the meals on the table, including reindeer meat, snow rabbit meat, whale blubber, seal, and even bear steak. Almost all animals in Alaska are covered.

Lin Bei controlled the live broadcast camera - glanced at the food on the table, and then introduced to the Grove family: "Thank you Brother Grove for your hospitality. To be honest, this is the first time for me to taste authentic Inuit People gourmet."

Knowing that Lin Bei was filming the show, Grove didn't feel weird, but greeted the live broadcast camera boldly. But his wife and three children are a little shy and dare not look at the camera.

After Lin Bei finished speaking, he picked up a piece of reindeer meat and put it in his mouth. Grove was not angry about Lin Bei's rash behavior, but was very happy.

Because in Inuit tradition, there is no word for stinginess. There is no need to knock on the door when visiting each other, they just push the door and enter. There are delicacies to share with everyone, and there are not so many rules on the dinner table.

Chewing the venison, Lin Bei gave Grove and her wife a thumbs up. The taste of reindeer meat is really good, it tastes like beef, but more fragrant than beef.

After tasting the venison, Lin Bei picked up the blubber again under Grove's expectant eyes. The blubber is cut into a finger-length strip, the whole body is light pink, and the tail is black. Holding the whale blubber in front of the live broadcast camera, he introduced: "Many viewers don't know what this is. This is the fat of the whale. Look at these pink parts, all of them are fat. And the black part behind is the whale Skin."

Putting it in his mouth and tasting it carefully, Lin Bei commented: "This is the first time I have eaten whale blubber. It tastes very soft and tastes a bit like cod liver oil. I don't know if nuts have been added. After chewing, there is still a faint smell of nuts. Taste. Generally speaking, it's ok."

Because the Inuit people used to live in a very cold environment, their food is high in fat and protein. After tasting all the delicacies on the table one by one, Lin Bei thanked Grove: "That's great brother, thank you for your hospitality."

"Haha, as long as you like it."

The host and guest had a good meal, and after the meal, the two chatted for a while, and finally Lin Bei was arranged to rest in the guest room.

After closing the door, Lin Bei lay on the soft bed and said to the live broadcast camera: "It was a very lucky day that I received warm hospitality from the Inuit brothers and also tasted authentic Inuit food."

"I'm going back to Fairbanks tomorrow, and this episode of Survival in the Wild has come to an end here. Before I know it, five episodes of Survival in the Wild have been aired in a row. To be honest

Surviving in the wilderness for five consecutive periods made me feel very exhausted both physically and mentally. So here, I want to take a leave of absence and have a good rest for a while. "

Hearing that Lin Bei was going to ask for leave, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly shut down.

"Ask for leave? No approval!"

"Hold the grass, Master Pei, don't be like this, I really don't know how to live without you.

"Want to ask for leave? Have you asked the brothers?"

"The reasons for asking for leave are too bad to be approved."

"Master Bei is swollen, and even started to ask for leave.

"Okay, okay, isn't it just a gift? Just give it to you."

"Brothers of the Optimistic Family, get the gift, or the patriarch will run away."

"Nimma, Master Pei, I was wrong, I will never mock you again, please don't ask for leave."

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Lin Bei calmly explained: "Surviving in the wilderness, my nerves have always been tense. Therefore, I need a vacation to adjust my mentality and relax my nerves. Don't worry, the vacation is not enough. It will be too long, I guarantee it will not exceed half a month."

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