Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 155: Classmate Zhang Yang

"There are so many plants here, some of which have not been discovered yet. You need to have a lot of knowledge to identify them, because some plants can save your life, and some plants can kill you. "

While talking, Lin Bei came to a six-meter tall tree. This arbor has many branches and leaves and looks vigorous. The most striking thing is that the ends of the branches and leaves are filled with fruits the size of a baby's fist. The green fruit is very plump and looks very delicious.

Picking a green fruit, Lin Bei did not eat it, but put it in front of the live camera and explained: "If you are hungry in the rainforest and see such a tree full of fruits, I think you will be very happy But I'm sorry to tell you that if you eat these fruits, the grass on the grave will be half a meter high next year."

Breaking open the fruit in his hand, Lin Bei carefully held it in his hand, trying to avoid touching the juice with his fingers, and then continued: "This tree is called poisonous guava. When Columbus arrived in America, one of his crew members accidentally ate it. He ate poisonous guava and died on the spot. So Columbus called it the little apple of death. Poison guava is one of the most poisonous plants in the world. You only need to take a small bite, and you have to be pushed into the emergency room of the hospital .

Throwing away the 233 poisonous guava in his hand, Lin Bei pointed to the green fruit full of trees and began to teach some techniques. "When you are in the wilderness, you can use this method when you are hungry and encounter unrecognizable fruits. The first is to observe the fruits on the tree to see if there are signs of being eaten by birds. Generally speaking, birds Most people can eat the fruits that can be eaten. Of course, there are also a small part of them that are poisonous, but the toxicity is not too strong. Like the Amazon rainforest, there are monkeys living, and they eat fruit as the main food. The digestive system of monkeys is similar to ours , so you can follow the monkeys, and the fruits they eat can be eaten by people with confidence."

"The second is to observe the color of the fruit. Generally speaking, brightly colored animals and plants are poisonous. This is the self-evolved protection ability of nature. And there are many birds and monkeys in this rainforest, but the tree is not healthy. To be able to keep so many fruits, as long as a little reasoning is needed, I think people with normal IQs can see the weirdness in it.

Hearing Lin Bei's words, the audience in the live broadcast room looked at the blue fruit on the tree again, with fear in their eyes.

"Nimma, the outside world is too scary, I'd better stay at home honestly!"

"Master Pei's amount of knowledge, I really admire."

666, Our biology teacher recommended us the day before yesterday to watch Pei Ye’s live broadcast more often.

"Yes big brother, your teacher may be in the live broadcast room.

"Zhang Yang, study on your phone early, come to my office after class."

"Haha, I laughed so hard. It's really in the live broadcast room."

"Yes, yes, student Zhang Yang, I will mourn for you for three seconds."

"This story tells us that if you don't die, you won't die."

"Hold the grass, you scared me to death. My name is also Zhang Yang, so I thought it was me."

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Lin Bei couldn't hold back for a while, and laughed out loud. This classmate Zhang Yang was unlucky enough to be caught by his teacher in the live broadcast room. This should be regarded as a typical example of death if you don't die.

Leaving the poisonous guava tree, Lin Bei continued to search in the rainforest. Generally speaking, plants that clear away heat and fire have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. But relatively speaking, the effect of anti-inflammatory and bactericidal will be relatively weak. For example, mint has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, but the effect is minimal.

Breathing the sweltering air of the rainforest, Lin Bei felt very uncomfortable in his chest, which was like being in a sauna.

The green vegetation on the ground was densely packed, and he was almost blinded by it. At this moment, Lin Bei's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward quickly.

In the open space in front of him (cbfj), a verdant aloe grew. Squatting down, Lin Bei inspected it carefully and explained: "This is an aloe. I have already introduced some of its effects in the Taklamakan Desert. Aloe is the plant with the best anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects in nature. .They contain aloin and wound hormones in their bodies, which can promote wound healing, anti-inflammatory and sterilizing bacteria. Whether it is taken internally or externally, it has a good effect."

Speaking of this, Lin Bei paused for a moment, and said seriously: "However, what you need to pay attention to is that there are more than 300 kinds of aloe vera in the tropical regions of the world, and there are only five kinds of aloe vera that can be safely eaten and have medicinal value. The remaining aloe vera , are poisonous. If some highly toxic aloe vera juice is poured on the skin, it will cause skin ulcers. If you accidentally eat it, it will cause gastrointestinal ulcers and even cause cancer.”

"Generally speaking, to identify whether aloe is poisonous, you can observe its leaves. The leaves of poisonous aloe are short and thick. Then you can try to cut the leaves. If there is milky white liquid coming out of it, it is definitely highly poisonous Aloe."

While speaking, Lin Bei had already cut off the whole aloe, put it in front of the live broadcast camera and said with a smile: "But this one is not only non-toxic, but also has the best effect among the aloe vera. I am very lucky to have it I don't have to worry about the wound on the back of my neck."

After cutting off a palm-sized leaf, Lin Bei cut off the outer skin with a dagger, took a big bite of the fresh and tender flesh, and commented after tasting it: "The taste is very good, a little sweet. It also has a unique aroma. "

A piece of aloe was eaten by him quickly, Lin Bei didn't choose to continue eating, but continued to cut off a piece, and then cut it into two thin pieces from the middle with a dagger.

After groping for the back of the neck with his hands, and tearing off all the blood scabs on the wound, Lin Bei stuck the fleshy side of the cut piece of aloe vera on the wound. Suddenly, a cool feeling came from the wound. Tear off a small rag from the hem of the T-shirt and tie the aloe from the wound around the neck.

From a distance, Lin Bei looks like he is wearing a bow tie around his neck, which is very joyful. Standing up again, I put the rest of the aloe into my backpack, and said with a smile: "The effect is remarkable, the itching feeling on the wound just now has disappeared. The cooling feeling of the aloe makes me very comfortable."

"With these aloe vera and my own body resistance, I don't have to worry about inflammation and festering. Well, now that the wound problem is solved, I will speed up my pace and try to find the commanding heights before dark.

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