Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 163: The Eunuch Maker

Lin Bei didn't know what happened to Jason. It's a great feeling to wake up naturally after sleeping until dawn. The effect of the rotenone was so good that the mosquitos and bugs in the tree holes were kept away from him all night long.

Stretching and standing up, rubbing his face, Lin Bei was shocked. Untiing the cloth strip around his neck, Lin Bei touched the wound with his hand, and found that the wound had scabbed as he expected. And the bone fractures on both shoulders felt better than yesterday.

The heavy rain in the rainforest was still falling, and after washing his face with a handful of rainwater, Lin Bei looked at the live broadcast room, and said with a smile: "A new day has begun, and I had a good rest last night. Are you ready, audience? Let's go Bar!"

Putting on his backpack, Lin Bei plunged into the rain. The heavy rain is not only bad, it can bring Lin Bei safe drinking water, and it can make the rainforest cooler.

Walking in the rainforest with one foot deep and one foot shallow, Lin Bei began to calculate the journey of the 21st day. From what he saw yesterday at the commanding heights, today he needs to cross a vast swamp and at the same time cross a river.

Crossing the river will be a huge challenge. The Amazon river in the rainy season is the time when the creatures are most active. The danger level in the river is higher than in the jungle, and the most important thing is that the water is not Lin Bei's home field. Compared with those dangerous creatures in the water, he has no advantage at all.

"I need to cross the river today. To be honest, I don't know what to do. There are too many ferocious creatures in the Amazon River. Moreover, some creatures are very evil." Lin Bei smiled wryly, and then said: "For example Parasitic catfish, like the Cooper piranha."

"I have already introduced the parasitic catfish to you, and I think everyone is very unfamiliar with the Cooper piranha. They are a type of piranha, and their teeth are not as sharp as those of the red-bellied piranha, but similar to those of humans. But these The guy has a very ferocious personality, and he will take the initiative to attack people. Moreover, he specializes in attacking people's weaknesses."

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard that Lin Bei compared the Cooper piranha with the parasitic catfish, they suddenly had a bad feeling. Especially when they heard the special attack on the weak point, the audience subconsciously covered their crotches.

Sure enough, as they expected, Lin Bei's next words made them feel a little pain in the ass. "Koopa piranhas like to bite people, especially the crotch of men. In the Amazon River, this kind of thing often happens, and the local indigenous people call them water devils. Just last year, two Mexican fishermen, while fishing in the river , attacked by Cooper piranhas

They had their testicles and genitals bitten off, and died on the way to the hospital due to excessive blood loss. "

If the parasitic catfish is an evil creature, the Koopa piranha is the devil. The audience in the live broadcast room, especially the male audience, couldn't help swallowing.

"Okay, okay, I'm convinced."

"Okay, okay, the weak point is broken."

"I will never go to the Amazon rainforest in my life, it's so fucking scary."

"666, the first thing I think is that being a woman is good. 11

"Upstairs, Cooper piranhas specialize in weak points [all bite your chest!"

"I really admire the indigenous tribes that live here now."

"Pei Ye: What can I do, I am also very desperate!"

"This fucking is a eunuch maker!"

#2333, Eunuch maker laughing pee. "

Stepping on the muddy ground, Lin Bei found that the trees in front of him began to become sparse. Not far ahead, it should be the swamp that I saw yesterday.

Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room were still struggling with the Cooper piranha, Lin Bei explained: "The local indigenous tribes use coconut shells and other hard objects to protect their crotch when crossing the river. This can prevent them from being caught by Cooper. Piranhas and parasitic catfish. In fact, in the Amazon River, the chance of being penetrated by parasitic catfish is very small, and they generally prefer fish. Of course, if you urinate in the river, you can’t blame others.”

Parasitic catfish is very sensitive to human urine, and can even be sensed in waters hundreds of meters away. They will follow the urine and get into the human urethra all the way.

Not long after walking, Lin Bei walked out of the rainforest. In front of his eyes, there are large patches of dense weeds. These lush grasses are as tall as a person. In it, the visible range is even less than one meter. The swamp stretched three to four kilometers in diameter, bigger than he expected.

Touching his head, Lin Bei looked at the swamp in front of him and frowned and said, "This swamp is bigger than I expected. Walking through it is not only exhausting, but also dangerous. Both electric eels and green anacondas like to stay in the swamp. Here, and these dense thatch, will block my vision.

Thinking of this, Lin Bei turned back in the jungle and picked up a straight wooden stick. After brushing aside the weeds, Lin Bei plunged into the swamp.

Walking in such terrain is very difficult, and the weeds are very dense. Lin Bei needs to expend a lot of energy to push the weeds in front of him every step he takes. At the same time, the mud under his feet was as deep as his calves, and he had to always be on guard against the danger in the muddy water under his feet.

After walking less than a hundred meters, Lin Bei stopped to rest out of breath. Walking in this swamp is more tiring than moving bricks. At this moment, he felt that his legs were a little sore.

"I really hate this kind of swamp." Lin Bei adjusted the live broadcast camera, turned around in a circle, and then continued: "See? Once you are in it, your field of vision is less than one meter. Wherever it reaches, there are these damn weeds. "

After all, Lin Bei raised his arms and raised them in front of the live camera. Through the live broadcast camera, the audience can clearly see that there are countless tiny cuts on Lin Bei's forearm. These openings are not deep, but densely packed, there are at least fifty of them. The edge of the wound was slightly red, which made his arm look red.

Anyone who has been cut by thatch knows that although this kind of wound does not bleed, but some fine fluff on the thatch enters the wound, which will make people feel very itchy.

"These small wounds are cut by weeds that look harmless. The edges of their leaves are like sawtooth, very sharp. And there are a lot of bacteria in the swamp. If it is not treated, it will only take a few hours. Infected and inflamed.

Taking off the backpack, Lin Bei took out the leftover aloe from yesterday. Cut all these aloes into thin slices and stick them on the wound of the arm. Immediately, the cooling sensation of aloe dispelled the itching of the wound. .

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