Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 171 The World Is Full Of Wonders

Quickly back into the jungle, Lin Bei started looking for vines. He had to move quickly, otherwise the kauri that lay across the water would be swept away by the high water level of the stream.

When he came to a tall tree, Lin Bei grabbed a vine clinging to the trunk, pulled it down and explained: "This is a white vine. Although they are only as thick as a little finger, they are very strong. Such a A white vine can even be used as a rope for abseiling."

White vines are the longest plants on land, and they can even grow to more than 500 meters if the growth environment is suitable.

"I have said many times that to survive in the wilderness, the rope is an important tool next to the knife. If you encounter white vines, don't miss them, and collect as many as possible. They can help build shelters and serve as " 583 "The tool for rappelling can even save your life in some critical moments."

While speaking, he had already collected tens of meters of white vines. These white vines are not only strong, but also very resilient, you can easily roll them together and carry them on your back.

He has other uses for this roll of white vines. Moreover, there are not so many white vines to cross the river, so Lin Bei cut down another three-meter-long white vine. Wrap this white vine around the trunk, pull it back and forth constantly, and at the same time explain to the live camera: "This can soften the fibers in it and make them more flexible."

Bringing this white vine to the stream, Lin Bei put the white vine on the trunk of the kauri tree, then wrapped it around his legs and waist, tied it tightly and said with a smile: "The trunk of the kauri tree is very It's smooth, it's like a zipline, but it also helps me hold my body so I don't get swept away by the current."

With this layer of guarantee as soon as possible, Lin Bei still walked cautiously. The force of the water flow is very strong, if you lose your standing and fall into the water, the kauri will even be washed away by yourself.

Grasping the trunk firmly with both hands, he moved towards the opposite bank of the stream step by step. Lin Bei's approach was very wise, because when he reached the center of the river, let alone walking, he couldn't even stand still. Glancing at the barrage, Lin Bei took the time to answer the audience's questions: "It's not that I don't want to climb over this tree, but this kauri is too thin and it's a cork. I'm worried it won't be able to bear my weight Weight. Now, this kauri is my life insurance, and if it goes wrong, I will be unlucky."

Holding the tree trunk tightly, Lin Bei exhausted all his strength and took a small step. Feeling the water flow getting bigger and bigger, Lin Bei knew he couldn't go on like this.

After starting the hunting rhythm, the whole person is full of strength again. With a roar, Lin Bei resisted the force of the current and walked towards the shore step by step.

It took Lin Bei more than ten minutes to walk across a ten-meter-wide stream. This kind of traveling speed is frighteningly low. Especially in the center of the stream, every step needs to exhaust the strength of the whole body, and after taking a step, the feet need to be firmly stuck in the crevices of the rocks at the bottom of the water, otherwise it is impossible to stand firmly.

Climbing ashore, Lin Bei cut off the white vines tied to the kauri trunk, and sat down on the ground. Across such a turbulent stream, his legs need to bear a huge burden. Sitting on the ground at the moment, his legs were shaking slightly uncontrollably due to the loss of strength.

Looking at the live broadcast, Lin Bei smiled wryly: "This feeling is like being hollowed out of the body."

The audience in the live broadcast room, seeing that he was still in the mood to joke, launched barrages one after another.

"It feels like the body is being hollowed out."

"The old man chatted about being a teenager, treating kidney deficiency, and no sugar."

Pippi shrimp evolves, soft-legged shrimp!"

"Haha, soft leg shrimp 666.

"Holding the grass, I saw Master Pei's legs shaking."

"Upstairs, it's really not normal if you don't send a branch."

"Grandpa Bei's physical strength is exhausted, and I would have been washed away long ago."

Sitting on the ground and resting for a while, Lin Bei didn't stand up until his legs regained strength. An hour has passed since we were preparing to cross the river. At this moment, the water level of the stream in front of me has become higher than before, and the kauri trees lying on the stream are almost submerged.

"In less than an hour, the water level of the stream has risen by 30 centimeters. I have to get away from here as far as possible. If the heavy rain keeps scaring the night, it may cause flash floods..." Looking at the stream, Lin Bei turned and walked towards the rainforest.

There is a danger of flooding tonight, so he has to sleep at a high place, at least three or four meters away from the ground.

To be honest, Lin Bei was a little impulsive when he came to the Amazon rainforest this time. The Amazon rainforest is more dangerous in the rainy season than in the dry season. Even the local indigenous tribes who have lived here for thousands of years will choose to stay in the tribe honestly during the rainy season.

The continuous heavy rain made everything in the rainforest very slippery. The muddy and slippery ground forced Lin Bei to sharpen the front end of a wooden stick and make it into a simple trekking pole. This will make it easier for him to climb slopes with high angles.

"Don't think that science is so advanced that any creature can be explained clearly. In the Amazon rainforest, more than 50% of the animals and plants have not been studied and analyzed until now. Therefore, many plants and strange animals, even I can't understand them. Call out your name." As he spoke, Lin Bei came to a big tree that was only five or six meters high, and the trunk of this tree was covered with many dense burrs. Pointing to this tree, Lin Bei said: "For example, this tree is called a self-explosive tree. The densely packed tree tumors on the trunk are actually their fruits. As the name suggests, this tree will explode. Don't think that I am opening 4.5 is a joke, it will really explode."

"When the dry season comes, the surface of the tree will explode one after another, blowing away all the fruits on the trunk. This is a way for the self-detonating tree to spread seeds. The power of the explosion can make the fruits fly 150 meters away. .”

Patting the tree trunk, Lin Bei said seriously: "Until now, I have not been able to understand the principle of the tree's self-explosion. So far, there are about 10 million named and defined species in the world. But there are still 10 million species Organisms that have not been named, defined, or even discovered."

"The world is so big, full of wonders. It has been hundreds of millions of years since the earth evolved creatures. And we humans really started to explore the earth, but only in a few hundred years.

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