Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 193 Are You Sure You're Not Kidding Me?

Under the guidance of the staff, Lin Bei came to the arena. Looking at the black crowd and the loud shouts in the auditorium, Lin Bei's expression was indifferent.

I have to say that the training at the Olympic Games is indeed different from normal training. Standing on such an arena, it is easy to let the adrenaline rush, so as to perform at a super level and create one world record after another. Of course, some people couldn't bear the pressure and left the field sadly after performing abnormally.

For Lin Bei, these things don't affect him at all. The anchor career and wilderness experience during this period have made his mentality much stronger.

There are three semi-finals in the 100-meter race, and the final is the final. Not only Lin Bei participated in the Chinese athletes, but also two others. However, the groups of the three are different, and it is estimated that the chance of meeting in the final is very slim.

Standing on the track corresponding to his own number, his left and right are athletes from the United States and Jamaica. The two blacks have slender limbs, and the muscle groups of their legs are very obvious. This is the advantage of black people. Seeing Lin Bei looking at himself, Jamaican Sports didn't speak, but just glanced at him lightly, then lowered his head to adjust his breathing. Maybe 137, in his view, his only opponent is Bolt. As for Lin Bei, he may disappear after this round of rematch.

The American athlete showed his white teeth. Although he didn't speak, his expression and eyes were full of disdain. During the competition, athletes cannot mock each other, otherwise there is a very harmful risk of being found out by the Olympic Committee.

Facing the Yankee's provocation, Lin Bei did not respond. Speaking of the Olympics, the most shameless is the United States. Every year in the Olympic Games, they rank first in the number of gold medals. This is because of the loose immigration policy in the United States. Many black athletes are attracted by a green card in the United States. In track and field events, 90% of American athletes are from other countries, such as Jamaica, Ethiopia and so on.

Therefore, in every Olympic Games, the confrontation between China and China is actually the yellow race alone and the other two major races.


With the whistle of the referee on the side, all the athletes tensed up and were ready to go. In the 100-meter sprint, especially the initial stage is very important. The moment the gunshots sounded, it was time to start. Otherwise, a few tenths of a second behind, in such a project, there is almost no hope of winning.


With the sound of gunfire, all the athletes burst out with all their strength like shells. After all, Lin Bei is a layman, not as good as these professional athletes who have trained for many years, they have already deeply imprinted this conditioned reflex in their muscle memory. Once the gunshot sounds, there is no need for the brain to issue orders, and the muscle memory will automatically run at full speed.

The moment Lin Bei started running, Lin Bei was half a body behind everyone. On the coach's bench beside him, Li Yuan, who was staring at the big screen, held his hands tightly, and cheered for him desperately in his heart.

"Quick, quick!"

All his life, he has been a failure. He has never won a gold medal for the country in track and field events. This also made him very guilty all the time. The country did not treat him badly, but he always felt that he was not qualified to accept this gift. Don't look at him as the head coach of track and field, but his salary is less than 2,000. Every time the state issues subsidies and increases wages

Li Yuan refused without hesitation. He thinks he has no face to get these allowances and high wages.

In the final analysis, Li Yuan, like Lin Bei, is an extremely proud person in his heart. Therefore, when Lin Bei saw Li Yuan and comforted himself almost as if begging, he rekindled his fighting spirit. Not for fame and glory, but for these respectable people who have silently dedicated themselves.

Lin Bei didn't think so much at the moment, it was just a rematch. As long as you run into the top three, you can enter the next (cbeb) round.

Lin Bei is very happy now, because he has now found a new way to suppress his attributes without any effort. He just needs to keep up with the person running in front, and then overtake him in the last ten meters. In this way, it can ensure that the ranking is the first, but it does not appear to be shocking, and at the same time, it does not need to work hard to suppress attributes.

Not to Lin Bei's surprise, the first runner was the Jamaican runner. Lin Bei tried his best to put on an expression of going all out, and always remained half a body behind him.

Seeing Lin Bei running second, Li Yuan's heart was finally relieved. There is still a distance of more than ten meters in the end, and if there is no accident, they will enter the next round steadily. At this moment, Li Yuan's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the big screen in disbelief, because at this moment Lin Bei actually started to accelerate.

You know, in the 100-meter sprint, almost the whole process is explosive. Basically what is the speed when you run to 50 meters, and then you will rush all the way to the finish line at this speed. Li Yuan has been in the track and field circle for so many years, and he has never seen anyone who can accelerate in the last ten meters.

Not only Li Yuan, but even the Jamaican athlete who ran first was stunned.

In the end, Lin Bei crossed the finish line with a speed of 9.82 seconds. The black Jamaican who won the second place forgot to look at the result, and stared at Lin Bei with question marks on his face, as if to say, are you fucking kidding me'?

Lin Bei smashed his mouth, feeling a little tired. It's not that the body is tired, but the heart is tired from the whole process of acting. It seems that I am going further and further on the road of actor.

After leaving the stage, Li Yuan hugged Lin Bei excitedly. After encouraging Lin Bei a few words, let him have a good rest.

Just as Lin Bei expected, the Chinese Sportsmen who participated in the competition were eliminated in the first round. In the second round and the third round of rematch, Lin Bei has been using this method to enter the final as the number one seed. The Jamaican was very depressed at the moment. Every time Lin Bei would start behind him, and then in the last 10 meters, he would suddenly overtake him.

As for the American athlete who first mocked Lin Bei, he was eliminated in the second round and missed the final.

Standing on the track, Lin Bei checked the shoelaces and looked around at the same time. Twelve athletes were found, all of whom were black except for myself. Lin Bei's yellow skin is particularly eye-catching in the all-black skin.

"Bolt, you'd better be careful, this Chinese man is evil." The Jamaican reminded Bolt in a low voice.

Bolt took a deep look at Lin Bei and nodded to show that he knew. As a Jamaican athlete, Bolt knows the strength of his teammates very well, only slightly worse than himself. And that man from the Celestial Dynasty was faster than his companions in three consecutive rematch rounds. This is not luck, but real strength. .

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