Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 195: The Only Martial Art In The World Is Fast

After the award ceremony, Lin Bei, led by Li Yuan, quickly came to the competition venue for the long jump event. After winning the gold medal in the 100-meter sprint, Li Yuan let go of the big stone in his heart. He was not as excited and uneasy about Lin Bei's long jump result as before.

All the way through, Lin Bei finally won the championship with a score of 9.35 meters and set a new world record. The head of the Olympic Committee came to the podium with a smile on his face. When he saw that the champion was Lin Bei, he was taken aback. Hanging the medal on Lin Bei's neck, after hugging, the kind old man whispered in his ear: "Young man, don't crush the medal anymore, there are no spare medals."

Lin Bei smiled awkwardly, waved his hand, and said that he would not bite the medal anymore.

Two gold medals, two world records. Lin Bei knows that after today, he will be popular in China for a while. But now "6-5-7" is the era of eyeballs after all, even the editor of UC has learned all kinds of shocks to attract eyeballs, Lin Bei's enthusiasm will not last long. When the Olympic Games are over, Chinese people will be attracted by another person or thing. so olympic champion or something

It's just a guest appearance, live broadcasting is my main business.

As for the status of the national team, Zhang Guozhong will help him deal with it. That night, Lin Bei took the plane back to Jinling alone.

The time difference between Rio and China is 11 hours, and it takes 28 hours to fly. Lin Bei took the plane last night and arrived in Nanjing at noon.

When he arrived at Lin Qingyu's home, he happened to be having lunch, so Lin Bei was naturally dragged to drink by the two old men. Seeing Lin Bei's eyes asking for help, Lin Qingyu shrugged helplessly, gave him a helpless look, and went upstairs with Lin's mother.

For a moment, the resounding voices of the two old men echoed throughout the restaurant. The last time Lin Zhenbei was alone, he had already pulled Lin Bei to brag about his awesomeness for more than two hours. Now that there is another Guo Shengzu, Lin Zhenbei is even more excited.

Immediately, the two old men vomited all over the place, from the top ten masters in the late Qing Dynasty to which salted peanuts was authentic.

One lunch, from around 12:00 noon, until 4:00 p.m. Lin Bei looked at the sunset outside the villa, and thought that if he ate a little longer, it would probably be dinner time.

"Lin Ergou, I'm leaving tomorrow." Guo Shengzu drank the wine in his glass and said softly.

Lin Zhenbei squinted his drunken eyes, a little surprised: "Aren't you going to stay for a few more days? Didn't you stay until the middle of the month in previous years?"

"I'm going to send Yang Wugui off." After Guo Shengzu said that, the atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became silent.

After a while, Lin Zhenbei said slowly, "I won't go. Help me tell Yang Wugui that he won the bet back then."

Guo Shengzu nodded, then looked at Lin Bei who was full of curiosity, slapped him on the head, and scolded him with a smile: "You guys are so curious about the matter of us old guys. I'm leaving tomorrow, and I'm leaving tonight." I entrust you with the Thunder Fire Stake and the Half-step Bengquan. As for what you can practice, it all depends on you.

"Huh?" Lin Bei was taken aback. In his imagination, Guo Shengzu and other people of the older generation should value rules very much. If I want to learn half-step Bengquan, I have to go through the cumbersome etiquette.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help asking: "Don't you need a teacher's ceremony? I'm watching a movie..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Zhenbei who was at the side slapped Lin Bei on the head, cursing: "Tell you to watch those movies less, you just won't listen to them.

Lin Bei really watched too many movies, thinking that if he wants to learn the real skills, he must have a whole set of complicated and cumbersome apprenticeship etiquette.

If Lin Bei is a regular apprentice, then he really needs to bow his head and offer tea, and according to the ancient etiquette, the master will have the same rights as his father from now on. But he only learned one and a half moves, which can only be regarded as exchanges among veteran Jianghu people.

Don't think of the old Jianghu people as conservative, such as passing down family kung fu to males but not females, sons but not daughters-in-law, etc. Although it is true, it is only a very small part. Most people and sects communicate with each other and learn from each other.

For example, Dong Haichuan and Sun Lutang in the late Qing Dynasty were the representative figures. When Dong Haichuan traveled to China, he learned from local kung fu masters wherever he went, and over time he created Baguazhang.

And Sun Lutang is even worse, he first learned Shaolin boxing. Later, he followed Guo Yunshen to learn Xingyiquan, and then he successively learned Baguazhang, Bajiquan, Taijiquan and other kung fu, and finally returned to the basics and founded Sun Style Taijiquan...

With the help of Jiu Jin, Guo Shengzu brought Lin Bei to the lawn of the villa, and began to teach him the key points and essence of Leihuozhuan and Half-step Bengquan.

Guo Yunshen didn't stop teaching until the lights came on. Some sighed with emotion: "You and I have not done the ceremony of apprenticeship, so we are not considered masters and apprentices. In the future, we should not use the name of Xingyiquan when we travel outside.

Lin Bei nodded to show his understanding, and then asked curiously: "Mr. Guo, I really want to know, how did kung fu decline?"

At first, he thought that the decline of kung fu was due to the fact that he treasured his broom. Until now, after hearing the explanation from the two old men, I know that is not the case. Since everyone has the idea of ​​making progress together, then Kung Fu should flourish, why did it become so declining.

"What do you think is the fastest way to kill someone?" Guo Shengzu didn't answer, but asked Lin Bei instead.

Lin Bei rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment, then said in a serious manner: "There is no strength in martial arts in the world, only speed can't be broken. I think..."


Rubbing his head, Lin Bei looked at Guo Shengzu a little depressed, wondering why the old man beat him again.

"I told you not to watch those useless movies, but you just didn't listen." Guo Shengzu cursed indignantly: "The fastest way to kill a person is to use guns, missiles, and nuclear weapons! — No matter how brave a 0.6 person is, even So what if he is invincible? A sniper rifle can send him to meet Hades.

"Kung fu is a killing technique, but it is impossible to practice it to great success without decades. But modern hot weapons can easily kill those of us who have practiced martial arts for a lifetime with only a few years of learning. Now you I know, why did kung fu decline?"

Every man has a martial arts dream in his heart, but he has to admit that what Guo Shengzu said is correct. Don't look at Lin Bei's current 17-point attribute, even if it is 27:37, it can't change anything, and he will still be headshot by a sniper rifle.

Shaking his head, he drove these unrealistic thoughts out of his head. Whether it is the Olympics, or learning half-step Bengquan, it is just a small episode in life. Becoming the king of the wilderness is his ultimate goal. .

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