Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 200 The Polar Ice Field

Floating in mid-air, Lin Bei tried his best to control the direction of the rapid parachute, avoiding the densely wooded area below, choosing a suitable landing place, and at the same time turned his head to the live camera and said: "I am using a rapid parachute now. I quickly landed on the ground, because it was too cold in the sky. Audiences need to pay attention, don’t imitate, because my approach is completely wrong. At 2400 meters, it is very dangerous to use a parachute. "

Soon, Lin Bei landed on the ground. After landing, Lin Bei quickly moved his arms and hands to let the blood flow again, and said in his mouth: "In the hinterland of Siberia, it snows for 8 months every year, from September to May of the next year. The accumulated snow in some places Snow, even as high as five or six meters."

As he spoke, Lin Bei stepped on the hard snow under his feet with "920" and explained: "Don't think that there is frozen ground under my feet. This is just snow frozen by extreme low temperature. The real frozen ground The layer is at least a meter deep below."

At this time, Lin Bei felt that his hands and feet regained some consciousness, quickly took off the backpack, and stuffed the parachute into the backpack. While stuffing it, he said: "Here, even at the highest temperature during the day, it is only minus 40 degrees Celsius. The average temperature at night can reach minus 65 degrees Celsius. In extreme cases, it can even reach minus 71.2 degrees Celsius. Just look at the picture, you are I can't clearly understand how cold it is now."

Speaking of this, Lin Bei exhaled into the live broadcast camera. Under the Blu-ray quality, the audience in the live broadcast room could clearly see that the white air exhaled by Lin Bei was condensed into frost in an instant. Afterwards, Lin Bei pointed to his eyebrows covered with white frost, and said: "Did you see? In less than a minute, my eyebrows were covered with a layer of frost. You just need to stand here and stay still." , in less than five minutes, you will be frozen to death because your core temperature is too low. This is why I just said that if you don't have proper survival skills, you may not survive even a few minutes later."

"Here, you have to keep exercising to keep your blood flowing. Otherwise, once you stop exercising, the extreme low temperature will make your blood coagulate in a few minutes." Putting on his backpack again, Lin Bei pointed to the south direction and continued Said: "This time, my survival route is to go to the warmer south, but to be honest, it is simply unrealistic to go out of Siberia in winter purely on two legs. There is a longest railway in the world in Siberia , my idea is to find that railroad and get a train out of here."

"Everyone, are you ready? Let's go!"

It was only a minute or so since the landing, but Lin Bei felt that his hands and feet had lost consciousness again. He didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, he had to let himself exercise again.

The sun in the hinterland of the Far East of Siberia gives people the illusion that it will set soon after rising. Walking through the tree line, Lin Bei looked up at the bright sun in the sky and explained: "Because of the influence of the Arctic Circle, the sunshine time here in winter is only a short four hours. Once the sun sets, the temperature will drop sharply." To minus 55 degrees Celsius. By midnight it will drop again, to minus 65 degrees Celsius."

"It's not like Alaska here. You can barely make do by digging a snow cave at night. In the extreme low temperature of minus 65 degrees Celsius, there is no campfire for warmth, and you will freeze to death 100%

Night is not like day, people are not machines, they need to rest. Rest means that the body is in a static state. At such a low temperature, if there is no bonfire to keep warm for a night, people will freeze to death in their sleep.

Until now, no one has heard of anyone who can sleep safely in the cold night of minus 65 degrees Celsius without heating equipment. Anyway, with Lin Bei's current four-dimensional attribute of 17 points, he thinks he can't do it.

It doesn't even need to be minus 65 degrees. Even sleeping at the current temperature for one night, Lin Bei feels that he will freeze to death.

There are only 4 hours of sunshine during the day, plus the two hours before and after the sun rises and sets, which means that Lin Bei only spends about 6 hours a day on the road at most. It is impossible for him to rush on the road at night at minus 60 degrees. It only takes two days for his lungs and airways to be severely frostbitten...

Of those six hours, two hours or so were removed for building shelters, lighting fires, and finding food. The total length of the Trans-Siberian Railway is 9,288 kilometers, and it takes seven days and nights for the train to reach the terminal station from the starting station. His current location is 180 kilometers away from the closest distance to the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Lin Bei has inquired, starting today, the train will depart from the starting station Moscow. According to the speed of the train, it will pass here in the afternoon of the sixth day.

In other words, Lin Bei must arrive at that railway line before noon on the sixth day. Lin Bei can only travel up to four hours a day, and must cross the 180-kilometer ice sheet in six days, which is no small challenge for Lin Bei.

During normal seasons, trains on the Trans-Siberian Railway depart every other day. But after winter, due to the harsh environment of the Far East Ice Sheet, it will be changed to every 3 days

If Lin Bei misses the train six days later, he will have to wait in place for three more days. Of course, he didn't want to stay in this low-end severe cold environment for three more days, so he had to speed up his pace.

Climbing up a slope with difficulty, Lin Bei sat on the ground panting. The angle of this slope is not big, but the snow is very hard~hard, but also very slippery. Taking out a thick scarf from the backpack, Lin Bei wrapped his head tightly, only revealing a pair of eyes, and then put on the hat on the down jacket.

"To be honest, I can't feel the existence of my ears at all now. Here, the mouth and nose must be tightly wrapped. Otherwise, if you are exposed to the outside for a long time and breathe the cold air directly, you will cause severe frostbite to your respiratory tract and lungs. "

As he spoke, Lin Bei took one hand out of the glove, rubbed his eyes, and explained: "Only here, you can experience what it is like to have your eyelids frozen. People will not feel cold in the extreme cold." Conscious tearing is a measure taken by the human body to protect the eyes. The tears will freeze into ice on the eyelids. If you blink at this time, your eyelids and eyelids will freeze together. "

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