Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 25 The Grumpy Lord Pei (New Book Please Collect!)

After the leopard completely disappeared into the darkness, Lin Bei did not let down his vigilance. Leopards, cats, are smarter, and may be hiding in the dark at this moment, waiting for Lin Bei to relax his vigilance and launch a surprise attack.

Maintain a fighting posture for five minutes. It was not until he was sure that the leopard had really left that Lin Bei let out a sigh of relief and sat on the ground. The bonfire in front of him gradually began to shrink, Lin Bei hurriedly added some firewood to make the fire bigger again.

The scene just now left Lin Bei with lingering fears, and he dared not continue to sleep. Of course, even if he wanted to sleep now, he couldn't sleep at all. The crazy secretion of adrenaline made him very excited now. He sat by the campfire and said to the live broadcast camera: "It was really thrilling just now. This leopard moved silently. If it hadn't woke me up by its barking, I'm afraid I would be here now." It has become its food."

Holding a wooden stick to stir the bonfire in front of him, Lin Bei went on to say: "Next, I dare not sleep anymore. No one knows whether that leopard will come back again. Survival in the wilderness is just like that. Many times, you need to face various dangers. Before the danger comes, you can choose to avoid it rationally. But when the danger comes, what you need to do is to face the difficulty head-on and rise to it. The wilderness has its own There are rules, cowardice cannot survive here."

I glanced at the time on the virtual screen and found that it was more than three o'clock in the morning, so I said to the audience: "Everyone, please rest early! After waking up, you can continue to watch my live broadcast, and now I have nothing to do Good live broadcast, go to bed early!"

Most of the more than 2,000 people in the live broadcast room left under Lin Bei's persuasion, but there were still hundreds of night owls staying in the live broadcast room. Lin Bei chatted with them to brag and pass the time.

As time passed, the leopard seemed to be really scared by Lin Bei and never appeared again.

At five o'clock in the morning, the eastern sky gradually turned white. The sun is trying to break through the night and descend on this land. Gradually, the sky became brighter and brighter, and finally the red scorching sun exposed half of its head, looking down on the earth.

With the passage of time, the scorching sun became so dazzling that people could not look directly at it. The warm and bright sunshine sprinkled on the earth, dispelling the night.

Lin Bei stood up and stretched himself. Extinguish the campfire and carefully cover the embers with earth. Putting on the backpack again, Lin Bei said with a smile: "A new day has begun. To survive in the wilderness, you need some beliefs to keep you going and get out of the predicament. Some people's beliefs are family, and some are careers. Now, I just want to Can't wait to go home, lie on the comfortable bed, have a good sleep, and then have a big meal! Let's go!"

Facing the rising sun, Lin Bei walked through the swamp with strides. At this time, many viewers saw that Lin Bei's live broadcast room was open, and rushed in one after another.

"Hold the grass, why did Master Pei start the broadcast so early today?"

"Haha, I didn't have any expectations at first, I just took a look at it casually, but I didn't expect it to be broadcast live."

"Mr. Pei has been live broadcasting since 2:00 last night until now, and there is also a late night blessing~ Li!"

"Nimma, what's going on, what happened last night?"

"Please tell me upstairs, what happened last night?"

"Last night, Mr. Bei was strong and invincible. He had a hard ass leopard. In the end, the leopard gave up."

"Hold the grass, is it true or not? Didn't Master Bei say he wanted to be cowardly?"

"Fucking shit. You were cheated by Mr. Pei. Mr. Pei was so violent last night. If the leopard hadn't run fast, it would have been eaten by Mr. Pei now."

"Pei, please explain!"

Seeing the audience in the live broadcast room, they began to ask questions one after another. Lin Bei had no choice but to explain: "In the early morning, that leopard attacked me. For details, you can go to the barrage video website to watch the video. Brothers have already uploaded it. gone."

After Lin Bei finished speaking, the audience stopped talking and went to the barrage website to watch last night's live video.

Half an hour later, these viewers finished watching last night's live broadcast, and returned to the live broadcast room to launch barrages frantically! Even though there were only more than a thousand viewers in the live broadcast room, it created an aura of tens of thousands of people, and the dark barrage covered the sky and the sun.

"It's over, Mr. Pei is really anal!"

"Although he didn't make a move in the end, but in terms of momentum, Mr. Pei finished popping the leopard."

"I feel that even if you do it, you still have to win."

"Mr. Bei's tricks are really deep. Yesterday he said he was going to be cowardly, but he became very irritable in the blink of an eye."

"That leopard peed in fright."

"Mr. Bei: Did you give me face? You actually want to pretend to be aggressive in front of me!"

"My king Saigao gave the anchor a rocket!--Beijiang Saigao! Besides, Beijiang is so handsome when he has no expression on his face!"

"Tai Ri Tian presented the anchor with an airplane! -- Seeing that Mr. Pei is still so anal, I feel relieved!"

Lin Bei smiled and thanked and said: "Thank you for the gifts. To tell you the truth, I am really happy that so many viewers like me and like my live broadcast. This time, the biggest harvest of Survival in the Wild is you. Thank you everyone support!"

As Lin Bei continues to move forward, the distance to the river is getting closer and closer. At this moment, Lin Bei could even faintly hear the sound of water flowing, and couldn't help but speed up his pace again!

Finally, two hours later, Lin Bei saw the river through the sparse trees ahead! On both sides of the river bank, there are large tracts of trees growing. When he got closer, he found that the river in front of him was wider than he had imagined. The whole river was about ten meters wide. The river meandered down, turned a corner in front of him, and disappeared from his vision.

Standing by the river, Lin Bei picked up a handful of cool water to wash his face, and said: "Rivers are the origin of human development, and society has developed to the present, and the population has spread all over the world. Just follow the river all the way down, Sure to meet people and return to civilization."

"The river is wider than I expected. I originally planned to go all the way down the river, but now I changed my mind. My idea is to build a raft, and then sit on the raft and go all the way down the current." Doing this will be much faster than simply walking."

"And there are many trees along the river bank, which can be used as materials for building rafts! Let's start now!"

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