Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 36 Earth Olvip Player (New Book Please Collect!)

The time period for Zhao Baozi's live broadcast is from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, a total of five hours. In fact, there are not many people watching the live broadcast during this time period, and the largest number of viewers on the live broadcast platform is after 6 p.m. Because at 6 o'clock, most office workers and students have already returned home.

Knowing this truth, Zhao Baozi still put the live broadcast at noon. Because she knew that although there were many people at night, the competition was equally fierce. The popular anchors of the major live broadcast platforms almost all live broadcast at night, so one can imagine how fierce the competition is.

Zhao Baozi has self-knowledge, and knows that he can't compete with these big anchors. Simply put the live broadcast at noon, so that a group of regular fans can be cultivated.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, after the broadcast, Zhao Baozi drank a glass of water to moisten his throat, and then couldn't wait to enter Lin Bei's live broadcast room. After entering, Baozi Zhao was stunned.

Because on the live broadcast, Lin Bei was sleeping and snoring from time to time. But the number of viewers in the live broadcast room was tens of thousands! And every now and then a gift is given out!

When Lin Bei is sleeping, there are more than twice as many people in the live broadcast room as her. And I tried my best to persuade him all day, but I couldn't receive many gifts. But Lin Bei didn't even need to speak, and the audience sent gifts one after another. This scene made Zhao Baozi completely confused.

"The same is the anchor, why is the gap so big!"

Thinking of the thousands of half-dead people in his live broadcast room, Zhao Baozi sighed helplessly.


When Lin Bei woke up again, it was almost 4 o'clock.

Sitting up from the sandpit, Lin Bei stretched. This sleep was very comfortable, and the original symptoms of heatstroke were all eliminated. Standing up energetically, putting on his backpack, Lin Bei said to the live broadcast room: "Fortunately, I judged in time. When I felt the harbinger of heatstroke, I immediately chose to rest. Thank you for the gifts, and now I am taking advantage of the hottest time Let’s go now, let’s go!”

Walking on the sand dunes, Lin Bei interacted with the audience: "The most difficult part of surviving in the desert is the first day or two. Because as you move, the closer you get to the edge of the desert, the more animals and plants will grow, and the more difficult it will be to survive in the desert." It means you have a better chance of surviving."

"In addition, luck also plays a big role in survival in the wilderness. Ramos, the British explorer in the 19th century, had a very legendary life. People call him the person favored by the goddess of luck. Ramos is the most talked about One of Dao’s expeditions was in the Sahara Desert. In the heart of the Sahara Desert, Ramos’s fresh water was exhausted and he encountered a sandstorm at the same time. If this happened to others, the fate would be dire. But when he When he woke up again, he unexpectedly found an oasis in front of him. Not only did he survive, but he also accidentally discovered a treasure. You know, the total value of that treasure is as high as 87 million pounds!"

"Did the audience find it incredible? But it is a true story. Today, many explorers will wear ornaments with Ramos's head before setting off, hoping to have the same good luck!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned after listening to it, and launched barrages one after another.

"Nimma, this guy is the protagonist of the novel!"

"Coach, I want to learn to explore!"

"Hold the grass! 80 million pounds, hundreds of millions of RMB!"

"This buddy is definitely an OLVIP player on Earth!"

"This should be regarded as a typical case of surviving a catastrophe, and there must be future blessings!"

"Okay, that's strong."

Lin Bei immediately said seriously: "Of course, this kind of situation is very rare. Most people don't have such good luck. Therefore, constantly improving yourself and mastering various knowledge and skills is the key to successful survival. There is a saying that That's right, good luck doesn't favor fools! In a desperate situation, even if luck appears, if you can't grasp it, the ending will still not change."

"So, you need to follow me, read carefully and study hard. After reading it, remember to click Follow. If you can give a gift, that would be the best."

Changing the subject, Lin Bei once again tricked the audience. Faced with Lin Bei's routines from time to time, the audience in the live broadcast room had given up resistance. In addition to being happy, the audience sent gifts in their hands one after another.

The sun was gradually setting to the west, and it was approaching five o'clock in the evening.

Lin Bei was walking, but suddenly stopped, and he froze in place. In the sunken area between two sand dunes in front of him, a camel was squatting there quietly.

"Look, all viewers, there is a camel ahead!" Lin Bei adjusted the angle of the live camera to focus on the camel in front. Afterwards, the whole person walked over cautiously.

At the same time, he explained in his mouth: "This camel appeared here, which is a bit weird. I suspect that this camel has fallen into quicksand, so we have to be careful."

Looking at the barrage, Lin Bei retorted: "I saw a viewer say that camels don't get stuck in quicksand. This statement is completely wrong. Camels have large feet, so they are very suitable for walking on soft sand. But when encountering quicksand, the camel will still sink into it. It’s just that the camel’s body is relatively large, which increases the contact area with the quicksand, so it will not be completely swallowed, but the position above the legs is exposed. But even so, once the camel falls into it Quicksand, unless you have external help, you can't escape from the quicksand by yourself."

Lin Bei approached cautiously, needing to test every step he took. Seeing the audience in the live broadcast asking why they were so careful, Lin Bei explained: "Quicksand is different from a swamp. Because the bottom of the quicksand is sand that is constantly flowing, and the density of the sand is higher than that of the soil. A scientist once did an experiment. The results show that a force of 100,000 Newtons is required to pull a person out of quicksand. You may not understand this, but to put it another way, the force required to pull a person out of quicksand is about the same as lifting a person A medium car!"

"Of course, being caught in quicksand doesn't mean there's no way to get out of it. It takes enough skill and time. If I'm stuck in quicksand, I'm sure I'll get out of it within three hours. But the most fearful thing about quicksand is that it doesn't need to engulf you , the scorching sun and scorching heat above your head alone are enough to kill you."

Close to the camel, Lin Bei found that it was a wild dromedary. The camel's limbs curled up on the ground, and it didn't sink into the quicksand as he imagined.

Seeing this scene, Lin Bei breathed a sigh of relief, then quickened his pace and walked over. The whole camel has brown hair all over its body, and even crouching on the sand, it is still half the height of a person. As if hearing footsteps, the camel slowly raised its head, turned around and glanced at Lin Bei, and then continued to hang its head on the sand.

The camel's reaction made Lin Bei a little strange. Its nose was not pierced, indicating that it was a wild camel. But wild camels cannot be so calm when they see strangers!

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