Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 48: Wilderness Canteen

Standing on the beach, the scorching sun soon made him feel the tingling pain on his skin. After discovering this problem, Lin Bei strode to a shaded place under a coconut tree, sat down and rested for a few minutes, and finally recovered some strength.

Looking at the whole beach, Lin Bei said to the live broadcast camera: "When you live on a desert island, the first problem you need to solve is fresh water! On such a tropical desert island, the temperature can reach a maximum of 38 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity High, you will feel like you are in a steamer. I believe that many viewers have watched the last episode, and the fresh water I need to replenish every day here is not less than when I was in the desert, or even more!"

"Although the desert island is surrounded by endless sea water, it is not drinkable. The sea water will not rehydrate you, but will kill you. The reason is that the sea water is not only high in salt, but also high in sodium. After drinking seawater, the seawater will not be absorbed by your body, but the salt and sodium in it will absorb the water in your body and finally be excreted through urine. This is why the more you drink seawater, the more thirsty you will be.”

In the live broadcast room, the audience who had been waiting for a long time could no longer hold back the excitement in their hearts, and the live broadcast screen was covered up by the barrage.

"Haha, it's finally on the air!"

"Seeing that Mr. Bei is still so awesome, I'm relieved."

"666, I got it. I used to only know that sea water is not drinkable, but now I finally know the reason."

"Tropical desert island, so exciting!"

"Speaking of which, the scenery here is really beautiful."

"Hold the grass, the picture quality is poisonous, and the anchor is also awesome!"

"There are so many newcomers today, and the newcomers hold back their words, so watch and learn."

"The animals on the deserted island run away! Master Pei is here!"

"Welcome everyone to watch the new episode of Wilderness Canteen."

"The wilderness cafeteria laughed and peed."

After resting for more than ten minutes, Lin Bei stood up and looked under the coconut tree for coconuts that still had juice in them. There are not many coconut trees on this beach, only less than ten. Although coconut is a year-round plant, but now these coconut trees are just bearing fruit the size of a baby's fist. Therefore, you can only look for coconuts that have fallen on the ground and have not yet rotted.

After looking for it, Lin Bei suddenly thought of something, so he said: "When you are on a desert island, you'd better be careful standing under the coconut trees, especially those coconut trees full of fruit. Every year, some people will be killed. Coconuts fall and are crushed to death. A mature coconut must weigh at least 1 catties, and when they fall, they can hit the ground with a force of 1,000 Newtons."

In the end, he only found a coconut with juice in it. After peeling off the top shell with a dagger, Lin Bei couldn't wait to take a sip.

"The coconut tree is known as the tree of life in the ocean. When you are on a deserted island, the coconut tree can give you a huge help. Coconut water can replenish water, coconut shells can increase buoyancy when making rafts, and coconut oil can be used as a Sunscreen to prevent you from being sunburned by the strong ultraviolet rays on the equator." Sitting on the beach, Lin Bei said to the live camera while sipping coconut water.

There is not much coconut juice. After drinking a few sips, Lin Bei said seriously: "When you are shipwrecked and stranded on a deserted island, don't rush to act rashly. You need to formulate a complete survival strategy when your mind is clearest. plan."

Lin Bei stretched out a finger and said, "First of all, the first point, fresh water! Only after the fresh water is solved, can the rest be considered. Because if you want to survive on a deserted island in the vast sea, everything must be It is based on sufficient fresh water. Presumably, most of the viewers in the live broadcast room have watched Robinson Crusoe. The reason why Robinson can survive on a desert island for so many years is that there is stable fresh water on that desert island. Source. If there is no fresh water, believe me, Robinson Crusoe will not live more than three days!"

Later, Lin Bei continued: "When the fresh water is solved, the next thing to consider is the shelter. This deserted island is near the equator, and there are often heavy rains in the tropical climate. I need a shelter to protect me from heavy rains." The last thing to consider is food. Fishermen often say that the sea will support you. On a deserted island in the sea, even if you eat oysters and snails on the reef every day, you will not starve to death."

"When the three problems of fresh water, shelter and food are all solved, the next thing to consider is how to survive and return to the civilized world. The safest choice is to go to the commanding heights of this deserted island, and then ignite a fire on the commanding heights." Build fireworks. As long as there is a plane flying over my head, I will definitely see the fireworks. However, many times the situation is not as optimistic as imagined. If no plane finds me, then I can only make a bamboo raft to go to sea. Although this It's dangerous, but you have to do it to survive."

Lin Bei stood up, patted the sand on his body, and said with a smile: "Same as the previous two episodes, this time I only carry three pieces of equipment with me, a backpack, a water bottle and a dagger. Now that the survival plan has been made, we only need to Just do one by one according to the order in the plan. First, find the water source. Audience, let's go!"

"Pei Ye: I'm not targeting Robinson, I mean everyone here is rubbish."

"666, Master Pei's survival plan is perfect, one link after another."

"Survival on a deserted island like a textbook."

"Hold the grass, what did I hear just now? Only eat oysters? I can't even afford oysters!"

"It seems that this episode of Master Pei should not be so heavy-handed."

“French baked snails and oyster soup are my favorite!!!”

"Sit and watch how the anchor fetches water!"

"The Mengxin upstairs is really funny. Master Pei said there are a hundred ways to get water, which one do you want to see?"

"The house manager Ye Xiaotian 123 presented the host with 100 rockets! --Finally started broadcasting, Mr. Pei is mighty!"

Ye Xiaotian's 100 rockets immediately pushed the atmosphere of the live broadcast room to a climax, and at the same time attracted tens of thousands of viewers to come to the live broadcast room to grab the treasure chest. When these viewers saw Lin Bei's live broadcast, the result was self-evident, and they couldn't get out.

With a backpack on his back, Lin Bei walked slowly towards the depths of the deserted island. At the same time, he said: "This is a typical volcanic desert island, which was formed after a volcanic eruption. Therefore, on such a desert island, there is almost no groundwater seepage. The only source of fresh water is the accumulation after the heavy rain. rainwater."

"Walking on such a desert island, you have to be extra careful. Because there are many poisonous snakes in the jungle, there may even be saltwater crocodiles. Although saltwater crocodiles are mostly distributed in Australia and New Guinea, these guys have the ability to cross the strait. Ability, there is no guarantee that it will not appear here."

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