Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 67 Lin Bei's Crusoe (25)

As time passed, Lin Bei could no longer see the deserted island behind him. All around him, as far as the eye can see, is the boundless blue sea.

Lin Bei lying on the raft felt that he was about to be scorched, so he decided to take a bath in the cool sea water to cool down. Sitting up, Lin Bei tied a long rope from the raft to his wrist and said, "No way. I feel like I'm going to be roasted like a salted fish. I'm going to take a dip in the sea water to cool my body down.

Lin Bei raised the long rope tied to his hand and continued: "Before I go down to the sea, I need to tie myself to the raft with a rope. This way I don't have to worry about the raft leaving me when I take a shower. In fact, such a thing really happened. In the sea, this raft represents my life, so no matter what, don’t be separated from your own raft.”

"Yo hoo!"

Lin Bei yelled and jumped into the sea. The cool water immediately surrounded him, and after diving in the sea for two minutes, Lin Bei returned to the surface.

Wiping the seawater off his face, and letting out a long breath, Lin Bei said with emotion: "It's so comfortable, I don't even want to come out of the seawater."

After soaking in the sea for about half an hour, Lin Bei returned to the raft again, took out the smoked and dried stingray meat and started to eat slowly. Drifting on the sea, Lin Bei990 can do nothing but wait for a nearby ship to pass by.

Lin Bei spent the whole afternoon soaking in the water non-stop. As night approached, Lin Bei took a sip of the water in the bamboo tube and prepared to close the live broadcast room.

As a result, the audience in the live broadcast room refused to let him turn off the live broadcast.

"Master Bei, don't turn off the live broadcast."

"Don't close it, I have a hunch there will be a shark coming to fuck Mr. Baby tonight."

"Master Anal? It's Mr. Anal anal shark!"

"Laughing pee, Mr. Pei is about to be tanned as an African."

"To be reasonable, sharks are still stronger than Mr. Pei in the sea. After all, the home court has the advantage."

"Grandpa Bei: If you have the guts to go ashore, I'll let you have a hand."

"I've been watching Pippi Shrimp the whole fucking time [Real Feeling."

Now that the audience has made such a request, Lin Bei can do it too. Continuing to start the live broadcast, Lin Bei lay on the raft with his head on his backpack and slowly closed his eyes.

The waves swayed the raft gently, coupled with the cool sea breeze at night, Lin Bei only felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Finally, go to sleep completely.


Bruce Lee created the era of Kung Fu, and surprised Europeans and Americans so far. On the basis of Bruce Lee, Cheng Long expanded his influence abroad.

On the streets of European and American countries, if you randomly ask someone about their impression of the Celestial Dynasty, almost most of them will answer two words without hesitation - Kung Fu!

The eye-catching title on the video has attracted many foreign viewers to watch. Moreover, compared with domestic people, there are more people who love outdoor sports abroad. Lin Bei's live video has made foreigners hooked.

Lin Bei didn't know that Jason put his live video on Youtube, and he didn't even know what kind of impact these videos had. In just three days, the number of views on the video exceeded 250,000, and there were more than 60,000 comments.

Jason has now completely become Lin Bei's fanboy. He will watch Lin Bei's live broadcast as soon as he returns to the dormitory after school every day. If he misses the live broadcast during the day, he will also watch the live video after Lin Bei downloads it.

After watching Lin Bei's live broadcast as usual, Jason carefully prepared the live video with English subtitles and posted it on Youtube. Every day at this time, he would take a look at the latest comments below, and he was happier seeing others praising Lin Bei than praising himself.

When he woke up, Lin Bei found that it was dawn and the sun was gradually rising. I glanced at the live broadcast room, and found that there were still more than 50,000 viewers staying in the live broadcast room.

He sat up and rubbed his face, looked around, and found that he was still in the vast sea. After drinking some fresh water, Lin Bei said to the camera in the live broadcast room: "Good morning, everyone, I spent the night on the vast sea last night. The waves kept the raft up and down, and now I feel like my whole body is about to fall apart. I tell you"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Bei suddenly opened his eyes wide and stared at the front. On the sea directly in front of him, a small black dot appeared. Lin Bei knew that it was a ship.

At sea, since there is nothing blocking the view, it is possible to see the situation tens of nautical miles away. Lin Bei stood up excitedly, and said to the live broadcast room: "Dear viewers, did you see it? It is directly in front of me, about twenty nautical miles away. I think it should be a freighter. If this freighter can find me, Then I am saved.

"However, we are too far away. The freighter is at least a hundred meters long, but there is only a black spot in my eyes. It means that people on board can't find me unless they use binoculars. So [I need Get the people on this freighter to notice me."

Then, Lin Bei took out the dagger and said: "I can use the principle of refraction to cast the shadow of my fingers on the freighter, so that they will notice me. But my dagger is black, and the reflective effect is not very good. But as I said, survival in the wilderness is about adapting to changing circumstances and using your brain more.

Lin Bei smiled and dipped some coconut oil with his fingers, and then spread it evenly on the blade of the dagger. Immediately, the dagger smeared with coconut oil reflected a dazzling light in the sun

Sitting on the raft, Lin Bei put the side of the dagger smeared with coconut oil, facing the freighter, and then put two fingers outstretched like a V shape in front of the dagger. Adjusted the angle of the dagger so that the sunlight can be refracted to the freighter in the distance.

"The refracted light can travel very far on the open sea, and the two fingers I stretch out will form a shadow on the freighter after refraction. Experienced crew members will know that this is a distress signal. Of course, you can also extend three fingers. As long as you can, you can even compare your hands to Pipi shrimp.

"God pipi shrimp [ha ha."

"Pippi Shrimp is lying innocently.

"Pipi Shrimp: Okay, okay, I lost!"

"Pipi Shrimp: I have a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not.

"I laughed so hard, I compared my hands to Pippi shrimp, haha."

"Optimistic Pippi Shrimp."

"Pippi Shrimp: I choose to die.

"Is Master Pei going back? When will the next episode start?".

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