Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 73 Li Wudi (35)

For a rookie like Ye Xiaotian, it doesn't matter what outdoor equipment he wears. However, adhering to the principle that local tyrants don't buy the best, but only buy the most expensive, Lin Bei chose a set of German outdoor equipment for him.

Ye Xiaotian didn't know the reason and thought that Lin Bei chose the best for him. So happy to drive to Hongqiao Airport with Lin Bei.

These water friends come from all corners of the country, and they arrived in Shanghai at different times. Ye Xiaotian and Lin Bei leaned on the car, bragging and beating each other to waste time.


At this moment, Lin Bei heard someone calling his name at the exit of the airport. Looking up, I saw a big man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters holding a backpack and waving at him.

The two greeted each other with a smile, and after introducing each other, they realized that this buddy was called Wang Lin, his hometown was in Qilu, and he was a standard Shandong man.

The three of them were chatting while waiting for other water friends to arrive. After more than an hour, the other seven water friends also arrived one after another.

When Lin Bei saw Jason, he was obviously stunned. I didn't expect to have foreign fans so soon, Ye Xiaotian was also amazed at the side.

When Jason saw Lin Bei, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and remembered the scene in Bruce Lee's movie, so he put on a straight face, tried to put on a serious expression, and cupped his fists at Lin Bei

Lin Bei was taken aback watching this scene, and he didn't know what was going on with this foreign buddy, so he could only respond with cupped fists.

"Grandpa Bei is indeed a martial artist!" Seeing this scene, Jason thought to himself, and he was even more sure that Lin Bei knew kung fu.

One car couldn't fit so many people, so Lin Bei called a few more taxis, and the group rushed to the Yushan Hotel opened by Ye Xiaotian's family. Since Ye Xiaotian himself said that the water friends have all board and lodging included, Lin Bei is also happy about it, which can save him a lot of things.

Everyone had a meal together, which completely eliminated the sense of restraint among the water friends, and everyone talked and laughed. Jason was the only one with a straight face, imitating Bruce Lee's expression.

Ye Xiaotian took advantage of the jokes and leaned close to Lin Bei's ear, glanced at Jason, and asked, "Master Bei, what's going on with your foreign fans? I always feel weird."

Lin Bei smiled wryly and said, "I don't know either. When he was at the airport, he still cupped his fists at me, just like making a movie. I guess he has a second-degree illness!"

After listening to Lin Bei's analysis, Ye Xiaotian nodded with deep satisfaction.

After the meal, the lights are already on. Ye Xiaotian took the initiative to arrange for the water friends to stay in the hotel, waiting to leave for Sanya tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, a total of ten people, including Lin Bei, arrived at the airport. Looking at Ye Xiaotian, who was wearing a set of Zanxin outdoor equipment and sunglasses, Lin Bei was speechless.

This guy is really for pretending, he doesn't care about anything. The weather is now October, and the temperature is still relatively high. Lin Bei looked at Ye Xiaotian's thick jacket and felt hot for him.

"Ye Tuhao is awesome, really professional." Wang Lin, a big Han in Shandong, stretched out his thumb to Ye Xiaotian.

Seeing the admiring and envious eyes of the water friends, Ye Xiaotian suddenly felt that it was worth the heat. From Ye Xiaotian, Lin Bei comprehended a sentence: People, if you don’t pretend to be forceful, what’s the difference from salted fish!

It takes less than three hours to fly from Shanghai to Sanya. At noon, a group of people came to Sanya. After getting off the plane, everyone immediately felt a heat wave hit. Even though Lin Bei is only wearing a T-shirt, he still feels hot. What's more, Ye Xiaotian, who was wearing a jacket, was sweating profusely at the moment.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Bei was amused, and opened his mouth to help Ye Xiaotian out of the siege: "Everyone, don't think it's hot here, after you get to Jianfengling, you'd better wear a jacket like Ye Tuhao, if you don't have one, you must wear it Long sleeves. Minimize contact with your own skin and the jungle."

Seeing what Lin Bei said, everyone immediately took it seriously, and also understood Ye Xiaotian who was sweating profusely. Gratefully glanced at Lin Bei, quietly stretched out his thumb towards him, and said in a low voice: "Good brother, thank you."

Lin Bei gave him a blank look, then picked up his mobile phone and called Lin Qingyu. After answering the phone, Lin Qingyu said regretfully: "Bei Jiang, I can't go. Grandpa was in poor health yesterday and was hospitalized. I'm going to take care of Grandpa."

"It's okay, there's another chance next time. The elderly are important, so there's no big problem, right?" Lin Bei said understandingly.

"I don't know yet." Then, Lin Qingyu said shyly: "My mother said that you have time to come and sit at home."

Sit at home?

Lin Bei was stunned for a moment, is he going to see his parents so soon? Hearing Lin Qingyu's rapid breathing on the phone, Lin Bei smiled and said, "Okay! I'll go to you after the next episode of my program is over. Sit down at home."

"Yeah. Then it's settled." Lin Qingyu said happily, then hung up the phone.

Lin Qingyu couldn't come, which more or less made Lin Bei feel a little regretful. Looking at the crowd, Lin Bei planned to take his water friends to have lunch in Sanya first, and then go to Jianfengling. As a result, these water friends were too excited, and they all said to go directly to Jianfengling.

An hour later, Lin Bei took the water friends to Jianfengling by bus.

The route planned by Lin Bei is not dangerous, and at the same time allows water lovers to experience the primitive jungle to the maximum. Standing outside the jungle, one can clearly see that among the 293 lofty mountains, a blade-like peak stands there. This mountain is the origin of the name Jianfengling. Under the leadership of Lin Bei, a group of people walked slowly into the primeval jungle of Jianfengling.

For a day and a night, the water friends had a great time playing, especially Ye Xiaotian. Lin Bei secretly gave him a lot of skills, making this guy really pretend to be aggressive.

It was Jason who attracted Lin Bei's attention the most. This guy had a Sima face all the time, and he was out of tune with other people.

On the second day, after returning to Sanya Airport, Lin Bei and Ye Xiaotian sent Shuiyou away. When Jason was left at the end, this guy suddenly took a step forward, clasped his hands together and said, "Master, have I passed the test?"

"Test? What test?" Lin Bei was confused.

In the end, Jason seemed to understand something, nodded and said seriously: "I understand. The test is still going on, Master, I will not give up!"

After all, Jason turned around and walked into the waiting room.

Seeing Jason's leaving back, Lin Bei and Ye Xiaotian glanced at each other, seeing the bewildered look in each other's eyes.

"Do you know what this buddy's Weibo ID is called?" Lin Bei suddenly asked with a strange face.

Ye Xiaotian shook his head blankly, Lin Bei said word by word: "Li Wudi!"

"Hold the grass!".

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