Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 86 Discovery Channel (15)


Discovery Channel headquarters in Washington.

Discovery Channel can be said to be the most popular science and education channel in the world, with a wide range of programs, including popular science, humanities and nature, historical exploration, cutting-edge technology and so on.

Covering 160 countries around the world, 450 million users. In Lin Bei's original world, the two heavyweight programs launched by Discovery Channel, "Wilderness Survival" and "Mythbusters" are loved by most audiences all over the world.

It's just that in this world now, Berri Grylls may still be serving in the British Royal Special Forces, so the Discovery Channel now only has "Mythbusters" to support the facade.

Charles is a program planner, but he's in a bad place right now. At this moment, he was standing in the general manager's office, trembling. "Four Thirty"

""Looking for Witches"? Do you think it's still in the 90s? This shit-like program planning still needs a budget of 10 million dollars!" Throwing a thick stack of planning drafts on the floor, General Manager Wen Chase calmed down his anger, and said in a cold tone: "Charles, the three programs you planned for the company caused the company to lose at least 12 million US dollars. Two months, I only give two months. If after two months, I can't see a satisfactory show, so you take your witch and get the hell out of me together.

Walking out of the general manager's office like a puppet, he sat slowly on his seat. Charles didn't hear a word of relief from his colleagues.

In the United States, being fired from a job is a very scary thing. Americans' consumption concept is different from that of Chinese people. They seldom have savings, and they usually use this month's money for the next month.

Once you lose your job, mortgage, car loan, credit card repayment, etc., it will directly destroy a family. Because many American women are full-time housewives, men are the only source of income at home.

Charles, is a member of the American middle class. Don't look at the scenery now, the family has a small villa and drives a Cadillac. Once you lose your job, everything you own will burst like a bubble day.

Thinking of his three lovely children, Charles suddenly woke up.

"I can't lose my job, I can't lose this job!"

Although I said so, it is very difficult to plan a program, especially a satisfactory program. Otherwise, Discovery Channel would not have only one "Mythbusters" to carry the top.

And program planning takes time. "Looking for the Witch", which was just thrown away by the general manager as garbage, was planned and completed by Charles in three months.

What the general manager said, he realized at this time that this was actually a dismissal in disguise. It's just that he is still humane, and he was given two months to buffer. If he is lucky, he can find another job during this period.

But Charles is not reconciled, now that the employment rate is so low, who knows if he can find a job in a short time. Thinking of this, Charles logged on to Youtube and began to search for interesting videos.

Youtube is the largest video website in the world, which largely represents the tastes that people like now. The inspiration for his "Finding the Witch" program came from an adventure video on Youtube.

"The legendary lightness kung fu, which beats all European and American fishballs? Fake, what the hell?"

At this time, a video with a high number of clicks attracted Charles' attention. Originally, he would not click on such headlines. But considering the rapid economic development in Asia, especially China, the Discovery Channel occupies a large market share.

"Fack! Are you sure this isn't a special effect?" The short video of less than one minute made Charles' mouth open. If it wasn't for special effects, then this guy in the video has completely broken the Guinness Book of World Records.

Suddenly, Charles found out that the person who posted this video had also released other works, so he couldn't help but click on one to watch out of curiosity. Then, the whole person is poisoned...

"Hey man, let's have a drink! I'm sorry about you, but maybe I can help."

After get off work, a colleague with a good relationship planned to comfort him. As a result, Charles stared at the computer intently, waved his hand and said, "Thank you brother, but I don't have time right now, I will treat you another day."

Seeing this, the colleague shrugged his shoulders in understanding, and then left... Soon, Charles was the only one left in the huge company.

But at this moment, his face is full of excitement [Ten Mercury Horse Pen was broken by him without even realizing it.

"It's simply a perfect program! Just need to edit out the garbage time and don't need any changes, it is the best outdoor wilderness program. It may even become a masterpiece like "Mythbusters"."

Without the slightest hesitation, Charles downloaded the video and carefully edited out some of the rubbish time Lin Bei was on his way. Then connect the exciting parts as seamlessly as possible. In the end, Lin Bei's one-day live broadcast was condensed into 40 minutes.

All night, Charles stayed in the company, and he wanted to be perfect. Early the next morning, employees came to the company one after another. Charles took his laptop and rushed into the general manager's office with red eyes.

After 40 minutes, the general manager turned off the video and fell into deep thought. Charles stood aside, anxiously waiting for the final decision. If it still didn't work, he could only be fired.

"Nice job Charles!"

At this time, a word from the general manager pulled him back from hell to heaven. He stood up and patted him on the shoulder. The general manager said excitedly: "I feel that this program can surpass "Mythbusters" and become the main program of our Discovery Channel. However, are you sure that this person's 0.6 film and television copyright is still available?" Not for sale?"

The copyright of the recording of the live video is owned by Lin Bei personally. Fans uploaded these live recordings online without any problem. However, if someone uses Lin Bei's live video for commercial purposes such as profit, then it is an infringement. Lin Bei can sue directly, and he will win the lawsuit 100%.

Charles said confidently: "I confirmed last night that the copyright of the live video does not belong to the platform company, but to him personally. As long as we can buy his copyright, we can play it."

"Okay, Charles, you are solely responsible for this show."

The general manager is also very happy, because as long as he buys the copyright of Lin Bei, the editing of Yu Fan can be broadcast. It completely saves the time and a lot of money for pumping. .

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