Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 88 Fancy Tower Sending Is Not Advisable (35)

Seeing the brown Yiao snake completely disappear, Lin Bei continued on his way. The appearance of this brown-eyed Australian snake made Lin Bei more vigilant. They are widely distributed. If there is the first one in this jungle, there must be a second and a third.

The Brown Yiao snake has a large body and long fangs. This allows them to thrust their fangs into deeper muscle tissue after they bite someone. So once bitten by them, even if there is anti-venom serum, if it is not injected within a short time, it will still be life-threatening.

The degree of danger of venomous snakes, sometimes can not only look at the toxicity. For example, the inland taipan snake is recognized as the most poisonous snake in the world. However, due to its small size and short fangs, the poisonous fangs can only enter the superficial skin tissue of a person after biting a human. The amount of venom released at the same time is not much. If it is not treated, people will die after 15-30 minutes.

The toxicity of the inland Taipan snake is 20 times that of the king cobra, but due to its large size and long fangs, the king cobra can inject up to 800 mg of venom at one time, and the fastest record is that it can kill a person within 3 minutes!

According to the degree of threat to humans, the king cobra ranks first.

Picking up a long wooden stick, Lin Bei will fiddle with it first whenever he passes through areas with dense bushes or weeds.

His priority now is not food. Instead, find a body of water as soon as possible, whether it is a stream or a pool, and then use physical cooling methods to restore your internal body temperature to normal.

Suddenly, Lin Bei's eyes lit up, and he found a nice fruit. Step forward quickly and come to this tree that is less than 4 meters high. Adjust the live camera, aiming at the top of the tree, I saw a lot of fingernail-sized fruits at the ends of the branches and leaves.

"This is a macadamia nut, which belongs to the family Saccharidae. Macadamia nuts are different from other fruits. They contain a lot of oil and some protein. They are very good food in the wilderness. I want to climb up and pick more"||. "

As he spoke, Lin Bei followed the tree trunk and climbed all the way up. The nut tree is not very high, Lin Bei easily climbed up the tree, sat on a branch, reached out and picked two nuts in his hand.

Macadamia nuts are only slightly larger than longans and have a green skin. After Lin Bei cut it open with a dagger, he immediately revealed the brown fruit inside, "The fruit inside is the seed of the macadamia nut."

There are also edible parts.

Lin Bei stuffed the fruit into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and found that it didn't have any taste, but it felt a little oily. After swallowing, Lin Bei raised his eyebrows and commented: "Maybe it's because it's not ripe yet. It tastes like eating a piece of flour soaked in fat. But these things can make me add a lot of fat and some protein."

"Hold the grass, Master Pei, you have a snake on your head!"

"Nimma, your heart is too big!"

"Big brother, run! You are no match for Mr. Pei!"

"This snake is really not afraid of death, and its courage is commendable."

"Grandpa Bei: Brother, I admire your courage."

"Fancy sending towers is not advisable!"

"666, give away the head forcibly.

"Before Master Bei finds out, hurry up, big brother.

"Snake still has a long way to go, why can't he think about it so much?"

Sure enough, as expected by the audience in the live broadcast room. After Lin Bei saw the barrage, he raised his head suddenly. I saw a snake less than one meter entangled on a branch less than one meter above his head. The whole snake is gray in color and has a large head. The slender snake body with a big head looks a bit weird.

After seeing the snake's appearance clearly, Lin Bei stood up with a smile, quickly stretched out his hand, pinched the snake's head and held it in his hand. After being caught, the snake wrapped its body around Lin Bei's arm like a reflex.

Lin Bei held up the snake in his hand in front of the live broadcast camera, and said with a smile: "I'm lucky, I met a nut tree and a brown tree snake, and I have lunch and dinner today."

"This is a brown tree snake. Their toxicity can't cause any harm to adults. But these guys are a big scourge. Because they are good at climbing trees, they can climb very high trees to prey on birds. They can completely wipe out the birds in an entire forest within one year.

After cutting off the head of the brown tree snake with a dagger, Lin Bei wrapped the slender body of the snake around his arm and tied it in a knot, just like wearing a bracelet.

After dealing with the brown tree snake, Lin Bei began to collect nuts, and only jumped out of the tree when the pockets on his trousers were full.

"Fortunately, I saved a lot of time and energy hunting for prey. Now my first task is to find a water source, and I feel like I'm getting too hot and I can't breathe.

Continuing to walk in the rain forest, Lin Bei interacted with the audience at the same time. After seeing the question on the barrage, Lin Bei explained: "This audience asked a good question. I mentioned three ways to find water sources in Shennongjia before. It is through terrain, animals and plants. But in the tropical rainforest of the Australian mainland, it is not applicable. First of all, the environment here is confusing, and it will interfere with your judgment of the terrain. Second, almost most of this rainforest is crawling Animals, they cannot signal that there is water nearby. Because they can suck dew, and they can also get water from their prey, so they can survive for a long time without water."

As for the last point, look through plants. It's a pity that this is a tropical rainforest, the amount of rain is very large, and the air in the entire jungle is full of water, so many side water plants don't need to live near the water, and they can live with a lot of water every day. "

Two hours later, Lin Bei, who was walking in the rainforest, finally heard the sound of running water. At this moment, the sound of rushing water echoed in the jungle, and Lin Bei felt extremely pleasant.

With a happy look on his face, Lin Bei immediately quickened his pace and walked in the direction of the sound of water. In less than ten minutes, a stream appeared in front of Lin Bei. (good)

As he approached the stream, Lin Bei's pace slowed down instead. Carefully pushing aside the bushes, he said: "Generally speaking, when you are thirsty and suddenly meet a stream, you will be very excited. But here, you need to be more vigilant. There are not only saltwater crocodiles in Australia, but also crocodiles. There are freshwater crocodiles. Freshwater crocodiles are happiest in streams and lakes like this."

After approaching, Lin Bei found that the stream was only less than one meter wide, so he was relieved. Such a narrow stream cannot accommodate the two-meter-long body of a freshwater crocodile. He strode forward and jumped into the cool stream.

Feeling the cool stream water, Lin Bei exhaled the turbid air in his lungs, feeling extremely refreshed for a moment. The stream was less than half a meter deep, and Lin Bei lay in it, soaking for half a minute before showing his head. Wiping the stream water on his face, he said: "It's so comfortable! To be honest, I don't want to wake up. The whole rainforest is like a steamer, and I'm about to be steamed.".

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