Although yesterday’s self-service dumplings Xu Hanzhong ate very satisfied, the dumplings and meat are still a little worse than each other, especially eating meat is really comfortable, that is, the audience who did not eat in the live broadcast room was a little uncomfortable to watch.

The first round was full of various ingredients on a table, Xu Hanzhong ate at least four-fifths, Su Xiaoluo only ate one-fifth, and Xu Hanzhong ate enough for Su Xiaoluo to eat three or four more meals.

This second round took a little more than the first round, and Su Xiaoluo was full, all of which were Xu Hanzhong.

“How full can you be after eating all of this?” Su Xiaoluo helped Xu Hanzhong take out the roasted meat and put it on his plate.

“Well, it’s almost eight points full after eating,” Xu Hanzhong said, in fact, it was only six or seven points, but he didn’t want to be too scary.

If you rest for a while and let him cultivate for another hour and a half, then he can eat so much more.

Rao is so, has calmed Su Xiaoluo and the audience.

“Have you been able to eat so much since you were a child?” Su Xiaoluo asked curiously again.

Xu Hanzhong said the explanation he had in mind: “When I was a child, the amount of food increased as I got older, but the amount of food increased faster. ”

“So that’s the case, will your meal increase in the future?” Su Xiaoluo asked.

“It will be,” Xu Hanzhong was very satisfied with Su Xiaoluo, which was regarded as using her question to give the audience a thorough understanding in advance and get a preventive shot.

In this way, Xu Hanzhong will not have to explain so much when he eats more in the future.

“I’m dripping obediently! This means that the amount of rice is not the largest yet! Will it be even bigger in the future?! ”

“There is a description that I can eat a cow when I am hungry, and I wonder if the anchor can do it one day in the future.”

“It’s still possible for calves, but it’s impossible for grown cows.”

How big his own meal will be in the future, Xu Hanzhong doesn’t know, and he doesn’t have to think so much, just live in the moment and eat every meal.

After a while, the second round of meat was also eaten, and if it were not for the baking tray being too small and too slow, this table could be eliminated faster.

“You wait here, I’ll go over alone and take some at will,” Xu Hanzhong said as he got up.


The steaks in this store are indeed good, although Xu Hanzhong does not understand much, but Su Xiaoluo understands, she can eat these steaks are not synthetic.

Xu Hanzhong went to get three more steaks, chicken wings, and a bowl of corn and pig’s foot soup, and the beef tongue was also delicious.

Xu Hanzhong took the casual point in his mouth, and four plates were full, and he also took the dessert by the way.

“That’s what you mean by taking some casually??”

“A man’s mouth deceives a ghost.”

“It’s terrible, I can’t finish taking whatever I take.”

“Brother Hanzi has enough food for me to eat for two days.”

“Eating so much meat, you really won’t get tired?!”

If it weren’t for the neutralization of fruits and vegetables, it would indeed be a little greasy, plus Xu Hanzhong didn’t take much pork, so it’s okay.

“This is the last piece of pork belly.”

Xu Hanzhong first dipped this piece of meat in the sauce, then sprinkled some sesame seeds on it, put it in a piece of green vegetables, added some cucumber shredded onions, and wrapped it in a huge mouth of the abyss.


Xu Hanzhong stuffed it all into his mouth at once, seriously enjoying the deliciousness brought by the last piece of meat, it was too comfortable.

After eating the meat and half a small bowl of soup, as well as a drink, Xu Hanzhong can be said to be a real disc master, there is not a single cucumber shredded left, and everything that can be eaten on the table has been eaten.


Xu Hanzhong and Su Xiaoluo took their things and prepared to leave the restaurant.

“It’s good to eat, let’s take a walk,” Su Xiaoluo said after walking out of the restaurant, Xu Hanzhong didn’t need to worry about digestion, she couldn’t.

“Well,” it was only half past nine, and I couldn’t sleep when I went back.

The two walked, Xu Hanzhong briefly told her about the video by the way, and asked her to go back later and don’t forget to edit the video and upload it to the video website.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Su Xiaoluo couldn’t stand it, because the night after autumn was still a little cold, they took the car back to each house, and the live broadcast room was also closed.

“I thought you were living together, but it seems that I still have a chance.”

“Coincidentally, I thought so too!”

“Brother Hanzi, come quickly, without you with Xiao Yuanyuan, you will be killed by someone.”

Xu Hanzhong went home and looked at today’s live broadcast, both the reward and the popularity are more than yesterday, and it is still great to watch the results after such hard work.

The matter of the video was handed over to Su Xiaoluo, and Xu Hanzhong seemed a little leisurely, so he opened the game.

The barrage in the Xiaoyuanyuan live broadcast room over there told her that Xu Hanzhong had closed the broadcast, and she sent a message to Xu Hanzhong.

“Big guy, come and save the child, I met a fierce man playing today, I was beaten so badly!!”

Xu Hanzhong replied: “Wait, big brother is here!” ”

On the game and yy.

“Good evening courier,” Xu Hanzhong said with a smile.

Xiao Yuanyuan was speechless for a while, whispered a few words, and the two began to be happy in double rows.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Hanzhong’s reaction and hand speed are also far stronger than before after cultivation, so Xu Hanzhong is now a little more powerful in playing games than before.

Like last night, the two played chicken first, and then played LOL for a while.

“This route, jump directly to Port P!” Xu Hanzhong said.

“Okay,” Madoka followed.

In addition to the two of them, there were three other teams of six people jumping here, and Xu Hanzhong secretly noted their positions in the air and prepared to them for a while.

“Those who can eat will not have too bad luck, come up is a third-grade armor and continuous spray, I am invincible,” Xu Hanzhong carried the continuous spray to find the nearest team.

As a result, Xu Hanzhong had just killed one when he heard Xiao Yuanyuan’s screams in his voice.

“Who hit me…. Oops I poured….. Big brother save me! ”

A standard rookie chicken three times, very much in line with her identity and strength.

Fortunately, she was not far from Xu Hanzhong, and she had not been replenished when she rushed over, and Xu Hanzhong successfully killed the other party with his third-level armor and trolls, and at the beginning, he killed two people in a row, and his hand felt hot.

“Brother Xu! Too strong! Xiao Yuanyuan blew while crawling next to Xu Hanzhong, and after rescue, they searched for things separately.

After searching for the meeting, Xu Hanzhong said: “Hey, you M24 is quite handsome, it just so happens that I have a sniper silencer.” ”

“I can’t snipe, this M24 is for you!” Saying that, Xiao Yuanyuan still put the gun on the ground.


“Yuanzi is a real dish!”

“This is not a hint, this is Ming robbed!”

“Brother Hanzi is a little fierce today, won’t it be open!?”

Just when many people were talking about it, Xu Hanzhong and the two were caught between the two teams.

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