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Chapter 1011 Atypical Mother and Child

In the words of the barrage, Aegwynn was a woman who did her own way when she was young. She always only cared about her own ideas and did not care how much her words and deeds would affect the people and things around her.

Suspecting that the ideas of the top leaders of the Tirisfal Council had deteriorated, the fiery-tempered Aegwynn completely fell out with the council that had been cultivating her, and fled with the power of guardians passed down by the Tirisfal Council for countless generations.

In order to hunt down Aegwynn and let her take on the responsibility of guarding Azeroth again, the Tirisfal Council specially set up an organization called the Tirisfalma, which has been chasing after Aegwynn for a long time.

Annoyed, Aegwynn thought of a way. She no longer trusted the council and decided to pass on the power of the guardian in her own way, and used herself as a bait to draw the attention of the Arcane Society, so that the inheritors could be relatively Grow up in a stable environment.

This inheritor is Medivh, the son of Aegwynn and the court mage Nieras Elan of the Stormwind Kingdom.

At that time, Nieras Elan took over the mission of the Tirisfal Council to hunt down Aegwynn, and temporarily became a member of the Tirisfal Council.

But in the battle of wits and courage with Aegwynn that lasted for several years, the two sides gradually saw each other's true thoughts through countless verbal and magical confrontations.

Elan found that Aegwynn was not a shameful defector as the top Tirisfal council said, and she had her own ideas.

And Aegwynn also found that Elan, who was the court mage of the Stormwind Kingdom, also hated the high-level Tirisfal Council's excessive meddling in the internal affairs of various countries.

After gradually understanding each other's ideas, the two people who were originally hostile to each other naturally turned their enemies into friends.

Elam agreed with Aegwynn's plan to get rid of the Council's manipulation of the Legacy Guardians, and Medivh was born from this.

After giving birth to Medivh, Aegwynn poured most of the power of the guardian into the body of his young son to seal it, and entrusted Elan to take care of him to grow up. He only retained a small amount of power of the guardian to maintain his youth and continued to escape .

What neither Aegwynn nor Elan expected was that the soul of Sargeras, who had been attached to Aegwynn's soul before, also took the opportunity to enter Medivh's body, which led to a series of subsequent tragedies.

When Medivh became an adult, his father Elan was unfortunately affected and died in order to stabilize his uncontrolled eruption of guardian power. However, the soul of the old mage who loved his son still lingered in the tower of Karazhan, Protect Medivh as always.

After learning that Medivh's will was influenced by Sargeras, the remorseful Aegwynn was determined to make up for his stupid mistake.

But at that time, she had lost most of her guardian power, and her strength had long been inferior to before. She was no match for Medivh manipulated by Sargeras.

If it wasn't for the instinctive resistance of Medivh's will, Aegwynn would have died in Medivh's hands many years ago during the mother-child battle.

Akanagos, the blue dragon friend invited by Aegwynn to help, was killed by Medivh, and then Medivh distorted his form, turning Akanagos into the bone dragon Nightmare, and Aegwen himself was also killed by Medivh. Exiled far away to the corner of the world.

After this stop, Aegwynn was completely disheartened. With a strong sense of frustration and guilt, she hid on the Kalimdor continent to recover from her injuries, and began to reflect on the many consequences of her reckless actions.

When Aegwynn heard about Medivh again, what he got was bad news.

Medivh was killed by Anduin Lothar, Khadgar, and the orc thief Garona in his mage Karazhan. The magical aftermath of his death completely destroyed the entire Deadwind Pass, and even affected the people next door. Duskwood.

Since then, Aegwynn, who felt that he had not fulfilled his mother's responsibility and felt ashamed of Medivh, had been preparing for the resurrection of Medivh.

A few years ago, Aegwynn got the help of Sharlayan and successfully brought Medivh's wandering soul back to Azeroth.

However, the problems between mother and son really started to become prominent from this point in time.

Due to the need to avoid the pursuit of the Tiris Mystic Society for a long time, Aegwynn rarely had the opportunity to meet Medivh after he was born. The occasional meeting was also a business-like way to teach him how to wake up and freely use the sleeping guardian in his body. force.

Rather than being a mother and son, the two used to get along more like a strict mentor and a gifted apprentice, with almost no family affection in sight.

This situation continued until Medivh was resurrected.

Although he was very grateful to his mother for waking him up from the cold death, Medivh, who felt extremely guilty, had always planned to leave the hermitage and return to ordinary life, trying to make up for the mistakes he made when he was influenced by the Demon King.

However, at that time, Medivh had just been resurrected, his body was weak, and he had lost the power of a guardian. His strength was only one-twelfth of what he was at his peak.

Under Aegwynn's earnest persuasion, Medivh calmed down and agreed to his mother's proposal to stay temporarily for recuperation.

Since then, the pervasive sense of guilt has made Medivh restless, and the chief can't help but want to leave Dustwallow Marsh to contribute to Azeroth.

After experiencing Medivh's emotional roller coaster from life to death and back to life, Aegwynn, who was young and went his own way, didn't really understand the importance of family until then.

She didn't want to watch Medivh, who was finally resurrected, embark on a dangerous path again, but at the same time, the sense of responsibility in her heart told Aegwynn that Medivh really needed to atone for his and their family's sins.

Just looking for various excuses and dragging it back and forth for several years, Medivh finally made up his mind to leave the hermitage and enter the world again. This time, he didn't intend to listen to his mother's various reasons for delaying.

Just as Medivh and Aegwynn were arguing endlessly, Sharlayan and his party came to the door at this time.

Aegwynn tried to get Salayan and the others to join the camp to persuade Medivh, but Salayan's thoughts were closer to Medivh.

It wasn't even just Medivh, he didn't intend to let go of the former guardian Aegwynn who had gradually lost his temper after experiencing too many things.

Even without the blessing of the power of the guardian, Aegwynn and Medivh still stand at the top of many mortal mages in Azeroth, and only Queen Azshara can stabilize them.

It would be a waste of money to use such a powerful boost.

Something that annoyed Aegwynn happened. Not only did Sharlayan not help persuade Medivh to give up the idea of ​​going out, but he stood by Medivh to persuade her to return to mainstream civilization and continue to play a role in protecting Azeroth.

"You... that's how you help me?!"

Aegwynn laughed angrily, that is to say, Aegwynn, who has become calm now, if she had a violent temper when she was young, she might have already covered Sharlayan's face with a Pyroblast.

Sharlayan could understand Aegwynn's thoughts.

In his early years, Aegwynn was fearless, so he caused many troubles and angered countless people.

But she doesn't care about it, she firmly believes that she has the strength to deal with all the troublesome people and troubles that come to her door.

With the growth of age and experience, no matter how rebellious and rebellious a person will be, he will restrain his edge under the scouring of the years.

Now Aegwynn cares more about the safety of his only relative than protecting Azeroth.

Sharlayan didn't care about Aegwynn's anger, and smiled back at her, "Ms. Aegwynn, I just want to ask you a question."

"Are you sure you can control Medivh's thoughts and stop him from going or staying?"


Aegwynn stared blankly at Medivh, whose expression was still calm, then shook his head with a wry smile.

"No, this child, like me, has a stubborn temper of holding back and regressing. Once he decides on something, he won't look back."


Aegwynn sighed softly, and looked helplessly at his hands, which still seemed to be as clean as before.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the years are indeed not forgiving. Today, I have long lost the strength of my youth."

"If Medivh wants to leave with all his heart, I really can't stop him."

In order to awaken Medivh from death, Aegwynn resolutely sacrificed the last bit of guardian power used to maintain his youth.

Although she looks very young now, everyone present knows that this is just an illusion trick of the mage.

Under the phantom, Aegwynn's hair was already full of silver threads, and her face was also covered with wrinkles. It's just that she, who had been strong all her life, didn't want people to see her old appearance.

Of course, Sharlayan and the others would not expose her ignorantly. Aegwynn's physical condition may be hidden from outsiders, but she is the only one who can't hide it from herself.

Although the experience accumulated over hundreds of years is still there, if he really fights Medivh, who is in his prime and has recovered his body, the probability of Aegwynn losing is more than 90%.

Salayan spread his hands and said: "That's it. The reason why Medivh hasn't forced out of the house until now is nothing more than taking into account your face as a mother. Are you sure you want to force him to give up this last bit of warmth? ?”

The way Medivh and Aegwynn get along is rather strange. When they discuss issues, they are more like friends with different ideas, rather than a mother and child whose blood is thicker than water.

But the blood connection is not so easy to cut off, even if Medivh and Aegwynn did not express it clearly on the surface, they actually care about their only remaining relatives in their hearts.

It is precisely because of this bond of family affection that Medivh was able to endure the torture of guilt, staying in Dustwallow Marsh for several years.

But no matter how strong family bondage is, there is a limit. Medivh is an independent individual, he has his own set of ideas, and he is confident that he has the ability to practice his own ideas.

Aegwynn, who is obsessed with authorities, has not yet realized that if she continues to be stubborn, a hard conflict may break out with the equally stubborn Medivh, which neither of them wants to see.

What Sharlayan needs to do is to wake up Aegwynn, who is not stupid in the first place, and let her realize the truth beyond the cover of a leaf.

Sure enough, Aegwynn stood there silent for a while, and finally sighed with a wry smile.

"Well, I agree that Medivh can go out and run."

Hearing that his mother finally let go, Medivh, who was very calm on the surface, also breathed a sigh of relief.


Before Aegwynn finished speaking, she looked at Medivh solemnly and said: "Promise me, don't let guilt overwhelm your reason, control your self-destructive tendencies that are visible to the naked eye, I hope to see you The day you return safely."

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