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Chapter 1013 Two generations of guardians in the bag

Thanks to the news from the barrage netizens in advance, Ner'zhul, the Lich King, can even be said to have been forced out by Sarlayan's advance layout.

However, what happened to Ner'zhul was just Salayan taking advantage of the trend. According to historical inertia, even if Salayan hadn't gone to Draenor in person, this stupid roe deer would have fallen headlong into the trap specially set for him by Kil'jaeden.

Just like his "apprentice" Gul'dan who was blinded by his obsession with becoming a god and ran frantically to Sargeras' tomb.

Strictly speaking, Gul'dan didn't worship under Ner'zhul for the real purpose of learning art, but for the Burning Legion behind him to bewitch the old shaman who was highly respected in the orc tribe.

Gul'dan did indeed succeed. He used his intrigue to successfully replace Ner'zhul, who had been ruined by him.

From some perspectives, there are many similarities between the titular mentor and apprentice, even the death method of stepping on the trap of the Burning Legion is similar.

Under the personal planning of Sargeras, Gul'dan has long since passed away, not even his soul left behind.

Although Ner'zhul could only swallow his breath as a slave of the Burning Legion for the time being, he was still lingering in the form of a soul.

Seeing that the Scourge was growing stronger day by day, Ner'zhul became more and more confident.

Sharlayan had already analyzed Ner'zhul's character thoroughly, just as he predicted, once he had accumulated enough knowledge to get rid of the Burning Legion's control, Ner'zhul would never hesitate.

However, the smug Ner'zhul didn't know that the archlich Kel'Thuzad, whom he relied on as his right-hand man, had been placed beside him from the very beginning.

Ner'zhul, who had served as the great chief of the tribe for a short time, was not ignorant of tactics, and promoting Gadin was one of his moves to check and balance Kel'Thuzad.

However, because Sharlayan completely changed the fate of the Barov family, and destroyed Ner'zhul's previous attempt to draw Faol into the Scourge, Gadin, who escaped by chance but failed in the mission, may not be there for a long time. be reused again.

According to the latest information provided by Kel'Thuzad, Ner'zhul still has not given up his plan to check and balance him.

This time, he did not promote another Lich, but planned to pull up a new army of death knights with all his strength, and firmly hold the control of this elite natural disaster in his hands.

But here comes the interesting part. The two death knight candidate leaders that Ner'zhul took a fancy to both happened to be people Salayan knew.

One is Kel'Thuzad's best friend, Lord Titus Rivendell, the lord of Stratholme who still has considerable influence in the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

So far, Baron Rivendell has not officially transformed himself into an undead. He still needs to maintain his human identity and occasionally accept the summons of Queen Calia.

If he was transformed into an undead early, it would not be so easy to pass the checks before entering the palace.

Kel'Thuzad repeatedly assured the Lich King that Baron Rivendell had long been devoted to the Scourge, and that sooner or later he would become a general beside the Lich King.

Ner'zhul in this period hadn't fully swelled up yet, and he could still listen to his subordinates' well-founded persuasion.

However, considering the friendship between Kel'Thuzad and Baron Rivendell, Ner'zhul temporarily chose him as his second choice.

His favorite leader of the death knights was a human king who was valiant and skilled in battle but unfortunately died unexpectedly - Solas Trollbane.

As the hero of the Kingdom of Stormgard, Solas managed the kingdom well during his reign and led the brave soldiers of Stormgard to assist the Alliance in defeating the orc tribe strengthened by the blood of demons.

When Solas was in power, the Witherwood troll, who had become a serious concern to Stormgard, could only live in a corner, and could not do anything at all.

Before Azeroth has completely entered the era of war and many heroes from all over the world died in battle, Solas is well-deserved the best candidate regardless of battlefield command ability or personal combat effectiveness.

Ner'zhul also considered Anduin Lothar, the Alliance Marshal who died at the end of the Second War.

It's a pity that Lothar's body was transported back to the Stormwind Kingdom by King Varian, who regarded him as his adoptive father, and is still buried in the Holy Light Cathedral in Stormwind City.

Although Calia tried her best to block the news that Faol was resurrected as an undead by the Scourge, Kel'Thuzad did not stop the resurrection of the dead during this period, and many national intelligence agencies have obtained relevant information.

The Kingdom of Stormwind, which hosts SI:7, is also one of them.

In order to prevent Anduin Lothar's body from being desecrated, Varian and Archbishop Benedictus stepped up the defense of his tomb, and the chances of Ner'zhul's success were slim.

In contrast, the kingdom of Stormgard, still in a state of chaos and busy dealing with trolls and ogres, is relatively easy to deal with.

Furthermore, Anduin Lothar's will is strong, and he is not so easily distorted by the Lich King.

Solas, who was murdered by Galin's own son, was full of anger and incomprehension before he died. This grievance and resentment would make him more easily bewitched by the Lich King, and then influenced by the power of the Helm of Domination.

Taking all factors into consideration, Ner'zhul is more inclined to choose Solas as the leader of the Death Knights.

As for Alsace?

Ner'zhul didn't intend to let this prince who still had the right to claim Lordaeron be a general at the beginning. His positioning of Alsace was very simple - the king of Lordaeron.

Of course, it was the King of Lordaeron who was taken away by Ner'zhul after being fully undead.

Ner'zhul took a fancy to Alsace not only because of his identity and personal ability, he also coveted Alsace's healthy and fresh body.

Although there is the Helmet of Domination to monitor the undead everywhere at any time, it has been blocked in the Frozen Throne and cannot move. It is still an unbearable torture for Ner'zhul who once had a body.

Alsace is the container he chose, and he intends to use a series of plans to gradually destroy Alsace's "fragile" heart, and when the time is right, take away his body control on the grounds of fit.

As for the final direction of this battle for souls in the same body...Salayan just wanted to say "hehe".

After all, Ner'zhul underestimated Arthas' obsession and overestimated the toughness of his soul after leaving the Helm of Domination.

He is a typical pretending to be fake, and in the original history, he became an excellent tonic to nourish the soul of Alsace.

According to Kel'Thuzad, Ner'zhul has sent people to act secretly, and the Cursed Cultists lurking in the Kingdom of Stormgard are exploring the defense of Lars' Cemetery.

As Ner'zhul had expected, Stormgard's forces were always stretched thin, and there were not many soldiers guarding the royal tomb, as they had to defend against the increasingly urgent attacks of ogres and trolls.

Since Kel'Thuzad was going to sit in Lordaeron to continue to grow the Cult of the Damned, Gardin had just suffered a failure due to mission failure.

This time, Kel'Thuzad sent another high-level lich named Les Frostwhisper to Stormgard to revive Solas.

When Sharlayan set off from Sunsail Harbor by boat, Les Frostwhisper was already on the way.

Since the two continents are too far apart, Kel'Thuzad's information cannot be sent here. I don't know if Les Frostwhisper has succeeded at this moment.

In any case, if Solas is really resurrected, Sharlayan also has a corresponding countermeasure.

Solas's obsession is nothing more than revenge against the rebellious son Galin and witnessing the re-emergence of the Stormgard Kingdom.

In terms of the development of Stormgard, Sharlayan can't intervene for the time being, and will have to wait for Danas to return from Draenor before making a decision.

As for Garin... This guy's body is still buried by Lake Darren Mill. If necessary, Sharlayan can use spiritism to pull him up at any time, so that Solas can take a good breath of anger.

Before the Frozen Throne was blasted out of the cracks, the Lich King had a strong control over the undead under his command.

It is very difficult for the undead under his forcible control to get rid of the power of the Helm of Domination, unless...they have an extremely firm will to resist and the help of some external forces.

Fortunately, Ner'zhul also knew some ways to control his subordinates. He did not use this ability to forcibly control the high-level Scourge Legion, in the name of giving them the necessary respect and personal space.

It was also thanks to Ner'zhul's decision that Kel'Thuzad, who was under one man and over ten thousand in the Scourge, was able to keep in touch with Salayan for a long time, passing on the latest movements of the Scourge to Salayan in real time.

"I didn't turned out to be like this."

After listening to Sharlayan's detailed explanation, Medivh unconsciously showed surprise on his face.

According to the images he saw in the vision of the future, the Scourge will become one of Azeroth's most serious problems in a certain timeline.

However, as an astral mage who is a genius in the sky, Medivh had seen many different directions of the future when he was still in Karazhan, and he would not regard the fantasies he saw as golden rules.

The future is constantly changing, and no one can guarantee that the timeline will definitely go to the branch they spied on.

Bronze dragons can't, and neither can titans.

Unlike Elisande, who used to blindly believe in future images, Medivh was more calm and sober.

Instead of being trapped in future illusions that don't know whether they will happen, it is better to take every step in front of you down-to-earth, and use your own power to change those futures that are not in the interests of Azeroth.

Medivh should be paranoid about guarding Azeroth for a long time before he atones for his sins.

This is not a bad thing for Sharlayan. With such a knowledgeable and capable archmage walking in the same direction, he can have greater confidence in the future layout.

Compared with Medivh, who was full of energy, his mother, Aegwynn, was more salty.

On the one hand, it was because Aegwynn was no longer young, so it was not so easy to be aroused by Sharlayan's words, and on the other hand, it was also because of her own decline in strength.

Today's Aegwynn is no longer suitable to appear on the frontline battlefield, but this does not mean that the former guardian is useless.

She still has nearly a thousand years of experience and knowledge, and Sharlayan intends to let her stay in the rear and engage in education work, so as to cultivate more future archmages with extraordinary potential for Azeroth.


Hearing Sharlayan's solicitation, Aegwynn patted his forehead with a wry smile.

"I said at the beginning that I will repay your kindness for helping me revive Medivh, education work... Maybe being a teacher in the rest of my time is the most suitable job for me to cultivate seedlings for Azeroth .”

"Okay, I promise you, so, where should I get a job? Quel'Thalas?"

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