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Chapter 1020 The Inheritance Story of Ancient Coins

According to Malfurion, even though Goldrinn was severely injured in the War of the Ancients, he should not be able to recover for a full ten thousand years.

The druids headed by Malfurion have gone to Goldrinn's sleeping cave in Mount Hyjal many times. His body has not changed yet, but he has never been able to wake up.

The most worrying thing is that the druids and green dragons couldn't find the whereabouts of Goldrinn's soul in the Emerald Dream.

If Sharlayan hadn't accidentally received his blessing years ago, Malfurion would have wondered if Goldrinn had been captured by the Nightmare Lord.

Over the years, Sharlayan would occasionally pay attention to news about Goldrinn, but just like the Cenarion Council, no matter how he called as a silver wolf, he still couldn't get Goldrinn's conscious response.

After receiving Goldrinn's message in surprise this time, Sharlayan took his companions to Moonglade to check the situation and enjoy the beautiful scenery here.

Like many areas in the night elves' territory, the sky above Moonglade is also shrouded in trees that block out the sky. Even in the daytime, the sunlight in the sky cannot be seen. The light in the entire basin is relatively dim, which is just in line with the night elves' living habit.

Under the personal hospitality of Remulos, the six Sharlayan were enthusiastically taken to the headquarters of Cenarion Fortress - Night Harbor.

When passing Luna Lake, which occupies half of Moonglade, the shimmering surface of the lake made the eyes of Stellagosa, Tinagosa, and Jaina, who came here for the first time, shine.

"Valeera really didn't lie to us!"

In front of the viewing platform facing Luna Lake in Yongye Harbor, Tina Gosa, who is more eccentric, happily sat on Salayan's shoulders, shaking her short legs: "This place is so beautiful! The lake is like a mirror !"

Valeera complained angrily, "What you say is as if I've lied to you before."

"Hey~ I'm just talking casually, don't take it seriously."

While Tinagosa jumped to Valeera's side to act coquettishly, Salayan closed his eyes and tried to feel Goldrinn's breath.

"Sure enough, I still got nothing."

Sharlayan tapped his forehead with his fingers in doubt: "Where did the fleeting breath I felt before come from?"

Cenarion Speaker Renza Gianthoof visited Val'shara's Dreamgrove not long ago, and it was Remulos who stayed in Moonglade to preside over the overall situation.


Remulos stroked his chin thoughtfully with a big tree-like hand: "The wolf god's whereabouts have always been erratic, he likes to walk alone like the black panther demigod Asaman, except for that ancient battle. During the battle, Goldrinn will basically not have any contact with other wilderness demigods."

"However, Goldrinn is a wolf that likes to live in packs after all. His offspring live near Goldrinn's Temple in Mount Hyjal all year round. Before the War of the Ancients, he would often return to his lair to visit his pack."

Sharlayan nodded and echoed: "I have inquired through Malfurion before that Goldrinn's body is still lying in the main lair of the Wolf Temple, but that body is just an empty shell, and his soul has not gone. Where is it?"

"The descendants of the wolf god guarding the temple don't know anything about it, so they can only continue to watch over Goldrinn's body, waiting for him to return from his wanderings one day."

"The last time I sensed Goldrinn's breath was in Moonglade, but..."

Sharlayan looked around at the vast Luna Lake and the Evernight Harbor behind him, shrugged helplessly and said, "As you can see, there is no clue to be found at the scene."

Remulos said comfortingly: "There must be a reason for Goldrinn to choose you as the Blesser. You should think carefully about whether there is a way to deepen the connection with him in some way."


Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "The nature of Goldrinn's power is different from other relatively mild wilderness demigods. His power is wild and violent, very difficult to control."

"Perhaps... I need to take the risk of attuning my state of mind to Goldrinn's fury power? Maybe this way I can get more information about him."

Remulos frowned slightly and asked, "Are you sure? You also know the origin of the werewolf, just in case..."

Sharlayan smiled and shook his head: "I have a sense of proportion. Controlling anger is a compulsory course for warriors. When necessary, I can also use the druid's method of calming and calming to adjust my emotions."

Remulos sighed lightly: "Since you have made up your mind, I won't persuade you much, but you still have to be cautious and don't be greedy for success."

Remulos raised his thumb and pointed to the opposite bank of Luna Lake: "There is a retreat den used by Malfurion in the southeast corner of the lake. If you decide to take action, you can go there and enter a state of meditation quietly. All the best."

In the next few days, Sharlayan let go of all his troubles temporarily, and accompanied Valeera and the others to have a good time in Moonlight Glade.

After Stellagosa blessed everyone with the underwater breathing spell, the six of them dived into the bottom of Luna Lake together, and accidentally found an old dragon that was thrown to the bottom of the lake by some druid when he made a wish. old coins.

Even with the protection of spells, this coin that has been soaked in water for many years also showed a lot of oxidation marks.

The night elves have not remained static during the ten thousand years of development, at least their currency has been improved and recast many times.

Fortunately, the ancient silver coin discovered by Sharlayan and others has long been out of print in the current era, and it was the unified currency issued during the Dark Night Empire.

After the War of the Ancients, the coin bearing Queen Azshara's face was banned.

Metals are easily oxidized and rusted in water. The upper elves who sank into the seabed and transformed into Naga no longer used metal coins, but turned to carving shells as currency.

In other words, this ancient coin of the Dark Night Empire, which has long since ceased production, is very precious and has a very important commemorative significance.

Sharlayan was a little hesitant about taking the wishing coin, but Onyxia didn't care so much, just picked up the coin and floated to the lake first, without giving Sharlayan a chance to stop it.

After returning to the lake, facing Sharlayan's somewhat displeased question, Onyxia shrugged her shoulders indifferently and explained: "This coin is engraved with the name of the person who made the wish. Coincidentally, I happen to know she."

"Andrea Moonstar, a very rare noble druid during the Dark Night Empire, unfortunately died in the Battle of the Ancients."

"I know the content of her wish. The reason why I took this coin... is because her wish has already been fulfilled."

The ancient story of Onyxia aroused everyone's interest, and Stellagosa asked curiously: "What is her wish? Can you tell us?"

The Black Dragon Princess shrugged nonchalantly: "There's nothing we can't say."

"Andrea was born into the Moonstar family and has always been a loyal supporter of Azshara. Her parents expected her to become the queen's guard...or even the queen's personal maid."

"But the rebellious Andrea did not obey her parents' arrangement, but accepted the Druid way proposed by Cenarius and became the first noble Druid in history."

"Because of this incident, Andrea had conflicts with her extremely disappointed parents, and did not go home for a long time, but followed Lord Ravencrest's army of 'King Qin' to counterattack Xin Aisha. "

"Unfortunately, she died in the last battle before the end of the war, and was personally killed by Satyr King Xavis."

Onyxia, who has always been heartless, looked at the coin in her hand with a rare look of nostalgia.

"Before the final battle, Andrea entrusted a familiar arcanist to send her to the Moonlight Glade, where she threw this coin into the lake to make a wish."

"Her wish is very simple, she just hopes to reunite with her parents who have been in the Cold War for many years after the war."

"After Andrea's death, her parents retrieved her relatively complete body after several twists and turns, and buried her in the family grave with tears in their eyes."

"Actually, her parents forgave her a long time ago, but because of the war, the two sides stood in completely different positions, and they never found a chance to meet again."

"Oh, right,"

Having said that, Onyxia tossed the coin to Sharlayan with a little force.

When Sharlayan raised her hand to catch the coin firmly, Onyxia continued: "Andrea also has a brother who is much younger than her who survived, and later inherited it from her parents. Moon Star Family."

"When Dath'Remar sailed eastward, the Moonstar family, who were extremely disappointed in Tyrande, followed him on a boat to the other side of the sea, and built a new home in the northern part of Eversong Forest with other meritorious families."

"In order to bid farewell to the past, the Moonstar family abandoned the 'Moon' name associated with the night elves, and changed its name to the Morningstar family."


Sharlayan, Valeera and the others all exclaimed in surprise, and Jaina was the first to confirm in astonishment: "Morning Star... is it Morning Star, one of the four great nobles we know?"

Onyxia nodded: "It's them. Andrea's younger brother has grown the family after going east, becoming the important hereditary Grand Duke of Quel'Thalas."

"Salayan, you can return the ancient coin left by Andrea to the Morningstar family. I remember that your relationship with Solanlian Morningstar seems to be pretty good?"


Sharlayan scratched his head, and solemnly wrapped the ancient coins with important commemorative significance into the space.

"My relationship with a bit hard to say."

"The Minister of Finance has a relatively cold personality, and he has a lukewarm attitude when getting along with anyone. I don't know whether the relationship with her is good or bad."


Onyxia chuckled and said, "Andrea's personality is also the same. On the surface, she treats everyone with a nonchalant attitude, but in fact, her inner feelings are extremely intense."

"As long as it is a friend who can be recognized by her, Andrea will do everything possible to protect this hard-won friendship."

"Perhaps Solanlian is Andrea's temperament inherited from another generation... In short, I will hand over the coins to you, and you can deal with them as you like."

"That's the end of the gossip, let's get back to the topic."

Onyxia frowned slightly and glanced around the lakeside: "Don't you think... the fog nearby has suddenly thickened?"

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