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Chapter 1040 The Lich King's Frustration

Speaking of the Prince of Gilneas, Sharlayan was also quite emotional.

In the original history, due to the scourge of werewolves inside and the onslaught of the Forsaken outside, Liam Greymane died heroically to protect his father when resisting the invasion of the Banshee Queen.

According to the barrage evaluation, even just from the description of the scaly claw in the werewolf novice task, it can be seen that Prince Liam is far wiser than his stubborn father.

It's a pity that Prince Liam in the original history died young, and Jean, who became the wolf king, was full of vengeance and anger and could only drag his old body to continue galloping on the battlefield.

According to Kael'thas, because of the ever-changing international situation in recent years, Genn Greymane himself has also noticed that his way of thinking has begun to fail to keep up with the changes of the times.

Among the kings of the same generation who met and chatted with Jean back then, Ryan Wrynn unfortunately died of assassination, Aiden Perenold was sentenced to death for betraying mankind, and Thoras Trollbane was also betrayed by his own son. Stabbed to death.

The experience of the above three people is the most tragic of all kings.

After that was Antonidas, the chairman of the Kirin Tor. Fortunately, he found a suitable successor and heir.

Terenas, once regarded by Jean as his lifelong enemy, has also passed away due to illness. Only Dai Lin, who has traveled all over the world and has a relatively open mind, can grasp the context of the times.

However, according to the information obtained by Gene, Dai Lin has also begun to step up the cultivation of heirs in the past two years, and he is obviously ready to retire.

With the eldest son Drake killed in battle and the eldest daughter Jaina not interested in the throne, Daelin can only pin his hopes on his youngest son Tandre.

Looking around, he was the only king of the seven human kingdoms who had a drink and chatted with each other at the beginning, and now he is the only one still holding on to the throne firmly.

Leaving aside Stormgard, which has no successor to the throne, it can only be managed temporarily by the Regent Council, waiting for the return of King Danas Trollbane, who is far away from the other side of the Dark Portal, to turn the tide.

Alterac, the Kingdom of Stormwind, Lordaeron, and Dalaran have all inherited supreme power from the younger generation, and Daelin seems to have this plan as well.

Even if he refuses to accept his old age and sees more and more white hairs on his sideburns, under the background of the surrounding environment, Gene has to admit that the glory of his generation has come to an end, and perhaps more opportunities should be given to More open-minded young people.

It is precisely because of the recognition of this problem that King Jean, who has always been stubborn, was persuaded by Prince Liam, who was fighting for reason, and voted in favor of rebuilding the alliance.

Kael'thas sighed softly: "According to the follow-up investigation by Backlight Blade, after returning to Gilneas after the Alliance Conference, Genn indeed began to consciously hand over various affairs to Prince Liam gradually."

"Faced with the burden suddenly placed on him by his father, Liam handled all the affairs with a nearly perfect attitude. To some extent, Liam, who is more flexible, even handled it better than Jean himself. .”

"Heh~" Sharlayan smiled lightly and spread out his hands: "Jin must be in a complicated mood right now."

"After careful calculation, it has been more than 20 years since Genn took over the throne from his father Archibald Greymane. He is indeed not young."

Kael'thas agreed and said: "Isn't it? Humans don't live as long as our high elves. Jin should really consider the issue of successors."

"By the way, I almost forgot to say."

Kael'thas suddenly remembered something, and raised his hand to pat his smooth forehead: "The three dwarf clans have interacted more and more frequently after the alliance conference, and recently the leaders of the three clans gathered in Ironforge for an unprecedented meeting. .”

"If nothing else happens, the Wildhammers and the Dark Iron Dwarves will return to the Kingdom of Khaz Modan, and as you expected earlier, they will form the Council of Three Hammers together with the Bronzebeard clan."

Sharlayan had anticipated this matter, and had told Kael'thas the relevant situation in detail before setting off.

Regardless of whether the Bronzebeard clan is willing to admit it or not, there is no doubt that the national power of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan has declined sharply after Wildhammer and Black Iron have tore their faces away one after another.

During the reign of Anvilmar, the Mountain King, the Bronzebeard clan controlled the Mountain King's guards, mainly responsible for guarding the capital, Ironforge.

The Wildhammer dwarves live scattered in the wilderness and hills under the leadership of Prince Kaderos.

Although the Bronzebeard clan scorned them as country bumpkins because they seldom entered the city, their individual combat effectiveness was still higher than that of the Bronzebeard clan, but the total population was not as good.

The Dark Iron Clan is equally important to the kingdom of Khaz Modan, as they control the kingdom's magical powers.

After the War of the Three Hammers ended, Madoran Bronzebeard, who won the war, tried many ways, but he still failed to bring the Kingdom of Khaz Modan back to its peak.

The kingdom ruled by the copperbeard dwarves has almost completely lost spellcasters, and had no choice but to introduce the emerging power of Holy Light from humans.

However, due to well-known reasons, the Holy Light is a mild force that is less aggressive and better at protecting and healing in human cognition.

Of course, the copperbeard dwarves also inherited the human kingdom's understanding of the holy light, and there is still not much improvement in offensive spells.

In contrast, the Wildhammer dwarves who accompanied the Griffin in the Sintra Highlands accidentally awakened the power of the elements and obtained a part of the incomplete shaman inheritance.

And the Black Iron Dwarves have never forgotten their own specialties, and after receiving the blessing of the fire element, they are even more proficient in playing fire spells.

Unable to make breakthroughs in magic, the copper beard dwarves could only go further and further in physical warfare.

In order to strengthen the fighting ability of the tribe, the copperbeard dwarves further dug into the forging ability inherited from the earth spirit age, making Ironforge a well-known forging holy place in Azeroth.

After the separation, the three dwarf clans have developed their own characteristics. If they really put aside their differences and reorganize the Council of Three Hammers, the comprehensive national strength of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan will definitely have a qualitative leap.

Sharlayan and Kael'thas were delighted with this.

The war is coming, and of course the stronger the allies standing on the same front, the better.

If Terenas was still there, he would most likely not have watched the dwarves rise again.

After Sharlayan's long-term teaching of the overall situation, Queen Calia would not be so short-sighted. She even specially sent diplomatic envoys to help negotiate with the three major dwarf clans, thereby strengthening Lordaeron's influence as the host country of the alliance.

Kael'thas: "According to Calpuronia's speculation, within a month at the latest, the dwarves should officially announce the rebuilding of the Council of Three Hammers."

"I hope they will have time to complete the joint training of the armies of the three tribes after more than two hundred years before the war begins."

The three major clans of Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, and Black Iron have different fighting methods, and it is not easy to knead them into a whole again.

But on the other hand, if the training of the truly reborn Khaz Modan Kingdom can be completed, their strength on the battlefield is definitely not just 1+1+1=3.

"The battle is about to start..."

Sharlayan turned his head and looked out of the window of Kael'thas' study room. The sky over Quel'Thalas, which is like spring all the year round, is still clear and clear. Occasionally, a few giant eagles and dragonhawk knights could be seen patrolling in the air far away from the palace. .

Sharlayan said with some concern: "I don't know what's going on on the other side of the Dark Portal. I hope Alleria can return smoothly after the Dark Portal opens."


When Sharlayan and Kael'thas were exchanging information in the court of the Sunstrider, the Lich King Ner'zhul, who was on the Ice Throne in the far north of Northrend's Icecrown Glacier, was inspecting the development of the Sect of the Damned, suddenly Received news of the arrival of the Dreadlord from his subordinates.

"Dread Lord?"

Ner'zhul, who was sealed in the eternally frozen ice, murmured in his heart: "It's just at this juncture... I have a bad feeling."

Ner'zhul was from the Shadowmoon clan who was good at stargazing, and he was more sensitive to the rhythm of the thread of fate than ordinary spellcasters.

Every time he has an ominous premonition, it usually comes true in various forms quickly, and the more he wants to avoid it, the more he can't avoid it.

Before Ner'zhul could give further instructions, the four dreadlords had strode over without any scruples.

This impolite behavior made Ner'zhul quite annoyed, and it was clear that he didn't take him seriously.

As the power of the Sect of the Damned expanded day by day, Ner'zhul became more and more confident.

Although it wasn't enough to break the face with the Burning Legion, he couldn't stand the domineering attitude of the Dreadlord more and more.

"Several special envoys, you came to find me together, there should be..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Since the last time the layout in Lordaeron failed, the people of Lordaeron went crazy hunting witches everywhere, making it more and more difficult for the dread demon kings to gain a foothold in Lordaeron.

Detherocco was already in a bad mood, but Ner'zhul's posturing gesture further stimulated him, and he rudely interrupted Ner'zhul's nonsense immediately.

As Ner'zhul's mood changed, the temperature near the Frozen Throne dropped significantly.

Balnazar stood up and patted his colleague on the shoulder to smooth things over: "Don't get excited, the business is important."

Varimathras came forward with a light cough, and read in a solemn tone that was rare for a dreadlord: "Ner'zhul, we have brought the latest order from Lord Kil'jaeden."

'trickster! '

For this demon lord who can control himself easily, Ner'zhul didn't dare to be as casual as he was with these stupid bats. He hastily suppressed his anger and put on a respectful gesture.

"Ner'zhul is here to listen to Lord Kil'jaeden's orders, envoy, please speak."

Varimathras is very satisfied with Ner'zhul's humility: "Master Kil'jaeden ordered you to cooperate with the friendly forces who invaded Azeroth from the Dark Portal to set off a frenzy of undead in the Eastern Kingdom and attract as many countries as possible from the Alliance. attention."

As early as Kel'Thuzad submitted the news that the Dark Portal was about to open again, Ner'zhul guessed that Kil'jaeden would not easily give up this opportunity to tear apart Azeroth's defenses.

‘Hey~ Just as Kel’Thuzad expected. '

Ner'zhul sighed silently in his heart.

According to Kel'Thuzad's vision, now is not the best time for the natural disaster to surface.

However, the situation was stronger than others, and Ner'zhul could only suppress his dissatisfaction and respectfully accept the orders issued by Kil'jaeden himself.

"Ner'zhul complies. I will immediately send orders to the various departments of the Scourge to start preparations in advance, and ask the special envoy to convey this matter to Lord Kil'jaeden."

'Be patient, bear with it, wait until Kel'Thuzad accumulates more power for me...I will first use these stupid big bats to sacrifice the flag for the rise of the Scourge! '

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