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Chapter 1058: An Unexpected Contact

After receiving the order from Ner'zhul to formally launch the plan, Arthas couldn't wait to leave Stratholme with Baron Rivendell, and went to several territories of Lordaeron's hardline nobles who were dissatisfied with Calia's gentle methods.

Arthas and Ner'zhul didn't know that Baron Rivendell, who volunteered to set off with Arthas, was not of one mind with them. He had already secretly reached a cooperation with Kel'Thuzad.

At this stage, Baron Rivendell has not officially transformed himself into the body of the undead, in order to prevent Ner'zhul from using the Helm of Domination to forcefully dominate his will.

No one wants their every move to be controlled by others. The will to pursue freedom is the nature of all intelligent creatures.

Undead is no exception.

After learning of the Lich King's perverted desire to control from Kel'Thuzad, Baron Titus Rivendell made up his mind that he would not truly be loyal to him.

If there were no olive branches thrown by Sharlayan and the undead Alonsus Faol successively, Baron Rivendell, who could not find another undead organization, might still give in in the end.

But now he has another choice, that is the undead organization "Free Will" formed by the former saint Faol.

Due to Ner'zhul... or the control of the Helm of Domination, there are no undead who can break free from the control of the Lich King at this stage.

However, with the support of Calia, Faol has already set up the framework in advance, and everything is ready, and the only thing left is the east wind.

As long as the Helm of Dominion's control over the undead looses, Faol, who has already been prepared, can launch it immediately, and with the active cooperation of Kel'Thuzad and Baron Rivendell, he will attract those undead who have awakened their free will.

However, Fao can only do so much. In his own words, he is more suitable to be a spiritual leader who comforts the souls of the undead. There should be someone else who actually leads the free will forward.

Regarding this point, Kel'Thuzad, Fao, and Baron Rivendell had some discussions in secret, and basically finalized the most suitable candidate.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Kel'Thuzad induced Ner'zhul to send people to the Arathi Highlands in advance, and it was necessary to wake up Thoras, the hero of Stormgard, before Danas Trollbane returned from Draenor The Soul of Trollbane.

As Arthas wooed more and more Lordaeron lords, Ner'zhul, who was becoming more and more complacent, hadn't noticed that the Scourge, which he thought was monolithic under the control of the Helm of Dominion, had actually been ruled by Penetration is riddled with holes.


While Valeera and Jaina quietly reconnected with Kel'Thuzad in the city of Stratholme, fierce battles in the Blasted Lands continued.

The archbishop of Draenei, Nari, set up the communication equipment to communicate with compatriots on the other side of the Dark Portal within three days as promised.

However, the Draenei on Draenor's side did not respond for the time being. Sharlayan worried that because of the changes he caused, whether the remaining Draenei would encounter unexpected situations that had not occurred in the original history.

Before the communication equipment intercepts the contact signal, the coalition forces need to continue to maintain the front line of the cursed land.

After several years of accumulation in Draenor, even if it is just a partial division without a demon lord, the number of legionnaires under Kazak is already terrifying enough.

Seeing a steady stream of demons pouring out from the Dark Portal, Sharlayan, who came to the front line to observe the battle situation, frowned.

"It's no wonder that the expeditionary force lacking support can't hold back. Leaving aside the individual combat effectiveness of these demons, the number alone is exaggerated enough."

As the military representative of Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan acted with Quel'Thalas' army as a matter of course.

The Sunfury Legion led by Chapman has already entered the battlefield first.

This royal guard directly under the Sun King is the real elite of the high elves, and there are quite a few spellbreakers and high-level arcanists in the legion.

Sharlayan had also mentioned before that the armor and weapons of the Lawbreakers were expensive, and the selection standards were very strict. Even the royal family of the Sunstriders could not cultivate them on a large scale.

Except for the royal guards guarding the court of the Sunstrider, most of the lawbreakers are assigned to the Sunfury Legion.

When fighting the demons of the Burning Legion, these spellbreakers can easily annihilate the evil spells released by the demons, and even form a small-scale anti-magic barrier in a short period of time through the cooperation of several people.

Any supernatural power in Azeroth is inseparable from the blessing of various forces.

Except for purely physical powers such as the anger of soldiers and the energy of thieves, which are not affected by the spellbreaker's ability to suppress magic, any power that is related to spells will be forcibly cut off by the magic barrier like a power cut.

Even the demon guards who seem to use physical attacks actually have a lot of evil energy flowing in their bodies, and they have long been accustomed to using evil energy to strengthen their attacks and defenses.

In the magic barrier built by the lawbreakers, all the demons lost the blessing of fel energy they had relied on for a long time, and were easily killed by the soldiers of the Sunfury Legion like chopping melons and vegetables.

Although the armies of other countries are not as efficient as the Sunfury Legion, they each have their own unique skills.

Under the leadership of Nari, the Draenei garrison gave the paladins of the alliance a sense of wonder that they had seen for a long time.

Lunqi's understanding of the nature of the Holy Light, except for the Dawnguard Legion who has been enlightened by Sharlayan's "spoiler" for a long time, humans and dwarf paladins who have a relatively one-sided understanding of the Holy Light are just younger brothers in front of the Draenei .

In the hands of the Draenei Vindicator, the Holy Light showed an unprecedented blazing form.

The holy light, which is considered mild by the countries of the alliance, easily burned the demon's body, and some powerful defenders and priests could even use the holy light to completely "purify" the demon.

The Draenei taught the Holy Light users of Azeroth a vivid practical lesson on the battlefield, allowing them to realize for the first time that the Holy Light can also be so aggressive.

Although Sharlayan really wanted to rush into the battlefield to exercise his body, but his current identity was the commander-in-chief of the Quel'Thalas army, and his every move was under the attention of a large number of fellow high elves.

In order to avoid causing uneasiness and panic, Sharlayan could only suppress the turmoil in his heart and sit in the middle of the army to dispatch patiently.

As the saying goes, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

At least so far, except for Kazak who has been staying near the Dark Portal as a "guard", Salayan has not seen a few high-level demon generals worthy of his own action.

Even if you see one or two occasionally, you will be quickly spotted by the wolves and tigers of the coalition comrades.


Onyxia yawned lazily. If she wasn't worried about the negative impact, she would have wanted to take a nap on Salayan.

"Sure enough, it's just cannon fodder, the quantity is indeed enough, but the quality... that's it."

As Onyxia said, most of the legion demons under Kazak's command are low-level demons such as imps, voidwalkers, succubi, and Ganerg engineers.

The number of demon guards and doomsday guards who are the backbone of the legion is not large. Except for the round of vanguards who just poured out of the dark portal and tried to engage in a wave of vanguards, they rarely saw follow-up reinforcements.

The Eredars, who are the core arms of the Burning Legion, are even rarer, and the high-level arms such as Abyss Lord, Silvara, and Dreadlord are also sporadic, and they can't even form a large scale.

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "This partial division can only be used to bully the isolated and helpless expeditionary force."

"Even if there is no internal and external cooperation from Draenor's side, the coalition forces of Fort Watch will be able to repel them sooner or later, but the time span will be longer."

"The Duke of Deep Shadow!"

A thief from the Defense Intelligence Agency suddenly hurried to behind the four Sharlayan who were standing on the hill observing the battle situation.


Sharlayan raised his eyebrows, and turned to look at the thief who was still panting.

"I remember you are an intelligence officer staying behind, right? Is there a situation? Tell me."


The intelligence officer adjusted his breathing, and explained the situation to Sharlayan in brief words.

"Draenei technicians have finally connected with their compatriots on the other side of the Dark Portal!"


Sharlayan's eyes lit up, and he strode towards the camp of the central army while continuing to ask: "Who is the one who responded? Did you mention the current situation in Draenor?"


When Sharlayan arranged the command of the army and rushed to the central army headquarters where Gavinrad was, a draenei technician was reporting the situation.

"...In summary, Akama has agreed with us to launch a general attack at noon two days later."


Hearing this name, Sharlayan showed surprise on his face.

However, he didn't interrupt the technician's report, until he finished the report, answered Gavinrad's question and stepped aside, Sharlayan spoke for further confirmation.

"As far as I know, Akama is the archbishop of the original bishop's council. I heard that he disappeared after the battle of Shattrath."

"Technician, are you sure it's Akama himself who connected?"

The draenei technician wearing one eye nodded vigorously: "I'm sure, the other party told me a lot of important information that only the bishop's council would have known."


Sharlayan frowned and continued to ask: "Only Akama responded? What about Maraad? What about the Expeditionary Force?"

The draenei technician shook his head: "Akama didn't mention them. He seems to be leading an army alone, and he didn't act with the expeditionary force."


Sharlayan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Akama should still be corrupted by evil energy and become a Broken One, but he is not as lucky as Nobundo to get the response and nourishment of the elements." '

'Having been eroded by evil energy on his body and will for a long time, his mental state is worrying...won't he give us a double blow? '

When Archbishop Nelly rushed over from the battlefield, Sharlayan told Gavinrad and Nelly of her concerns.

"This..." Nai Li seemed a little hesitant: "The Broken One? There is indeed a possibility."

"Then, shall we continue to wait?"


Before Sarlayan could speak, Gavinrad said firmly: "No matter what state of Akama you are talking about, at least it is certain that he and the Burning Legion are indeed hostile. wrong?"

Sarlayan and Nellie nodded in affirmation, and Gavin Ladd immediately made a decision.

"This is enough."

"We don't need to cooperate with him very deeply, as long as we can break the current deadlock and advance the battle line to Draenor's side, then we will have plenty of time to slowly find the whereabouts of the expeditionary force."

Positive, but not completely positive, nucleic acid positive, but without any symptoms, family members are in great pain, and I seem to be living in another world, which is very strange.

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