Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1088: The Polluter Descends, The Responses of All Parties

Today, most of East Weald has fallen into the hands of the Scourge. Only the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel, Colin Crossing, and the Hand of Tyre, which are not in the way of the Scourge’s march, are still stubbornly defeated by the Knights of the Silver Hand. in hand.

Because of Sharlayan's suggestion, Kel'Thuzad deliberately built the portal to summon Archimonde near Darrow County, which was the ancestral territory of the Garithos family.

After Alsace's relentless massacre, Lordaeron's radical nobles, including the Garithos family, and their troops were ambushed and killed by the prepared Scourge. Completely solved the worries of internal strife.

However, it will take some time to complete the transformation of the tens of thousands of troops, which is why Ner'zhul chose to request the support of the Burning Legion, because he knew that he would definitely not be able to catch up with the alliance's main force to return.

That being the case, it is better to take advantage of the opportunity of the demon army charging forward, let the Scourge hide behind and make a fortune in silence, and accumulate the confidence to turn against the Burning Legion as soon as possible.

Sharlayan was not interested in Ner'zhul's small calculations. In his opinion, this fool without self-knowledge was already a talking corpse.

In March 2016, Kel'Thuzad, holding the Book of Medivh, finally officially activated the huge Legion Portal under the close watch of the scouts from various countries in the Alliance.

Even the floating city of Dalaran floating above Lordamere Lake could see the soaring green light of fel energy.


You Ruo's substantial spatial shock made everyone in the Eastern Kingdom jump in their hearts.

A huge blue-skinned demon that seemed to be able to penetrate the heavens and the earth walked out of the portal with its head held high.

"Ah~ Azeroth."

Archimonde, who was wearing golden armor, looked around jokingly: "After ten thousand years, we have finally returned to this familiar world."

"This time..." Archimonde's hands ignited the flames of fel energy: "We will not repeat the mistakes of 10,000 years ago. The flames of the legion will surely purify this planet that has been deeply corrupted by the power of the void!"


As Archimonde actively spread his powerful power without any concealment, the extraordinary powerhouses as far away as Northrend and Kalimdor all received this invitation to fight without exception.



In the Eternal Palace deep in the sea, Azshara looked up at the dark sea water above the palace, with a smile of unknown meaning on the corner of his mouth.

"Is that brainless brat coming again? I didn't expect him to take the lead this time. I thought it would be Kil'jaeden."

Compared with Azshara who has a relaxed expression, Vashj, who is still serving Azshara, looks like an enemy.

"Your Majesty, is there any difference between these two people? In my opinion, if you don't fight yourself, no matter who comes, it will be very difficult for Azeroth to defeat them, right?"

"Hmph~" Azshara chuckled meaningfully: "Don't underestimate the children of the new generation."

"Without the constant energy provided by the Well of Eternity, the Burning Legion would not be able to call for reinforcements unscrupulously."

"If Archimonde still only knows how to advance by leaps and bounds like in the past, I'm afraid he will suffer a big loss this time, maybe..."


Northrend, Dragonblight.

Alexstrasza, Malygos, Ysera, Nozdormu, and Sinestra, who had already received the news, gathered in the meeting hall on the top floor of Wyrmrest Temple.

The Red Dragon Queen whispered solemnly: "Sure enough, it's still here."

"Tsk!" Malygos plucked the blue hair that shone with arcane light with some annoyance: "If it wasn't for that brat Sarlayan who kept us on hold for the time being, I really want to try it myself, is the polluter right? It's really as difficult to deal with as you say."

Due to some objective reasons, Malygos did not fight Archimonde in the War of the Ancients. The Spellweaver, who was confident in his own strength, wanted to see Archimonde who could defeat the strongest demigod Malorne with his own eyes. How much does Mond weigh?

"Do not impulse."

Ysera pressed Malygos's shoulder to persuade him: "According to Sharlayan's plan, we must ensure that Archimonde can be killed with one blow. Before that, we must not startle the enemy."

"I know!"

Malygos gave Ysera an angry look, "In your eyes, am I such a person who doesn't care about the overall situation?"

Nozdormu, who had just returned not long ago, raised his mouth slightly: "That's hard to say, after all, your illness is not over yet."

"Ah?!" Malygos turned his head and stared at the yin and yang bronze dragon king with a displeased face: "How can you be better than me? Play yourself to the schizophrenic time dragon king!"


Alexstrasza helplessly stopped the bickering between the two: "Now is not the time to joke around, you all go back and get ready to attack at any time."

Before leaving Wyrmrest Temple, Ysera glanced back in the direction of the Kalimdor continent, and sighed softly: "For the sake of the overall situation of Azeroth...I'm afraid we will let our old friend down this time."

Sinestra curled her lips in disdain: "This is a necessary sacrifice. The night elves have enjoyed the benefits that shouldn't belong to mortals for a full ten thousand years. Everything they gain has something to lose. It's time for them to make sacrifices to protect the world." Some contribution."

"Ysera, don't be soft-hearted at this juncture, if the plan goes wrong... no one can bear the consequences."

Ysera nodded with a serious expression, "I know the priorities. I only hope that Tyrande and the others can quickly adjust their mentality after the war, and reintegrate into the ever-changing mortal world with a new mental outlook."


On Mount Hyjal, the tortoise demigod Tortola, who was sleeping soundly in the lake, suddenly woke up.

While quickly floating up to the surface of the lake, Tortola said to himself with a serious expression: "Goldrin, do you feel it?"


Suddenly, a rift in space appeared by the lake, as if being torn apart by sharp claws, and a giant wolf with shiny fur all over the body walked out of the door gracefully.

"Of course, that stench of evil energy can be smelled from far away."

Just as the two demigods were silently looking at the endless sea, as the plants around the lake were blooming abnormally, a voice that both of them were very familiar with sounded from the forest.

"Old friends, long time no see."

Goldrinn grinned, and responded with disdain: "That's right, we don't go through the battle of the ancients like you without getting hurt."

"Cenarius, there is no Malorne to protect you this time, are you ready to sacrifice for Azeroth?"


Forest demigod Cenarius replied without hesitation: "If necessary, I will never begrudge my life."

"Hmph! At least you still have a little responsibility."

Goldrin snorted softly: "Don't worry, with Tortola at the front, you just need to assist us as always."

"As long as Tortola and I are still alive, it won't be so easy for Archimonde to hurt you."

Cenarius knew Goldrinn's temper, and didn't take his eccentricities to heart.

"World Tree Nordrassil..."

Looking up at the towering giant tree on the top of Mount Hyjal, Cenarius sighed softly.

"Everything in the world has its own destiny. Nordrassil has guarded the night elves for ten thousand years. Now, its mission may come to an end."


It is different from the superpowers who already knew the outline of Sharlayan's plan.

Although the night elves headed by Malfurion had known for a long time that the Burning Legion was about to return to Azeroth, they never expected that Archimonde would break through the planet barrier and come in person so soon.

At this time, a fierce quarrel was going on in the parliament hall of Andalius, the capital of the Night Republic.

"I disagree!"

Maiev Shadowsong, who had just returned from the Eastern Kingdom, slapped the table angrily: "Tyrande! You know the danger of that better than anyone else, why would you make such a stupid suggestion?!"

As the high-ranking priestess under the seat of the moon god Elune, Tyrande has had a bad relationship with her rival Maiev since 10,000 years ago. Facing Maiev's angry questioning, she yelled go back.

"Illidan Stormrage is also a hero who participated in the War of the Ancients! And he knows more about the Burning Legion than any of us."

"Now that the Burning Legion is making a comeback under the leadership of Archimonde, I don't think the Polluter will let go of the night elf who made him lose in the first battle. We need his experience and combat power more than ever before!"

The two high-ranking female members of the Night Council spat at each other, and Jarod could only smile wryly and hide aside, looking at Malfurion who could finally make up his mind.

"What do you think? Should we release Illidan at this time?"


Malfurion rubbed the center of his brows with a wry smile: "From selfishness, of course I want to release him, and Tyrande's consideration is indeed reasonable, but..."

Garald patted Malfurion's shoulder with a tangled expression in understanding: "Are you worried that after being imprisoned for 10,000 years, he will lose his mental balance and develop resentment towards his own group?"

Malfurion nodded worriedly: "I know Illidan, he is a very delicate person."

"The 10,000-year captivity will definitely leave something in his heart, and I'm not sure whether releasing him is the right decision."

"Hmm..." Jarod thoughtfully pointed at Tyrande and Maiev who were still at war with each other: "One vote for, one vote against."

Then he pointed his finger at himself and Malfurion: "One abstention, one vote to be decided, then why don't we leave the decision to the final member?"

Malfurion frowned slightly: "Fandral? That's right, such a big thing happened, and it's time to call him back from Northrend."

While trying to contact Fandral Staghelm in the Sholazar Basin through the Emerald Dream, Malfurion asked casually, "Garrod, how do you think Fandral will choose?"

Garrod shrugged and analyzed: "Fandral is a typical pragmatist, and he and Illidan have never had any grudges. I guess...he should vote for it."

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