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Chapter 1090 The Man-made Plan of the Lord of the Undead

Salayan and his party, who had already left Barov Castle, failed to see Archimonde make a move with their own eyes. At this time, they had already returned to the Royal City of Lordaeron.

However, through the waves of fel energy constantly sweeping from the direction of East Tirisfal, Sharlayan can roughly guess the end of the Dalson defense line... and even the ending of Andorhal, the important town of Lordaeron.

When the Knights of the Silver Hand hurriedly drove the screaming Andorhal residents back to the last line of defense at the junction of Tirisfal Forest and East Tirisfal - Lordaeron's barrier.

The kings of the alliance countries, who were anxiously waiting for the battle report ahead in the alliance conference hall, finally heard the news they wanted.

Queen Calia clenched her silver teeth and tried to control her emotions. She said in a trembling voice, "East Tirisfal has completely fallen, and Archimonde destroyed our defense line as easily as playing."

"The good news is that he did not continue to march after destroying Andorhal, but temporarily stayed near the ruins of Andorhal."


Although she tried her best to control her emotions, Jia Liya still couldn't hold back and hit the ground heavily with the scepter in her hand.

Genn Greymane, who had always been at odds with Lordaeron, looked at the pale Calia with pity, and sighed heavily with a sad heart.

"Queen Jialiya, please give me your condolences."

"If the Duke of Deep Shadow's plan does not deviate too much, Archimonde and his demon army will not stay in the Eastern Kingdom for a long time."

"Let the night elves, the old rivals of the Burning Legion, deal with them. The main enemy we need to face is still the Scourge led by the traitor Arthas."

"Suck ~ call ~"

Hearing Sarlayan's name, Calia's emotions finally stabilized a bit, and she tried to adjust her state by taking deep breaths.

"I know that, as the Duke of Deep Shadow said, Archimonde's move is to give Azeroth a bad start and use his powerful and unparalleled power to destroy our psychological defense."

Calia, who always had a gentle smile on her face, showed a rare serious expression: "We will let the Burning Legion and the Scourge know on the battlefield that the will of the alliance will not be easily crushed!"

Kael'thas' eyes were fixed on the huge topographic map hanging on the wall of the conference hall: "According to the plan, Archimonde should have already known about the existence of the new Well of Eternity through the special channel we arranged."

"Whether it's for the purpose of absorbing Nordrassil's power to strengthen himself, or using the energy of the new Well of Eternity to summon demonic reinforcements on a large scale, Archimonde will definitely choose to cross the endless sea to Kalimdor."

"That's right."

A familiar voice came from outside the door of the conference hall, which cheered up the depressed Calia.


As the heavy door of the conference hall was pushed back from the outside, Salayan, who had rushed back from the front line in a hurry, walked in with Valeera, Jaina, and Stellagosa.

In a hurry, Sharlayan simply nodded to the kings present and immediately began to analyze and explain.

"According to what I observed in Barov Castle, Archimonde...or the Burning Legion has lost trust in the Scourge."

"Archimonde sent a Dreadlord to follow the Arch Lich Kel'Thuzad closely to monitor his every move, and New Sandara in Northrend also sent news that several Dreadlords who stayed in Icecrown Glacier have changed."

Luo Ning touched it thoughtfully: "The internal strife between the undead and the devil?"

Sharlayan nodded: "To be precise, the Burning Legion intends to get rid of Ner'zhul, a pawn that is no longer obedient, and take control of the Scourge Legion in their own hands, so that they can have an extra army that is completely controlled by the demons." cannon fodder troops.”

"It's a fantastic opportunity for us."

Sharlayan strode to the huge map, raised his hand and drew a circle in the center of the endless sea.

"Archimonde, who has learned about the new Well of Eternity and the World Tree, is about to lead the main force of the legion to Kalimdor, and hand over the task of conquering the countries of the Eastern Continent to the Scourge, whose leader will soon be replaced."

"Archimonde's idea is good, but Ner'zhul, who has already turned against him, will not be unprepared."

"If my guess is correct, Arthas should have led the elite of the Scourge to return to Northrend by now."


Calia frowned and asked, "Take a boat back to Northrend in front of the Burning Legion? That's impossible, right?"

Sharlayan shook his head and said: "Of course not, have you forgotten how the Scourge's reinforcements landed in the Eastern Kingdom?"

Calia suddenly realized: "You mean...Alsace also transformed himself into an undead who doesn't need to breathe and is not afraid of cold and heat? They plan to sneak back to Northrend from the bottom of the water?"

"That's it."

Sare'an looked at Jialia, who had a gloomy and uncertain expression, with some concern: "Queen Jialia, don't you still have hope in that traitor who has long deviated from humanity?"

"Alsace made up his mind to completely abandon his human identity and way of thinking when he ordered the group of radical nobles who followed him to be killed."

"Now he is the death knight Arthas, not the prince of Lordaeron."

Seeing Jialia bowing her head in silence, Dai Lin sighed silently, and deliberately changed the subject.

"Alsace returned to Northrend with a part of the natural disaster elite. Who will lead the undead army left in the territory of Lordaeron? Kel'Thuzad?"

Sharlayan: "Yes, but to be more precise, it should be Baron Rivendell who has secretly collude with Kel'Thuzad for many years. After all, Kel'Thuzad is not good at military dispatch."

"in addition……"

Sharlayan moved his finger to the southern part of the Eastern Continent: "The scouts of the Backlight Blade have just received information from the Blasted Lands that Thoras Trollbane, who was resurrected by the Scourge as an undead, ended his relationship with Dana not long ago. Smith's secret meeting."

"Escorted by the speedboat of Quel'Thalas, Solas will rush to Boralus as fast as possible to transfer to the icebreaker, trying to reach Northrend before Arthas, who is silently marching under the sea."

"His Majesty Solas?!"

The representatives of the Stormgard Regency Council widened their eyes in astonishment: "Damn the natural disaster! How dare they disturb the late king's long sleep!"

Dai Lin waved her hand to interrupt the anger of the council representative: "This is not the first time, I still have to blame you for not paying attention to Lordaeron's warning, and even failing to protect the royal tomb."


Dai Lin's outspokenness made Representative Stormgard a little embarrassed.

"Okay, two, now is not the time to argue about this issue."

Caliber, who was in a good mood, changed the topic again as the host of the alliance conference.

"Duke Deep Shadow, you suddenly mentioned His Majesty Solas must have other meanings?"

Sharlayan said approvingly, "That's right."

"The Burning Legion wants to kill Ner'zhul to pick peaches, why can't we?"

Gene frowned, and asked with obvious surprise on his face: "You plan to use Solas to take the Scourge for your own use? Is this...really reliable?"

"Can those mindless undead be restrained by Solas?"

"Correct it."

Sharlayan said to Jin seriously: "Not all undead are puppets who only know how to obey orders. In theory, high-level undead have the same advanced wisdom as they did before life."

"The reason why the Scourge behaves as rigidly as they do now is because they are under the control of the Helm of Domination held by Ner'zhul."

"Hmm..." Gelbin Mekkatorque, the great gnome craftsman, interrupted thoughtfully, "So your plan is to snatch that... Helm of Dominion from Ner'zhul, and give it to you with free will. Solas, the undead soul of the Lich King?"


Sharlayan passed a piece of information to Queen Calia, who was closest to him, and after she read it, he passed it on to other kings.

"As I said earlier, under the mediation of Quel'Thalas, Solas reached a cooperation agreement with Danas in Fort Watch."

"Danas will return to Stromgarde as the descendant of the Trollbane royal family. In exchange, Solas will go to Northrend and take it from Ner'zhul with the help of the Alliance. The Helmet of Domination, becoming the second generation Lord of the Undead."

Varian Wrynn, who had been silent before, suddenly questioned, "I have a question."

"The Sun King said before that Quel'Thalas had a special channel for Archimonde to obtain information about the new Well of Eternity and the World Tree. I would like to know what this so-called special channel is? Can this information channel be shared with All members of the alliance?"

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