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Chapter 1104 Anchor of the Undead's Will

The invasion of the Burning Legion and the internal turmoil of the Scourge occurred almost at the same time. Sharlayan needed to take into account both battlefields at the same time, and fine-tune the next plan in real time according to the development of the situation.

Due to the unexpected loss of contact with the Darkspear troll, Sharlayan still does not know that the Darkspear troll unexpectedly met the orcs, and has already landed in Durotar to start building a base, and does not know that the orcs are in the remote gray area. East of the Vale clashes with the night elves.

The whereabouts of Anasseron and the latest developments in Northrend were sent to Sharlayan one after the other. He needs to prioritize the tasks that urgently need attention at hand. conflict.

Sharlayan dispatched an elite thief from Backlight Blade to pass the news that Anasseron appeared in Felwood and tried to use the fel artifact to corrupt the entire forest to the night elf commander Gallo who was far away on the front line of Ashenvale. Germany.

And this news will inevitably be known to Illidan and Maiev who are fighting on the front line.

Sharlayan is also not sure what Illidan will do next, after all, Illidan often makes unexpected moves.

In order to avoid unexpected events, after leaving Andarius, Sharlayan transformed into a swift-tailed swift and rushed to Felwood Forest at the fastest speed, intending to reunite with Valeera first.

On the way, Sharlayan was still thinking about the changes in the situation in Northrend.

As expected, after Tichondrius arrived at Icecrown, he immediately summoned all the dreadlords who were monitoring Ner'zhul, and at the same time took over the reserve forces of the Burning Legion ambushing all over Icecrown.

According to the habit of the Dreadlord, Tichondrius originally planned to let Mal'Ganis and the others pretend that nothing happened and slip directly in front of Ner'zhul to make a sudden attack.

But Ner'zhul also raised his vigilance through the abnormal movements of the Burning Legion. He had already guessed that sooner or later Kil'jaeden would attack himself, who was becoming more and more disobedient and secretly engaged in small tricks.

When Tichondrius left Archimonde and rushed to Northrend, Kel'Thuzad, who was ordered by Ner'zhul to monitor the movements of the Burning Legion, "timely" told the news to the Lich King who was far away on the Ice Throne.

It was indeed very timely. As soon as Tichondrius started to move, and before he even showed any inclination to go, Kel'Thuzad's warning was delivered first.

This was obviously not due to Ner'zhul's own vigilance, but Sharlayan deliberately gave Ner'zhul a chance to prepare for a counterattack in advance.

What Sarlayan wanted to see was a dog-eat-dog melee, not a one-sided situation.

The more chaotic the situation in Icecrown, the better chance for Thoras Trollbane to fish in troubled waters.

In order to ensure that his layout can be realized smoothly, Sharlayan notified Alonsus Faol in advance and rushed to Northrend to stand by.

On the other hand, with the support of Jaina who officially entered the Kirin Tor Council, Rhonin was finally able to let go of his hands and feet a little bit.

Dalaran Floating City has not really shown its strategic use since its transformation.

After learning about the changing situation in Northrend, Rhonin decided to take a detour and drive the floating city of Dalaran to Northrend to assist Thoras Trollbane and Alonsus Faol from being busy resisting the Burning Legion. The attacking Ner'zhul took the Helm of Domination from his hand.

What? Frostmourne?

That thing was still in Alsace's hands. If there were no accidents, Alsace should be marching towards Northrend in the extremely cold arctic waters right now.

Frostmourne is more of an augment receiver than the Helm of Dominion, which can control the will of all undead.

Arthas, holding Frostmourne, is more susceptible to Ner'zhul's coercion. His way of thinking will gradually synchronize with Ner'zhul, so that Ner'zhul can occupy Alsace's body for his own use in the future.

As far as the quality of the weapon itself is concerned, Frostmourne does have the power of an artifact. Not only is the blade extremely sharp, but it can also absorb the soul of the enemy to further strengthen the power of the weapon.

However, when he thought that there might be a back door left by the warden in this sword, Sharlayan had no interest in it, anyway, he was not short of artifacts.

In contrast, the Helmet of Dominion, which is the symbol of the Lich King, is more important. Whoever gets it can command all the undead of the Scourge with his own will.

Solas Trollbane was the hero of the Kingdom of Stormgard during his lifetime, with Danas and the Kingdom of Stormgarde as the anchors of his will, Solas betrayed Azeroth's willful actions Unlikely.

However, as a planner, Sharlayan must consider the worst possibility, and cannot pin his hopes on Solas' self-awareness.

This is why he also sent Alonsus Faol, who was also not affected by the Helm of Dominion, this former saint with amazing willpower would become Solas' first choice in case he got out of control. Secondary insurance.

The mobility of the floating city of Dalaran is good. According to Jaina's latest information from Dalaran, the city of Dalaran should arrive in Northrend before the landing of Alsace, who set off earlier.

On the other hand, Vereesa, who returned to Northrend through the portal, held the direct orders of the Sun King, and successfully took over the command of all the high elf troops centered on New Sandara.

Dai Lin, who was still a little ill, also took a ride and arrived in Northrend at the same time as Vereesa.

The marines of Kul Tiras have been hard at work developing the land ever since they defeated the dragon-reaver vrykul and took control of the Howling Fjord.

Due to its location in the Arctic, the temperature throughout Northrend is far lower than the average line of the Eastern Kingdom. Only the Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, and the relatively special Sholazar Basin are suitable for living.

Crystal Song Forest?

Are you sure you want to talk about the temperature with the high elves who can borrow the energy of the sunwell through the magic net pipe to build an enchantment to change the climate? Is it because my eversong forest, which is like spring all the year round, can't hold a knife?

Daelin and Vereesa, who were still coughing, saw the undead Solas and Alonsus for the first time in New Sandara City.

Solas and Alonsus had been buried for several years when they were dug up by the Scourge and revived, and their bodies were decomposed to varying degrees.

Although they have been taken care of by the special embalming package that Sharlayan learned from the Shadowlands, the appearance of the two is still a bit intrusive to people with normal aesthetics.

The well-informed Dai Lin casually reached out and patted the shoulders of the two, and sighed rather admiringly.

"Time flies so fast. The last time I met you two was at the last old alliance meeting, right?"

"Brother Solas, old Jean and I are the only kings of our generation now, and it's time for me to retire and enjoy life."

Solas forced the corners of his stiff mouth to show a wry smile: "Who says it's not, the changes in the world are really wonderful, I never dreamed that I would be backstabbed by my trusted son, let alone that I would One day I can come back to life.”

Compared with Solas, who had just recovered from death, Alonsus, who was more open-minded, had gradually gotten used to the body of the undead.

He smiled and comforted Solas: "The change of the body cannot distort our soul-derived nature."

"As long as you keep in mind your own principles, it doesn't matter whether you are living or undead. We can still contribute our part to protect Azeroth."

"From this point of view, it may be a blessing to be able to obtain an alternative second life in this wonderful form."

"Of course, this is just my family's opinion."

Solas rubbed his stiff face vigorously with both hands, and rearranged his mood.

"His Majesty Faol is right. Although being awakened from death by a natural disaster is an accident, it is not entirely a bad thing."

"At least I can still see with my own eyes that my homeland, Stormgard, is still standing, it has not been defeated by my incompetent son, and I can also witness its resurgence under the hands of Danas."

"Huh~ Let's stop here for the time being. We still have time to chat slowly. What I need most now is time...Let's get back to business."

Solas straightened his face and looked at Vereesa, who had been smiling and watching: "Commander Windrunner, what is the arrangement for Duke Deep Shadow? What does he need us to do?"

"I'm a rough man. It's no problem for me to lead the charge on the battlefield. Let me plan and plan... It's really difficult for me."

Solas smiled wryly and pointed to Alonsus next to him: "If His Majesty Faol hadn't been enlightening and guiding me on the way here, I'm afraid I'm still thinking about whether I should live or die. Philosophical problems."

Vereesa's eyes moved slightly: "Sure enough, as Sharlayan expected, it is difficult for people who are suddenly resurrected in the form of undead to quickly adjust their mentality. Fortunately, he was prepared in advance. '

According to Sharlayan's point of view, the dead will have instinctive jealousy towards the living. If this emotion is allowed to ferment, they will sooner or later be swallowed by the darkness in their hearts.

At this time, some people or things are needed to become the will anchor of the undead with free will.

The anchor of Solas' will is undoubtedly the Kingdom of Stormgard that he has missed all his life, and Danath Trollbane, who has a blood relationship with him.


The former saint didn't need Sharlayan to worry about him at all, and even Kel'Thuzad was amazed by the strong willpower of His Excellency the Archbishop.

The messy thoughts in her heart flashed, and Vereesa answered Solas's question seriously: "Salayan has already made a complete set of detailed plans for the next actions of the two of you."

"However, the specific countermeasures need to be fine-tuned according to the results of the battle between the Scourge and the Burning Legion. Now..."

Vereesa pointed to the iron wall dam in the northwest of New Sandara City with her thumb: "Dictation is more troublesome and not accurate enough, the two of you should go to the dam with me and use your own eyes to witness the battle situation Let's go."

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