After killing Mannoroth, all the orcs who participated in this demon-slaying battle could feel an inexplicable strangeness in their bodies, except for Goel, a special individual who had never been polluted by the blood of demons.

"This is……"

Brox Saurfang, who supported Grom with one hand, shook his left fist in surprise.

As a veteran legendary fighter who knows his own physical condition best, Brooks was the first to discover abnormal body sensations.

But to say that the person who feels the deepest is Grom Hellscream, whose senses are a little dull after a full-strength blow.

The purification ceremony arranged by Medivh only temporarily suppressed the spiritual impact of the boiling demon blood in Grom's body, but did not remove the curse from the source.

This can be seen from Grom's eyes that were still blood red before.

But now, with Mannoroth's death, the strange color in Grom's eyes quickly dissipated, and the clear brown eyes returned.

At the same time, although his body was still a little weak, Grom could clearly feel that the blood curse entangled in his soul was disintegrating rapidly.

"The curse... is gone."

After struggling to stand still with Brox's support, Grom couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

Goel couldn't empathize with Grom and Brox, but as the patriarch of the orc clan, at this moment, he was also sincerely happy for all the clansmen who got rid of the curse of the demon's blood.

Grom clenched his hands slightly tremblingly, with an expression of emotion on his face, closed his eyes and looked up to the sky.

"My sins have finally been repaid a little bit, but..."

"Well." Goyle patted Grom's shoulder comfortingly: "It's not enough, we still need to continue to work hard if we want to truly integrate into this brand new world."

While the orcs were busy getting acquainted with the new feeling after the blood curse was lifted, Sharlayan was welcoming Stellagosa, who should not have arrived at this moment.

Due to the need to conduct multi-line operations at the same time, the Sharlayan family was scattered in many scenes in Azeroth where various incidents were erupting.

Jaina followed the city of Dalaran to the mainland of Northrend not long ago.

After receiving permission from Quel'Thalas, the floating city of Dalaran is currently "recharging" above a magic net node in Crystalsong Forest, making final preparations for the upcoming operation.

About half of the members of Backlight Blade followed Valeera to the Kalimdor continent, and are now scattered to various battlefields to collect information.

In order to provide Sharlayan with real-time information from various places at any time, Valeera was by his side most of the time.

In order to ensure sufficient combat power to suppress and defeat Mannoroth, Onyxia was called by Sharlayan from the camp at the foot of Mount Hyjal not long ago, and only Stellagosa was still serving as Sharlayan. The agent stays in the camp as a central coordinator.

Little Xingxing would never leave his post easily if he had not encountered a major incident that he had decided on himself.

Since seeing her unexpectedly here, it means that the situation is already very serious.

Sure enough, Stellagosa brought two pieces of news to Sharlayan, one good and the other bad.

As usual, Sharlayan chose to hear the bad news first.

Stellagosa said with a serious expression: "The bad news is that Archimonde seems to have sensed Mannoroth's death, and he finally doesn't want to pretend anymore."

"Shortly after Mannoroth's death, Archimonde changed his previous attitude of drinking tea and watching theatre, and personally destroyed Timbermaw Fortress. Large spell annihilation."

Hearing the news, Salayan felt tense immediately, and hurriedly asked, "Where's Garrod? Did he escape in time?"

Fortunately, Stellagosa nodded and gave an affirmative answer: "Galrod has been paying close attention to Archimonde's actions, and he ordered all defenders to withdraw from the line of defense before the Defiler's spell preparations were completed."

"Unfortunately, his order came too late."

"Under Maiev's timely rescue, the Shadowsong siblings escaped from Timbermaw Stronghold before the spell took effect, but..."

Stellagosa shook his head and sighed: "Once tens of thousands of defenders are buried, even the mighty Night Republic will inevitably be hurt."

It is a matter of course here that although the night elves have a strong national power, this has been slowly accumulated over the past 10,000 years of recuperation.

The fertility rate of night elves is no better than that of high elves, and even worse because of immortality.

Losing tens of thousands of elites at a time, Malfurion would definitely be heartbroken to the point where he could hardly breathe when he heard the news.

This can be seen from the pale face of Tyrande who followed Sharlayan and listened to the report.

However, after all, Tyrande is a veteran who has experienced the battle of the ancients, and has a deep understanding of the strength of the polluters. She has long been psychologically prepared for the possible lethality of Archimonde.

After a brief absence, Tyrande immediately bid farewell to Sharlayan and the others with a sinking face. She didn't even bother to raise conditions with the orcs on the basis of Mannoroth's death. She wanted to rush back to Andarius immediately to learn more about the situation. .

After sending Tyrande away, Sharlayan sighed softly.

"Luckily among the misfortunes, Garrod was fine, otherwise I really don't know who should take over and command the coalition forces of all races to resist the general attack of the Burning Legion."

Since Archimonde lost his patience and shot himself, it means that the decisive battle on Mount Hyjal is approaching.

According to Stellagosa, the slightly injured Shadowsong siblings quickly withdrew to the camp built by the Alliance at the foot of Mount Hyjal.

This is the penultimate line of defense against the Burning Legion. The night elves have built two positions on the mountainside and on the top of the mountain.

The orcs, tauren, and Darkspear trolls were still enjoying their victory over Mannoroth, but there was no time left for them to celebrate.

Sarlayan asked Stellagosa to urgently contact all the coalition mages in the camp at the foot of the mountain, and at the same time ordered Goel and others who did not know why to drive the army to the cliff in the northern part of Ashenvale, which is closest to the southern foot of Mount Hyjal.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to transport a large-scale army through teleportation, because the magic power required to transport a large number of people is too large.

Fortunately, due to the short distance, the night elves who were backed by the new Well of Eternity could afford this bit of energy.

At this juncture, even the most stubborn Tyrande will not jump out and say that the power of the new Well of Eternity cannot be used at will, so as not to attract the attention of the Burning Legion.

The Burning Legion is already in sight, and it is clear that they are coming for the new Well of Eternity.

As a matter of urgency, the night elves must muster all available forces to weaken the Legion's conventional strength.

After remote communication between Sharlayan and Jarod, the command of the alliance army was handed over to Jarod in the name of the commander of the Kalimdor Expeditionary Force.

After taking command, Garald, who knew the situation was urgent, immediately began to dispatch troops.

The alliance army gave up investing a lot of resources to build a camp at the foot of the mountain for many days, and immediately withdrew to the defense line halfway up the mountain that the night elves had already built, leaving this camp for the upcoming Horde army.

After getting rid of the control of the demon's blood, the weakness from the soul of the orcs completely disappeared, and their combat effectiveness had a significant recovery.

With ample energy provided by the new Well of Eternity, the high elves, humans, and nightborne mages worked overtime to transport orc, darkspear troll, and tauren armies from Ashenvale to the foothill camp in large numbers.

Next, the orcs will take over this solid line of defense built by the Alliance as the first barrier against the Burning Legion's mountaineering.

The Darkspear troll and tauren armies followed the alliance and withdrew to the mountainside. They had to familiarize themselves with the fortifications left by the night elves as soon as possible and guard the second line of defense.

The main army of night elves, led by Malfurion himself, was in the camp on the top of the mountain, as the last line of defense against the attack of the Burning Legion.

At the same time, Cenarius and Dragon Clan, who had been fishing for OB before, also sped up their actions.

Through the entrance and exit of the dreamland network under the shade of the great tree of Ashenvale, a large number of dragon elites led by the four dragon kings were transferred from the emerald dragon sanctuary in Northrend.

Dense five-color giant dragons soared into the sky, their outstretched wings even covered the sky of Ashenvale, and rushed all the way to the new Well of Eternity at the root of the Nordrassil tree to stand by.


Due to Archimonde's sudden attack, Sharlayan had to speed up the planning process and was finally able to sit down and rest for a while after being busy for a while.

Sharlayan rubbed the center of his brows wearily, smiled wryly and said to Little Xingxing who had been following him with all his strength and assisted him: "Stella, let's talk about the good news now, I hope it is really good news literally."

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