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Chapter 1140 Sacrifice you to benefit thousands of families

The polluter Archimonde, who is so powerful that it is difficult to defeat, is close at hand, and all the officers participating in this military meeting have a heavy burden on their hearts.

Before Alleria and Shandris rushed back to report, the tent was almost silent except for a few people like Sharlayan and Jarod who could speak normally.

There is a risk of breaking the rubber cord if it is stretched too tightly.

Sarlayan believes that this overly depressing atmosphere will have a great impact on the morale and actual combat performance of the coalition forces during the final battle, so he deliberately found an excuse to enliven the atmosphere.

Maiev also saw this and stood up to stop the shamed and angry Jarod.

...Of course, Sharlayan also admitted that his kick did have some selfishness.

Garald's wife is named Sarah Hill, a priestess of the Moon Goddess. At this moment, she is following Tyrande and others to evacuate the people on the World Tree.

Sharlayan has a good personal relationship with Garrod, and he has also met Sarah Hill many times.

Speaking of the relationship between Garrod, Shandris, and Sarah Hill... To use a summary of the barrage to describe it, it is that Omei is no match for the sky.

In fact, this kind of statement is not too strict, after all, Shandris was still a young girl who had just begun to love during the War of the Ancients.

Shandris Feathermoon is Tyrande's adopted daughter, in terms of seniority, she is a generation younger than the Shadowsong siblings who are similar in age to Tyrande.

Sharlayan didn't know what kind of grievances and grievances happened 10,000 years ago. All in all, Shandris, who was still very young at the time, fell in love with Garrod, the commander-in-chief of the coalition army who was sure to command in the war.

After the war, and until Garald voluntarily retreated to abdicate, the young Shandris had been twittering around Garald's side, and a blind person could tell that she was interested in Garald.

Tyrande is happy to see the results. If her adopted daughter can marry Jarod, the post-war power distribution issue that was still worrying about will naturally be solved.

However, Garald, who had never heard of any emotional experience before, suddenly fell in love with a little priest named Sarah Hill before leaving Mount Hyjal to live in seclusion.

Moreover, the young couple didn't give Tyrande and Shandris any time to react. As soon as their relationship was confirmed, they left the position of the night elves' military commander without any regrets, and disappeared into the mountains from then on.

When communicating privately with Sarah Hill before, Sharlayan learned a lot of details behind the events of the year from her mouth.

In the final analysis, Garrod still couldn't get over that hurdle in his heart.

Due to his personal character, Garrod has always been indifferent to fame and fortune.

The reason why he stood up to command the coalition forces during the War of the Ancients was because he didn't want to see the rebel army pulled up by his mentor, Lord Ravencrest, fall apart due to the incompetence of the commander, and Azeroth fell to the Burning Legion. hand.

After the war, the already intelligent Jarod could see that Tyrande, who was keen on power, had always been eyeing the military power in his hands.

Shandris did contact him out of her own will, but Tyrande, who was behind the scenes, was not.

Garald didn't want the little girl's incomparably pure feelings to be tainted with a stinky political atmosphere, and he, who was deeply tired from the political struggles between the Arcanists, Druids, the Church of the Moon God, and the military, simply took advantage of this Chance escaped from the world and completely escaped the political whirlpool.

Judging from the current point of view, Garrod and Sarah Hill really have a deep relationship.

But according to Sarah Hill herself, this mutual affection was actually cultivated after they lived in seclusion.

In other words... Garald at the time just found an excuse to pull Sarah Hill out as a shield. His deep love for Shandris was not untouched, and he reluctantly cut off his love for other objective reasons.

For the past 10,000 years, Sarah Hill has been quietly persuading Garald to let go of his worries and return to the mainstream society of night elves.

After such a long time, Garrod's heart has already loosened.

It's a pity that this talented commander who likes to dig into the corners has been unable to make up his mind until Sharlayan took the initiative to find him, which made him take the last step under the urging of others.

As early as a few years ago, Sarah Hill hinted at Sharlayan intentionally or unintentionally when talking with him, hoping that Sharlayan could help promote the relationship between Garald and Shandris who reunited after thousands of years complex.

One thing to say, Sharlayan really didn't understand Sarah Hill's miraculous operation of being generous and proactively helping Garald connect with his old lover.

But after all, this is someone else's family business, and Sharlayan can't say much about it.

This time, after leading the alliance's Kalimdor expeditionary force across the sea, Sharlayan "accidentally" met Sarah Hill when he went to Andalius to visit Malfurion.

Sarlayan originally thought that after many years, Sarah Hill had already given up on her original weird idea.

However, contrary to Sharlayan's expectations, this extremely gentle moon priest actually brought up the old story again.

Sharlayan could only give a perfunctory response with a wry smile. At that time, his mind was full of how to kill Archimonde, and he had no time to think about such pimping.

It was also a coincidence. When Sharlayan saw Shandris unconsciously fainting in the direction of Garrod, he suddenly remembered Sarah Hill's request not long ago, and simply kicked Garrod away. past.

Maiev's character is very strong, if her own partner dares to do this kind of two-footed thing...

In the words of barrage, there is absolutely no divorce in Maiev's love life, only widowhood.

However, Maiev is a well-known helper demon. When this happened to Jarod, the leader of the Watchers, who has always been ruthless and selfless, played a rare double standard.

She wished that her younger brother would find more lovers, so as to spread branches and leaves for the Yingsong family as soon as possible.

After all... Sarah Hill has never given birth to any offspring in the past ten thousand years. Although Maiev didn't say anything, she felt a little nervous in her heart. She once wondered if there was something wrong with Sarah Hill's body. .

After sacrificing a shamed and indignant Garrod, the stagnant atmosphere in the camp of the Chinese army immediately dissipated, and the air was filled with joy.

Gossip is the common nature of all intelligent creatures. When Garald noticed that the high-ranking officers of the coalition forces around him looked at him holding Shandris with aunt smiles on their faces, no matter how embarrassed he was, he could only temporarily swallow his anger .

Garald was not stupid, after Maiev's reminder, he also realized that the atmosphere before the battle was not right, and this was obviously not conducive to the upcoming decisive battle.


Gently helping Shandris to sit aside, Garrod, whose face was still a little red, coughed lightly, and deliberately said with a straight face: "It's business, let's stop chatting here, let's get down to business..."


As soon as the meeting was over, Sharlayan dragged Stellagosa, Valeera, and Jaina away with Maiev's admiration and Jarod's resentful eyes.

"I'm going to check on Oni's injuries! Garrod, I'll leave the final pre-battle preparations to you!"

Jarod, who has always been mild-mannered, rarely showed a gritted expression when he looked at Sharlayan's back.

"You run fast! I want to see how long you can escape, this matter is not over yet!"

Maiev patted Jarod's shoulder with a light smile like a flowering iron tree: "Okay, I can't blame Sharlayan for this matter, it was Sarah Hill who asked him to do this before."


Garald turned his head to look at his own sister with a confused face: "You guys... what is this and what is it? Why are you all expecting me to cheat? It's because I have been out of touch with the world for too long and can't keep up. Have times changed?"


After a brief happy hour, the officers of the coalition army, whose tension was relieved, returned to the troops under their command.

Their relaxed mood also infected the soldiers in their respective armies, and a potential crisis disappeared.

Sarlayan originally thought that Archimonde would launch an offensive immediately after reaching the top of the mountain, but the development of the situation was somewhat different from what he predicted.

Instead of launching an attack immediately, Archimonde released all the existing legion spies.

After Valeera and Maiev each led the spies of the Alliance and the Night Elf to attack and intercept, Sharlayan stood on the city wall and looked at the demon army camp not far away thoughtfully.

"It is only at this time that the scouts' detection is increased. Could it be... Archimonde has noticed something? And who is giving him advice?"

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