Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1143 Planning the Power of Earth Protection

The five guardian dragons already belong to the top combat power in Azeroth.

Except for Malorne the White Hart, who is recognized as the strongest demigod and rumored husband of the moon god Elune, there are only a few titan guardians who have long been hidden from the world and may be able to surpass them.

Sharlayan had been in contact with Azadas and Raiden, and probably knew the traitor Loken's strength from them.

Not all titan guardians have strong combat capabilities, and Loken, known as the king of wisdom, is not good at confronting the enemy head-on.

In his heyday, Azadas may be stronger than the five dragon kings, but after years of fleeing and dormant, his strength has not yet returned to its peak.

According to Azadas, among all the Titan Guardians, the top three are the Great Guardian Lai, the Chief Manager Odin, and Tyr, known as the Guardian of Order.

Under these three, Thorim and Hodir are almost the same as Azadas, while Freya is more inclined to support.

The great inventor Mimiron...he even lost his guardian body by Loken Yin, and he had to replace it with a weak mechanical dwarf body, and his personal combat power has long been hopeless.

Among the three Titan Guardians headed by Layden, Layden himself has been imprisoned for many years, his strength has been greatly damaged, and his fighting spirit has also fallen to the bottom.

Right now, he is still touring the world, trying to regain the passion he had back then.

Odin's combat power remained intact, but this headstrong guy offended too many people back then, and was sealed in the Hall of Valor by his adopted daughter Hela and the traitor Loken.

Before Loken, who held the other half of the seal, died, Odin could only move within a small range within the Broken Isles, unable to leave the seal too far.

Needless to say, Tire, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, he died heroically in a battle against two Xeraki alone.

It was also because of Tire's life-saving cover that Azadas, Aronnaya and others escaped the claws of the ancient gods, arrived at the Uldaman underground palace smoothly, and retained the fire to fight back against the traitor Loken.

Except for Deathwing, who was infused with the power of the ancient gods, which reached level 68, the other giant guardian dragons were only at level 66, which was far behind the level 69 half-step true god Archimonde.

Cenarius... the "young" demigod of the wilderness known as the most watery demigod is only level 62, even inferior to Onyxia, the black dragon princess next to Sharlayan.

Fortunately, as the founder of the druid profession, Cenarius has a changeable fighting style and can flexibly switch his position in battle.

When fighting Archimonde, it was impossible for Cenarius to rush to the front to resist the line, so Alexstrasza, the red dragon queen with the strongest survivability, could replace Neltharion's original position as the main T.

But after all, the red dragon can't rely on defense like the black dragon to fight hard, but can only rely on its strong self-healing ability.

Even with the full-time assistance of Cenarius' transformed full-time nurse, Alexstrasza is not confident about whether he can withstand Archimonde's attack.

According to the original plan, the task of the resistance line should be handed over to Tortola, the tortoise demigod.

However, due to a change in the plan, both Tortola and Goldrinn needed to hide temporarily, deliberately showing weakness to lure Archimonde into the encirclement net.

Before arriving at the scheduled decisive battle location, Alexstrasza could only bite the bullet and take on this important task.

After can't count on the weaker defensive blue dragons, bronze dragons and green dragons to replace her tasks, can you?

Nozdormu didn't deliberately find fault, he finally confirmed it out of concern for Alexstrasza.

Standing on the sidelines of Sharlayan, the Dragon King of Time, who has already read thousands of sails in countless time streams, speaks a bit too straightforward.

In layman's terms, it means low emotional intelligence.

"Suck ~ call ~"

After the War of the Ancients, the Red Dragon Queen has ruled the Wyrmrest Temple for more than 10,000 years, and it has been a long time since such tension has arisen.

"I will do my best, and I hope that everyone will do their best to help."

After taking a deep breath to adjust his emotions, Alexstrasza said with a firm expression: "Malorne has not yet been resurrected, and we who are still alive must replace other guardians of Azeroth to protect our hometown."

"No matter how much it costs, Azeroth must win the war against the Burning Legion again, and Archimonde must die!"

Confirming that Alexstrasza had made up his mind, Nozdormu, whose expression was still indifferent, nodded.

"I know, let's fight."


Malygos said tacitly, "If it's a long-term confrontation with the polluters, I really don't have full confidence that I can handle it."

"But if it's just delaying time and leading him into a trap, in a short period of time, I am confident that I can temporarily equalize with him in a state of full burst."

Ysera also said solemnly: "The power of dreams will protect us from being easily defeated, but..."

The Green Dragon Queen glanced thoughtfully at Onyxia who was standing beside Sharlayan: "Sure enough, the power of the black dragon is still necessary."

"In this scene, Archimonde, who is actively invading Azeroth, can borrow the power of the demigod of the wilderness. If Sharlayan plans to counterattack Argus in the future..."

The souls of wilderness demigods, the powerful animal gods raised by nature, are bound to the planet, or... bound to the star soul of Azeroth.

This certainly allows them to have the privilege of being resurrected after death in the native land, but at the same time, once the wilderness demigod leaves his hometown, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Unless they can break through the bottleneck of demigods and leapfrog to become true gods in the universe.

In other words, if one day in the future, Azeroth needs to counterattack Argus, the base camp of the Burning Legion, the demigod of the wilderness will not be useful.

In addition to the mortal army used to deal with the regular troops of the Burning Legion, the high-end combat power can only rely on the dragon guardians and titan guardians infused with power from the titans.

The five guardian dragons have a clear division of labor, and the absence of the Black Dragon King will make their team formation incomplete.

Although Wyrmrest Temple has already appointed Ebisian, a direct descendant of Neltharion, as the new generation of Black Dragon King, the biggest problem has still not been resolved.

That is the Guardian of the Earth still in Deathwing's hands.

Alexstrasza could understand Ysera's concerns, she raised her hand and patted her sister's shoulder to comfort her: "Problems have to be solved one by one, so let's focus on Archimonde first. Bar."


"Is it the inheritance of the Black Dragon King?"

Seeing the four dragon kings and Cenarius rushing to the front to provoke Archimonde, Salayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Indeed, it's time to think about how to reclaim the power of protecting the earth from Deathwing's hands, otherwise Abby Sian, the scheduled new Black Dragon King, will never be worthy of his name."

Onyxia spread her hands helplessly: "That's the problem, Deathwing has been hiding, what can we do with him?"

"Be patient, he will come out."

Sharlayan smiled and said: "With the Burning Legion, the biggest enemy on the void side, retreating from Azeroth, I don't think N'Zoth will continue to dormant, he should take advantage of Azeroth's fight with the Burning Legion to lose both sides The opportunity to jump out and make trouble again."

"Now there are not many trump cards in N'Zoth's hand, except for Cho'gall, which is the new Nightmare King and Deathwing."

"In short, let's make preparations in advance and wait to see the trick."

"One day, Deathwing will return to Azeroth, full of vengeful rage."


A strange look flashed in Sharlayan's eyes: "Oni, after the incidents in Mount Hyjal and Northrend are over, find a chance to contact Nefarian secretly."

"We must secure our internal affairs before we fight against the outside world. Before officially attacking Deathwing, we must first thoroughly understand the position of this scumbag."

"Nefarian..." Onyxia nodded solemnly: "Indeed, I don't want to be stabbed in the back by him and his loyalists when I'm going all out to deal with Deathwing."

"It's time to force him to choose a side. No matter which side wins the final victory, he will not be able to end well if he only knows how to do things well."


Onyxia asked with a tangled expression, "If Nefarian is determined to side with us, are you sure Wyrmrest Temple won't pursue the crimes he committed in the past?"

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