Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1146 The time for farewell has come

In the entire universe, there are not a few beings who can reach the demigod realm, but they are by no means Chinese cabbages.

During the expedition of the Burning Legion that lasted for tens of thousands of years, dozens of demigods were killed by Archimonde himself.

The period of the fastest expansion of the Burning Legion was the period when the eredar had just joined their clan.

Sargeras did fulfill his promise to Kil'jaeden and Archimonde. In the following thousands of years, under the command of the two new demon lords, the demon army was invincible, destroying the entire universe. Lots of planets.

There are many demigod-level rebels on these planets, and most of them were personally beheaded by Archimonde who led the assault.

Even if occasionally encountering a world with fierce resistance, Sargeras, who was still passionate about the Burning Crusade at the time, would personally take action.

Taking the battle of the ancients that took place in Azeroth 10,000 years ago as the dividing line, since then, the crazy expansion of the Burning Legion has slowed down significantly.

Sargeras seems to have completely lost interest in conquering other weak planets in the universe, and he puts most of his energy on how to conquer Azeroth.

Over the next 10,000 years, Sargeras injected part of his soul into an avatar, personally directed the fall of Medivh, the last guardian of Tirisfal, and used the Dark Portal to bring the orcs into Azeroth.

Sargeras had little interest in the orcs themselves, but Draenor was an excellent springboard into Azeroth.

On the other hand, Kil'jaeden also learned unexpectedly and pleasantly through Sargeras' plan that the Velen and Draenei he had been pursuing for many years were hiding in this wild planet.

While Kil'jaeden and Sargeras were busy with their respective plans, Archimonde was somewhat bored.

The progress of the Burning Legion's expedition has seriously slowed down. Since the battle with Malorne 10,000 years ago, Archimonde has not encountered a powerful enemy that can make his blood boil for a long time.

Entering Azeroth again after ten thousand years, although Malorne has not been resurrected, the demigod team composed of guardian dragons can also make Archimonde feel some pressure after a long absence.

Once again experiencing the passion of evenly matched battles, Archimonde gradually began to warm up his blood.

In contrast, Alexstrasza and others kept Sharlayan's plan in mind at all times. They deliberately performed a passive retreat after losing to Archimonde's powerful force, and bit by bit the more fanatical Archimonde De lures in the direction of the trap.

Of course Archimonde noticed the enemy's retreat, but this was in his favor.

The Defilers had come here to absorb the power of the new Well of Eternity, and the direction Alexstrasza and his party retreated was the root of Nordrassil.

The sweet energy close at hand gradually evaporated his sanity in the battle. Archimonde was very intoxicated. He couldn't wait to defeat this demigod team and enjoy the spoils he won with his own hands.

Recky Winterchill's warning? After confirming that the most powerful guardians of Azeroth are not his opponents, the extremely confident Archimonde has long since left them behind.

Even the guardian dragon can't resist his power, unless the so-called moon god Elune personally takes action, Archimonde doesn't think there is anyone in Azeroth who can pose a threat to him.

However, since the beginning of Azeroth's history, Elune has never appeared in person, and Archimonde even doubted whether this individual, whom believers called Luna, really existed.

Under the lure of the demigod team retreating again and again, the battle of the six finally moved to the shore of the new Well of Eternity full of arcane magic power.

Just when Archimonde raised his might and planned to quickly end the battle and enjoy the "food", a strange object that couldn't see the real body suddenly swirled from the small lake and approached him rapidly.

At the same time, Alexstrasza, who was covered with scars all over his body, flapped his wings backwards to make room without warning, and the spinning unknown object hit Archimonde who hastily raised his arms to protect his vitals.

The attack power of this unknown object is not very strong. Although it can make Archimonde feel pain, it cannot pose a fatal threat to him.

Just when Archimonde was trying to take advantage of the victory and chase to get rid of the red dragon queen whose vitality was getting weaker and weaker, the limbs and head stretched out strangely from the carapace that bounced off his hand.

A huge tortoise's head was firmly biting Archimonde's thigh muscles, making it impossible for the polluter to get rid of it for a while.

"This is... what the hell?!"

Just being delayed for such a short while, under Alexstrasza's own powerful self-healing ability and Cenarius' full treatment, the life breath of the Red Dragon Queen recovered rapidly at an unimaginable speed.

Archimonde is also a battle-tested man, he knows how rare this opportunity to break the game is.

If Alexstrasza was restored to normal, it would not be so easy to defeat the team's main tank.

"Go away!"

A raging fel flame erupted from Archimonde's body, and Tortola instinctively let go of the pain and bit Archimonde's big mouth to prevent the fel flame from entering the internal organs through the mouth.

Tortola's tortoise shell is indeed very hard, but his body does not necessarily have a high defense.

After forcing Tortola back, Archimonde concentrated all the evil energy on his right index finger, aiming at Alexstrasza, who was recovering rapidly, and used his unique skill.

"A finger of death!"


At the same time that Archimonde's index finger was emitting a miserable green light, a loud wolf howl suddenly sounded behind him.

Feeling the deadly threat coming from behind, Archimonde subconsciously tilted his body to the left.

A condensed moon-white energy cannon rubbed against Archimonde's left rib and flew into the sky. Even with Archimonde's defensive power, he couldn't completely avoid the damage, so he couldn't help but cry out in pain.

Affected by the change in posture, the Finger of Death didn't hit Alexstrasza who was looking terrified, but punched a bottomless big hole on the edge of the new Well of Eternity lake.


Archimonde clutched his injured left rib in shock and anger and took a few steps back. The polluter, who was dazzled by the victory in front of him, finally realized that he had fallen into a trap.

"Hahahaha! So there is still a hidden demigod who hasn't shown up, you think that two more stupid beasts can defeat me!!"

Archimonde forcibly burned the wound with fel energy flames to stop the bleeding, put away his previous arrogant attitude, and planned to go all out to win this victory after a long absence.

According to the plan, after Tortola and Goldrinn joined the battlefield, the demigod team composed of seven people had to entangle with Archimonde for a while, and even suppressed him for a short time, forcing Archimonde to be at a disadvantage. Zhonggou jumps over the wall in a hurry.

Sharlayan, who was monitoring the battle all the way, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up at Nordrassil, the world tree still standing on the top of Mount Hyjal.

"Malfurion, I hope you are ready. Once you shoot the bow, there is no turning back. There is only one chance, so you must seize it."


When the demigods fought bloody battles and dragged Archimonde under the World Tree, Malfurion and Tyrande, who had been busy for a long time, finally evacuated the last wave of night elf civilians.

As Tyrande teleported away the priests of the moon god who assisted in the evacuation work, Andarius, which used to be bustling and bustling, completely fell silent.

Taking a last nostalgic glance at the capital city where the night elves lived for thousands of years, Malfurion took a deep breath, and patted a curved horn full of ancient aura hanging on his waist.

"It's time, old friends, let us accompany Nordrassil on this final journey, and bid farewell to the past of the night elves."

"Next, the night elves who have lived forever for many years will return to the ranks of mortals, and we will usher in a new and unknown era."


After the final farewell words, Malfurion turned into a storm crow form without looking back, and firmly flapped his wings to move forward to the next destination that had already been scheduled.

Sharlayan, who had activated Eagle Eye, saw Malfurion's leaving figure through the dense leaves. He had a relieved smile on his face, and opened his arms to face the direction of the increasingly impatient Archimonde.

"The time for farewell has come! He is the one who let go of the 'world'!"

"Archimonde the Polluter, embrace your inescapable destiny!"

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