Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1189 The True Meaning of Vinyl's Entrustment

In a dangerous world like Azeroth, strong personal strength is indeed indispensable.

The Azeroth mentioned here refers to the entire universe, including Draenor.

In Sharlayan's view, as a spiritual leader who leads the tribe forward, what is needed is not only strong personal strength, but the most important thing is to see the crisis and opportunities on the road to the Qing Dynasty through the excellent overall situation.

What? Military command, diplomatic and domestic capabilities?

If a spiritual leader needs to be comprehensive in all aspects, then what is the need for a council of bishops?

Prophet Velen is called a prophet precisely because of his ability to see beyond common sense.

He can always observe the dangers and traps in advance under the crazy pursuit of the Burning Legion, so that the Draenei escaped again and again.

Of course, Vinylon's heaven-defying predictive ability can be encountered but not sought after, and it must not be regarded as a conventional assessment standard.

And since coming to Draenor, I don't know whether it's because of the change of timeline or someone deliberately covering it up, or some other objective reasons, in short, Velen lost that powerful foresight ability.

The sudden change caused Velen, who was extremely uncomfortable, to become restrained, which was the main reason why he wanted to cultivate an heir.

He hoped that his successor could see the future direction of the Draenei from a different perspective, and the person he finally chose was the young Yrel.

Now the Draenei have also become a member of Azeroth, and they are working with Quel'Thalas and Suramar to study and restore the various cutting-edge technologies they once had but gradually lost in their escape.

As an ally, Sharlayan naturally wants to further close the relationship with the Draenei... After all, the high elves still have a lot to learn from the remnants of the Argus civilization that once traversed the universe.

Velen's original words at the beginning were to entrust Salayan to come to Farland on the way, and persuade the draenei who lived in seclusion here to go to Azeroth to play their role.

But... After seeing Yrel and learning about her life from the barrage, Sharlayan guessed Velen's true intention of the commission.

He wanted Sharlayan, an outsider, to persuade Yrel to regain his strength from a different angle from his own.

Just like what the barrage said, some things will arouse the instinctive resentment and resistance of specific objects for family members who are not familiar with each other.

However, the similar but different statements of outsiders can make the specific object who is already aware of the problem in his heart give up his stubbornness and accept it easily.

Sharlayan didn't know why this happened, it could only be said that human nature was like this.

In the scheming Velen's plan, Sharlayan played the role of the outsider who broke the key.

Is Yrel stupid?

How can a person who can be trained by Velen as a successor be stupid.

In fact, Yrel also vaguely realizes that there is a problem with her current thinking, but out of a rebellious mentality, the young and stubborn she is instinctively unwilling to admit that she has fallen into a misunderstanding.

After repeated persuasion to no avail, the wise and experienced old prophet was obviously aware of the problem, and that's why he entrusted Sharlayan with a veiled real goal.

For the next week, Sharlayan seemed to have forgotten Velen's commission, and completely let go of his body and mind to enjoy the rare vacation life.

Change back to the dragon prototype in the morning and soar and race in the sky with Onyxia, Stellagosa and Tinagosa, and come to the beach to play with Valeera and Jaina in the afternoon .

There is a saying that says facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

After leaving behind all work-related worries, Salayan always felt that the time passed extremely quickly, and a week of slapstick passed in the blink of an eye.

During this week, Yrel seemed to have disappeared, and he couldn't even see anyone during the daily patrols and training.

After asking the old village chief and learning that Yrel was safe and sound, Sharlayan didn't take the initiative to find the little hoof girl who was hiding in a corner. As agreed, he gave her enough time for self-reflection.

All that has to be done has been done, and all that has to be said has been said.

If Yrel still can't get out of the dead end... Sharlayan can only return to Velen helplessly.

To use a common saying in another world, it's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married, let her go, haste makes waste.

Originally, Sharlayan thought that Yrel would not force himself to make a final decision until his death was approaching in a month, but this was not the case.

On the weekend of the second week of Fallen completely relaxing and having fun, when the visibly tanned Sharlayan returned to the door of the family's temporary residence with an unlucky shark on his shoulders, Yrel was right there with him. Pacing back and forth anxiously in the courtyard in front of the house.

"...What are you doing? Want to dig a hole in front of my house with your hoof?"


Yrel seemed to be trapped in his own world. He suddenly heard a voice from behind him, and subconsciously raised his leg, which was a round kick back with a blow.

Although Salayan had relaxed his nerves during the vacation, there was a gap in realm between the two of them after all. When Yrel's shoulders sank, Salayan predicted her next move.


The free left hand stood on the side of the head to block Yrel's kick like a kick, and Sharlayan also took advantage of the opportunity to grab her recurved left knuckle.

"Why are you so nervous? Take it easy."

Rolling his eyes angrily, Sharlayan picked up the shark that had been sent away with his right hand and lightly hit Yrel on the head.

"Come in, eat shark fin tonight."


The Farren Islands rely on the sea to eat the sea, and of course Yrel also ate shark fins. When she came back to her senses, she looked at Sharlayan who entered the house by mistake with a shark on his back.

"Why do you have to carry the whole shark back to eat the shark's fin? Isn't it enough to take the shark's fin?"

Sharlayan turned around and looked at Yrel with a weird expression: "...Are you serious? You don't think sharks can swim happily in the sea without their fins, do you?"

"Instead of sinking into the bottom of the sea and waiting to be starved to death, why not just give them a good time, at least it won't be such a painful death?"

In Sharlayan's view, it is utter hypocrisy to remove the shark's fins and release them back into the sea.

After losing their fins, the shark can no longer swim at all, and can only sink helplessly to the bottom of the sea to wait for death.

"is that so?"

Yrel really hadn't considered this issue before. After hearing Sarlayan's explanation, she subconsciously followed Sarlayan into the hut, with a thoughtful look on her face.

Among the Sarlayan family, Stellagosa, who has worked hard to learn how to cook, is the best cook. Tonight, she will still show off her skills, and the others will help cook.

After drinking and eating, the others consciously left the hut on the pretext of going out to digest food, leaving only Sharlayan and Yrel, who was obviously worried.

Sharlayan didn't like this weird atmosphere where two people sat opposite each other but kept silent, so he took the initiative to speak out to break the quiet atmosphere.

"So? After avoiding us for half a month, you took the initiative to come to the door. Do you have anything to say?"

"Anything you have to say, or any question, just ask."

Sharlayan said with a calm expression: "Velon and I are considered to be close friends, and I will try my best to help with any doubts that can be answered."


Yrel hesitated for a while with his face changing, before letting out a mouthful of foul breath as if making up his mind.

"I... want to know the changes in the outside world in the past ten years or so."

Sharlayan raised his brows slightly: "Okay, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles."

"Where do you want to start to understand?"

"The whereabouts of the orcs? The current situation of the Draenei? The distribution of forces in Azeroth? Or the deterioration of Draenor's environment?"


Until Valeera and the others returned from a "walk" after 9 o'clock in the evening, Sharlayan was still answering many of Yrel's questions.

For some reason, Yrel actively closed his eyes and ears, and knew almost nothing about the changes in the outside world over the years.

Yrel's expression was complicated when she heard that the crazy old Horde had been wiped out by the Alliance and was now being led back on track by a pure-blooded orc who hadn't been tainted by fel energy.

Yrel's sister, Samara, died at the hands of orcs, and many of her relatives, friends and comrades also died in that senseless war. If you say she has no hatred for orcs... that's obviously impossible.

Yrel didn't know how to react when he heard that the new tribe planned to atone for the past crimes of the old tribe.

The enemy who was identified many years ago suddenly became good, and the kind-hearted Yrel was a little at a loss. She didn't know whether she should continue to seek revenge from the orcs.

'Samara, what should I do? '

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