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Chapter 1192: Yrel's Rehabilitation Battle

The Butcher, ever since Kargath escaped from the ogre's arena and founded the Shattered Hand clan, this title has been with him.

Not only enemies and fellow tribesmen, but even Kargath himself thinks there is nothing wrong with this evaluation.

Kargas' positioning of himself is a sharp knife.

Unlike Grom Hellscream, who obeys orders and usually does not have redundant operations, Kargath will have more fancy intestines.

In the case of not delaying the completion of the task, Kargas will mix some "personal hobbies" in the action.

The personal hobbies of Kargas, who claims to be a butcher, are obviously beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Compared with the other draenei who were killed by Kargath and the Shattered Hand clan, Samara's body was already relatively "clean", leaving only a wound on the neck that cut the trachea and aorta, One hit kills.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because of Kargath's sympathy, it's simply because Samara is a priest who has the power of the Holy Light.

Cut the milk first when starting a regiment, this is the order of action that experienced veterans will choose.

After killing the priests including Samara first, Kargath really entered the fun session. The Draenei who died after them were not so lucky.

Most of these people's bodies were mutilated, the most notable feature being that one of the arms was chopped off, which is said to be a tradition of the Shattered Hand clan.

Fortunately, Samara did not suffer any inhumane torture before she died, otherwise Yrel's vengeance would have been even more intense.

"Long time no see, Bolvar."

After turning over from Onyxia's back, Sharlayan first greeted Bolvar Fordragon, who was leading the alliance army, familiarly.

The newly promoted Generalissimo of the Stormwind Kingdom politely stroked his chest and saluted Sharlayan: "Grand Duke Deep Shadow, it has indeed been gone for a while, and your majesty's plan is still so generous."

When Sharlayan, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, was busy helping the Mag'har orcs and the alliance establish a basic battlefield understanding, Yrel took over the command of the Shattrath army without hesitation.

Muru and Kexili had no objection to this. Anyway, their function was to be a living buff machine dispatched with the army. Sarlayan didn't expect Naru to command the battle from the beginning.

Among the two naru sent by Adal to help out, Muru is in charge of healing and defense, and Keshili is in charge of offensive support, which can complement each other.

Although Hellfire Citadel is still called a fortress, the castle built by the old tribe has long been dilapidated under the extremely bad environment of Hellfire Peninsula, and damage can be seen everywhere on the city wall.

According to the unified judgment of the respective commanders of the three coalition forces, it is not necessary to use heavy siege weapons to attack Hellfire Fortress.

And it is true.

Sharlayan didn't even need to think too much, and handed over the task of commanding the army to the respective commanders of the three coalition forces.

Under the silent gaze of the shaman Agna, the three young commanders of the Mag'har orcs volunteered to lead the battle.

The dilapidated city gates couldn't stop these aggressive pure-blooded orcs, and they were captured in the city in less than an hour.

The Sharlayan family did not immediately join the battle, but slowly advanced along with the army as if they were strolling in a courtyard.

In this joint battle, Sharlayan's main job is to keep an eye on Yrel to ensure that she will not be dazzled by hatred.

So far, Yrel's performance has been relatively stable. Although due to the nature of young people, he seems a little aggressive in the formation of troops, but at least he has not been manipulated by emotions and made rapid progress regardless of the overall formation.

The Shattered Hand clan settled in Hellfire Peninsula less than a year ago, but in this short period of time, they offended their neighbors all over the place.

The Mag'har orcs have long disliked these red-skinned traitors who have tarnished the tradition of the orcs. Unfortunately, because Galadar did not provide support before, they were short of troops and could only swallow their anger when facing the harassment of the evil orcs.

In the same way, the alliance army guarding the Fort of Honor was also full of anger.

Under the leadership of Bolvar, the high-morale alliance soldiers followed the Mag'har vanguard and entered the city, and quickly captured the city wall area with their superior force.

After capturing the city defenses, the three coalition forces will temporarily separate their operations.

With Sharlayan remaining silent, the commanders of the three parties decided to enter the Furnace of Blood from the Alliance after some discussion.

The Mag'har orcs, who were the main offensive force before, temporarily retreated to the rear to rest, and the Shattrath army took over the vanguard and continued to advance.

Under the leadership of Yrel, who was getting more and more emotional, the Legion of the Holy Light entered the Shattered Hand clan's lair—that is, the Shattered Hall mentioned by the barrage.

Almost all the remaining elites of the Shattered Hand clan were piled up in the hall of this fortress with a very high concentration of evil energy.

Yrel, who took the lead, brandished the amethyst hammer in her hand and charged at the front. She even gave up the shield and used the hammer with both hands to maximize her offensive ability.

Sharlayan, who was not far behind Yrel, was a little dissatisfied with this. He frowned and reminded loudly: "Yrel! Control your emotions! Don't venture in alone!"

On the verge of achieving the goal of revenge that has been suppressed in his heart for many years, Yrel inevitably got a little hotheaded.

Fortunately, with Salayan's reminder, she quickly regained her sanity.

Just as Yrel, who was attacking for a while, was about to step back temporarily to catch her breath, Valeera, who was following Sharlayan, suddenly changed her expression, and launched a shadow step before she had time to say hello.


The crisp sound of metal clashing sounded from behind Yrel, and a dagger that came from nowhere was only a hand away from her vest, and was blocked by Valeera who rushed to her.


Yrel also heard the movement behind her, but she didn't look back immediately, but subconsciously injected holy light into her feet following her fighting instinct.


The idealistic holy light did not harm Valeera, whom Yrel regarded as her friend, but the other people hiding in the dark were different.


A succession of three broken-hand thieves masked by black scarves and with their left hands transformed into fist blades were burned out by the flame of the holy light that was driven into the ground.

Valeera didn't give these thieves any time to breathe, her figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, launching a killing feast on the spot.

After a series of afterimages flashed by, the Broken Hand thieves surrounded by Yrel all rushed to the street due to injuries to their vitals.


After returning to Yrel, Valeera tapped Yrel's forehead with the hilt of the knife with reproach on her face.

"Is it really a long-lost battle? To actually make such a low-level mistake common to novices in battle."

"Ah this..."

Yrel herself blushed a little at this.

Just like what Valeera said, since he hasn't participated in actual combat for a long time, Yrel's mentality has not yet adjusted, and he was a little negligent before his safety was confirmed.

If Valeera hadn't acted in time, even if those thieves couldn't break through the solid plate armor on Yrel, they would at least make her panic.

This kind of situation where the commander charges forward but is seized by the enemy to fight back is very damaging to morale.

Yrel, whose face was hot, gritted his teeth secretly: "I'm sorry, it's true that I'm on top, and I will never make such a stupid mistake again."

"I hope so."

After Xiaolu made a move, Valeera retreated to Sharlayan's side again, and the amount of activity to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers couldn't even make her sweat.

Onyxia shook her head and said, "Sure enough, it's not that easy to return seamlessly. I guess this girl will make other mistakes in the future."

Sharlayan smiled noncommittally, but Jaina said disapprovingly at this time: "I don't think so."

"After all, Yrel is Velen's chosen successor. With this lesson learned, she will definitely get back to her previous state as soon as possible. I don't think she will suffer any more."

"Heh~" Onyxia looked at Jaina with great interest and said, "Little Jenna, do you want to gamble with me?"

"Just bet!" Jaina said with her hands on her hips without showing any weakness: "The bets are still the old rules, and I bet that Yrel's performance will get better and better in the future!"

"Okay, let's wait and see."

By the way, the so-called old rules... Well, I understand everything, so let's use the schedule to make a fuss.

Tinagosa, who was sitting on Sharlayan's shoulders and dangling her legs, suddenly approached his ear and asked, "Salayan, do you think Yrel can defeat Kargath in a one-on-one match?"


Sharlayan pondered for a moment before saying: "Judging from paper strength alone, Yrel and Kargath should be neck and neck, but the specific situation still needs to be analyzed in detail."

"Yrel needs to 'rehabilitate', her legs and feet are not very flexible, and she may fall into a disadvantage at the beginning."

"And Kargas' current strength is obtained through the infusion of external force from the blood of the devil. I'm not sure whether he can fully exert his theoretical combat effectiveness."

"Just like Onyxia said, let's wait and see how it develops in the future."

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