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Chapter 1196 Adal's Blessing

Today's Yrel has not completely shaken off the sense of emptiness after revenge is completed.

Under Sharlayan's suggestion, she consciously began to look for new goals for her future life, so as to avoid the emptiness in her heart from completely swallowing her own will.

Bolvar and Agna, the shaman who represents Matriarch Gaiaan, will continue to argue about the distribution of responsibilities for rebuilding Hellfire Citadel. Sharlayan is not interested in participating in these trivial matters.

After cleaning the battlefield, Sharlayan and his party returned to Shattrath with the leader Yrel.

After seeing each other again after more than a month, Adal warmly expressed his gratitude to Sarean.

Although under the mediation of Sharlayan, Illidan readily returned Muru, but including Adal, the high-level leaders of Shattrath City still felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Through this hearty victory, the sullenness in Adal's heart was finally swept away.

After all... After all, Kargath and his Shattered Hand clan are also Illidan's subordinates in name.

The hammer gave them a meal, and rounding it up was equivalent to venting the lingering fire on Illidan.

And from a strategic point of view, taking Hellfire Citadel is also a major victory.

Without the Shattered Hand clan crazily dragging their legs back on the Hellfire Peninsula, A'dal is gearing up to prepare for a fortified battle against Kil'jaeden's throne.

But Adal also knew that now was not the right time.

He hoped to establish a friendly relationship with the Scourge, which was nominally cooperating with Illidan, through Sharlayan's contacts, and persuaded them to also participate in this important battle to expel the Burning Legion.

Sharlayan understood the meaning behind A'dal's words, and nodded readily in response: "Okay, before leaving Draenor and returning to Azeroth, I will go to Frostfire Ridge to talk to Solas .”

"The Burning Legion is the enemy of Azeroth and Draenor...and all those who desire peace in the universe. I believe that the Scourge will also be willing to participate in this battle to break the throne of Kil'jaeden."

A'dal said happily, "Then I'll leave it to you."

"As for Yrel..."

A'dal paused for a moment before continuing: "Personally, I don't want to hold you accountable for taking power in front of the battle. After all, the final result is good, and you have demonstrated your worth through this victory."

"However, since you took the initiative to ask Velen to take the punishment, I don't have much to say."

A small shining fragment separated from A'dal's body, and slowly merged into the forehead of Yrel, who knelt on the ground and lowered his head to plead guilty.

"Go to Azeroth with my blessing, Velen will give me some face."

"Children who have lost their way, may the Holy Light continue to illuminate your way forward."

As A'dal's blessing entered his body, Yrel's expression was in a trance for a moment, as if he had realized something, and soon expressed his gratitude to A'dal respectfully.

Although A'dal, Kara, D'Oli, and Keurei were colleagues of the Legion of Light, before leading the Storm Fleet to Draenor, A'dal did not have much contact with the long-term fugitive Draenei.

When Adal arrived in Draenor, Yrel had already lived in seclusion on the Isle of Farren, and there had never been any communication between the two before.

In A'dal's opinion, Velen's vision of seeing people is indeed unique.

Yrel's potential is stronger than any draenei he has ever seen, the only pity is her disabled right leg due to injury.

But since Sharlayan promised that he would have a way to heal Yrel's leg injury in the future, Adal, who had seen Sharlayan's abilities more than once, was of course willing to believe him.

He also hopes to see a rising star who can replace Velen, who is already exhausted, and continue to lead the Draenei on the road accompanied by the Holy Light.


After taking Hellfire Citadel, the Sharlayan family's trip to Draenor came to an end, and the last stop was set at Frostfire Ridge.

Even if A'dal didn't mention it, Sharlayan originally planned to find an opportunity to meet and talk with the Lich King Solas.

Compared with Illidan, who was rebellious and went his own way, the relationship between Solas, who was enlightened by Sharlayan and became the Lich King, was closer and more trustworthy.

After all... Alonthos Faol and Kel'Thuzad, Solas' right-hand men, are both Sharlayan's partners.

Even if Solas really had some unspeakable thoughts after taking power, Sharlayan could quickly learn about his changes through these two people.

Besides, Sharlayan didn't think that Solas would be like Ner'zhul, the first Lich King, unable to control his inflated ambitions.

Because he also has the two anchor points of will, Danath and Stormgarde, and he will not be easily swallowed by the instinct of the dead to hate the living.

Talador Forest used to be the center of the entire Draenor, veritably extending in all directions, directly bordering Gorgrond, Shadowmoon Valley, Tanaan Jungle, Nagrand and Frostfire Ridge.

As the Spiers of Arak gradually sank into the sea, and the Zangarmarsh between Gorgrond and Talador appeared, the status of the Talador Forest was shaken, and the Zangarmarsh became a hub connecting all directions.

However, considering the harsh ecological environment of the Zangar Marsh, at least until Vashj drains the seawater permeating the swamp and officially develops this place as a transportation hub, the core position of Shattrath City remains unshakable.

Flying over the dense Zangarmarsh, Onyxia carried Sharlayan and others into the Frostfire Ridge directly connected to the swamp area.

Frostfire Ridge is home to the orcs of the Frostwolf Clan and the Thunderlord Clan, as well as the location of Bladespire Citadel, one of the last gleams of the Gorian Empire.

But these are already old calendars.

The Frostwolf clan had already moved to Azeroth, and the very few remaining old, weak, sick and disabled were also transferred to Galadar in Nagrand by Mistress Gaia'an.

Compared with the icy Frostfire Ridge, Nagrand with a suitable climate is obviously more suitable for the reproduction of the population.

The Thunderlord clan is another orc clan that lives in Frostfire Ridge, and their chieftain is named Fenris.

Speaking of Fenris, the barrage also provided Sharlayan with a little information that was not important.

Fenris is actually the son of Galad, the old chieftain of the Frostwolf clan, and the eldest brother of Durotan and Ga'nar.

Fenris scoffed at his father Galad's idea of ​​being too gentle. He ran away from the Frostwolf clan to join the Thunderking clan, and climbed to the position of the chief step by step by virtue of his own ability.

When the old tribes invaded Azeroth, Fenris and his Thunder King clan did not follow the army across the Dark Portal, but stayed in Draenor with powerful clans such as Warsong, Shattered Hand, and Bonechewer.

After the failure of the invasion war, the great chief Ner'zhul who took over the mess urgently decided to steal three artifacts to open the portal, and sent all the remaining orcs to the new world to avoid the punishment of the Burning Legion.

The reckless Fenris was very dissatisfied with Ner'zhul's coercion plan. He publicly accused Ner'zhul as a coward at the tribal chiefs meeting more than once, and encouraged other left-behind clans to gather troops to attack Ai again. Zelas.

And then... there is no more.

With the full support of Talon Gorefiend and other death knights who also wanted to run away, the powerful Ner'zhul uprooted the Thunder King clan, and the chief Fenris died tragically in the tribal infighting.

After Fenris died with hatred, the few remaining Thunder King orcs fled to Gorgrond to live in seclusion in Gorgrond under the leadership of brother Garm Wolf who succeeded him as the chief, and they were never seen again.

As for the Gorian ogres in Bladespire Citadel...their fate was even worse.

Betrayed by the traitor Chogall, the once glorious civilization of the Gorian Empire was completely destroyed, and the remaining ogres were captured by orcs as slaves and sent to the army.

The feud between orcs and ogres dates back hundreds of years, when orcs were slaves of ogres and were freed with the help of the elements of Draenor.

Ironically, centuries later, the orcs, who fully embraced fel, gave their elemental benefactor a heart-wrenching backstab.

It wasn't until the last few years that the four elements reunited on the Throne of Elements in Nagrand, but the strength of the kings of the four elements has long been inferior to before.

It's a bit far away... In short, before the Scourge settled in, Frostfire Ridge had long been a desolate wasteland.

Most of the main orc clans moved to Azeroth, and the few remaining clans were either destroyed by civil strife, or were recruited by Magtheridon as subordinates and became evil orcs. Galadar under the protection of Gaiaan became Draenor The last safe haven of the orcs.

Compared with the Nagrand prairie, which is fertile and wild and has a suitable climate, no one would like a harsh environment like Frostfire Ridge, and this snowy ridge will be left to be abandoned as time goes by.

For the undead, the hot and cold climate is not important, anyway, they can't feel the temperature change, and they don't need land to grow food.

Therefore, Sharlayan chose Frostfire Ridge as the base of the Scourge in Draenor early on.

This is because the Scourge can take this area at close to zero cost, without having to compete with the local toubob for the territory like entering other areas.


When Onyxia landed on the cold snow field of Frostfire Ridge, Yrel frowned and looked at those strange undead creatures.

"Sharlayan, why are you working with such a filth?"

Sharlayan smiled and patted Yrel on the head: "This is the new lesson I want to teach you. In order to defeat the Burning Legion, we must unite all available forces, and the undead are no exception."

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