Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1209 The scalp is so itchy, I need to grow my brain

As the earliest batch of intelligent creatures in Azeroth, elemental creatures have their own arrogance, and not all elements are willing to join the ancient gods.

Among the four kings of elements, only the Balrog Ragnaros followed the ancient gods to fight in all directions.

The fire element is the element with the most irritable personality. They are born to yearn for turmoil and conflict, and the ancient god who is afraid of chaos in the world is the bastard.

Al'Akir the Wind Rider appears to be as loyal as Ragnaros on the surface, but in fact this guy is a complete utilitarian, and he will fall to whichever direction the wind blows.

This is also the place where the prince of the wind element—Sunderland the Wind Chaser looks down on him the most. He thinks his father is too spineless.

The earth element under the command of the stone mother Serazane has the same temperament as her, and she is more Buddhist by nature.

If it is not forced, the earth elements don't want to play the game of standing in line at all, they just want to live a peaceful life in their one-acre three-point land.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on. In today's chaotic era, if you don't show some ability and attitude, you will be swallowed up by other forces sooner or later.

Xalatath, which has long been defeated, is a clear example.

Although she doesn't like to fight, but in order to obtain a piece of pure land in the original Azeroth that can support the survival of earth elements, the stone mother can only show her decisive side and join the seemingly endless Azeroth Star melee.

Compared with Al'Akir and Therazane, whose stances are relatively vacillating, Neptulon's stance is very clear.

When Sharlayan met the incarnation of the tide hunter in Estorante before, he once said a word with emotion.

"If it wasn't that I had no choice, I didn't want to succumb to the tentacles of the ancient gods from the very beginning. During that ancient dark period, I have been trying to get rid of the control of those tentacle monsters... Unfortunately, my ability is limited. "


The barrage's words reminded Sarlayan that if he could come up with enough chips, there was indeed hope to persuade Neptulon to turn against him.

But after thinking about it carefully, Sharlayan still shook his head helplessly.

"No, I don't have enough cards in this era, and I can't come up with conditions that can make Neptulon's heart beat."

As Sharlayan's status and influence became stronger and stronger, he seldom went to the front line of the battlefield to fight in person, and most of the time he strategized from a slightly behind position.

Today's Sarlayan is best at taking advantage of the situation, using the huge network of contacts he has accumulated over the years to borrow strength.

However, in the current ancient Azeroth, Sharlayan, who has nothing at hand, has no way to borrow strength.

[Why don't you go to the Titan Guardian to cooperate? Leaving aside Odin, who is the most difficult to deal with, Azadas, who has a milder temper, should be easier to persuade, right? 】

[? 】

Before Sarlayan could answer, another part of the barrage raised objections.

[Brother, are you serious? Meet the titan guardians in this age of mortals? 】

【Any questions? 】

[The problem is big, okay! Now is not the time for mere mortals to be the masters of their own affairs! 】

【Think about it again, if Sarlayan took the initiative to come to the Titan Guardians, what would be their first impression of Sarlayan? 】

[...Wait, I seem to understand. 】

【You mean, they will regard Sharlayan as a product of the curse of flesh and blood? The lackey of the ancient god? 】

[Bingo, the answer is correct. 】

【Ah this...】

【In other words, Sharlayan can't get support at all in this era, so he can only solve the problem with his own hands? 】

[Otherwise, why do you think Xiao Sa is so cautious? 】

As the barrage said, Sharlayan, who is accustomed to borrowing opportunities, can only start from scratch in the current era, which makes him feel a sense of adventure that he has not seen for a long time.

【Fortunately, Valeera insisted on following, one more person can be more helpful. 】

[Right now, Sharlayan can only rely on Wa Niang. In this era background... a proper start on hell difficulty. 】

Theoretically, Neptulon does hope to instigate a rebellion, but the premise is that the water elements can see the chance to escape successfully after the rebound.

In this era of chaotic wars where everything is full of fists, it is obviously not enough to rely on Sharlayan's three-inch tongue.

Sharlayan and Valeera carefully avoided the ancient gods and titan forces who were at war, and walked slowly through the mountains and forests to the center of the ancient Kalimdor continent.

Due to the raging wars caused by the four elements, the ancient gods, and the Titan army, the ecological environment of Azeroth today is extremely bad. The vegetation coverage on the surface of the planet is pitifully low, and there are barren mountains and deserts everywhere.

In this endless environment, flying in the sky could easily attract unnecessary attention, so Sharlayan and Valeera could only choose to take a detour from the ground.

On the way, Sharlayan and Valeera took stock of the current situation. The focus of their discussion was... How can the test of Nozdormu be considered complete.

"If this is really a branch time node, there must be a singularity that is different from the main timeline."

Valeera didn't know anything about time theory, and asked with a blank face: "How do you say that?"

"Well... let me make an analogy."

Sharlayan picked up a stone and drew a line on the dry ground.

"It's the backbone of time we live on, and these..."

Sharlayan branched out a lot of branches in the middle of this line: "These forks are the opportunities that lead to the generation of branched timelines."

"At certain important historical nodes, the different choices made by the 'protagonist' in this story will lead to many different time streams."

"For example, we are hungry now, I want to eat noodles, and you want to eat, depending on our choices, two completely different branch timelines will be formed."

"Of course, this is just a metaphor. In fact, trivial things like this can't give birth to branch timelines."

"At the birth node of each branch timeline, there will be major events that can shake the future pattern of Azeroth, such as the end of the dark empire we are currently in."

Valeera said thoughtfully: "In other words, we need to find the singularity that led to the birth of this branch timeline, and find a way to repair it. Only in this way can we complete the test of Nozdormu?"

"That's right."

Sharlayan threw the stone aside and patted the dust off his hands.

"This is the basic theory for the birth of branch timelines. Bronze Dragons have been busy with these things for so many years. Their duty is to maintain the stability of the time flow and prevent those branch timelines from developing enough to affect the main trunk."

"And what Eternal Dragon wanted to do before was to change the past and future of the main timeline through the huge difference between the countless branch timelines and the main timeline, and to cause qualitative changes through quantitative changes."

"But this is just their wishful thinking. Whether it can be realized...I'm afraid even the Eternal Dragon King can't guarantee it."


Sharlayan frowned and glanced at the barrage: "I have a worse guess."

Valeera asked puzzled, "What guess?"

Sarlayan sighed and explained: "If it's just a branched timeline, as long as you find the crux, it won't be easy to bring history back on track, but with the historical template as a reference, it won't be so difficult."

"What I'm worried about is... Is there a possibility that the time node we are in now is not any branch timeline, but the history that actually happened?"

Valeera: "...Huh?"

It's only natural that Valeera would be confused, after all, this wasn't her area of ​​expertise.

"...Can you speak Salas?"

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Let's put it this way, if we are on the branch timeline, since we don't have to worry about the impact of historical changes on the main timeline, we can do whatever we want without any external influence. Factor constraints."

"But if this is real history, in order to avoid a serious time-space paradox, we need to be cautious in every move we make, and we must not affect the direction of the general trend."

Valeera: "???"

"I still don't understand. Didn't you say that bronze dragons can't change history?"

"That's right." Sharlayan spread his hands helplessly: "There is an old saying that goes well, those who are good at water will drown."

"Bronze dragons are indeed unable to change history by themselves, and neither can Eternal Dragons, because this is the restriction imposed on them by the Titans, but...we are not bronze dragons, and we do not have such artificial restrictions."

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