Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1212 Sharlayan: I have a bold idea

Elemental creatures are the earliest intelligent creatures since the birth of Azeroth. From a certain point of view, they are the natives of Azeroth.

However, in the history known to Sharlayan, the elemental creatures as the eldest son of Azeroth have already faded out of the historical stage.

For tens of thousands of years, they have been sealed in the four elemental worlds, unable to return to the material world.

"Montadi, since you can predict the direction of the war, you might as well take a longer view."

Sharlayan said seductively: "The titan-forged will surely win, so what happens after that?"


Montady's eyes were a little dazed: "I... don't know, maybe the Titan Creation will reshape this traumatized world as you said?"


Sarlayan confidently described the future for Montaddi: "Titans are the embodiment of order, and the idea they pursue is to build an orderly world."

"In the foreseeable future, the titans will try to heal this war-torn world and strive to create a better new era."

"In this brand new era, where should the water element be for you?"

"A brand new era..."

Montadi sighed with emotion, looked blankly at the dark sky and said, "I don't know, maybe, the era of elemental supremacy will come to an end with the passing of the Dark Empire."

Sharlayan said with a smile: "Indeed, as long as the titans still rule this world, elemental creatures including water elementals will have no chance to return to the material world."

"But... after that?"

Sharlayan asked a question again with a half-smile: "You don't think the titans can maintain their rule over Azeroth forever, do you?"

"Kingship has no eternity, my friend."

Montady's eyes flickered: "You mean..."

Rubbing the changeling Jiebao on his chin pensively, Montadi was silent for a while before continuing: "Your vision of the future is very interesting... I admit that after I lost the ability to rule over the titan creations you mentioned The new world is exciting."

"However, this kind of important matter related to the race and even the future of the world cannot be decided by a mere elemental lord like me."

"Well... so."

Montadi swung the tentacles made of water, and in front of Sharlayan and Valeera gathered a mass of pure water exuding gentle energy fluctuations.

"This is a small part of my pure water essence, if you can trust me, I will accept it."

Montadi sighed and said, "I hope that as you said, the new world in the future really has room for water elements to survive."

"For the follow-up, I will persuade Neptulon to discuss it with you personally. This ball of pure water is our communication tool."

Sharlayan and Valeera looked at each other, and he reached out to hold the ball of pure water in his hand.

"I accept it." Sharlayan shrugged half-jokingly: "I hope Neptulon will not directly attack me through this communication channel."


Montadi's faceless body began to disintegrate, re-transformed into a ball of water without any appearance, and gradually seeped into the ground.

"Nepturon is not a reckless man like Ragnaros. I will try my best to persuade him to restrain himself and wait for my good news, flesh and blood creature of unknown origin."

At the beginning of the communication, Montadi thought that Sharlayan and Valeera were the creations of the ancient gods, but when they chatted, he realized something was wrong.

Whose creation would be single-mindedly thinking about rebelling against its own master? There must be something wrong with these two.

Due to lack of vision, Montadi couldn't see where Sharlayan and Valeera came from, and why they had to patiently say such a long series of meaningful words.

But it has to be said that Sharlayan's description of a more peaceful and better new era moved his heart.

It can be seen from the unswervingly standing on the side of the defenders of Azeroth that the water elementals of the later generations are not like the fire elementals who are naturally eager for turmoil, nor are they like the wind elementals that blow the grass on both sides.

The war between Titan Creation and the Dark Empire has entered the final stage, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the direction of the situation, and the Dark Empire will undoubtedly lose.

What? Does the mighty Yogg-Saron still have a chance to come back?

Wake up, it's only the secondary titans that are being shot now.

If they fail unfortunately, the Titans of the Pantheon don't mind performing another weeping willow, and at least spend more time healing the two scars on Azeroth.

The referees are all mine, so why would a mere ancient god fight against me?

After confirming that Montadi had left, Sharlayan looked at the ball of pure water in his hand and remained silent for a few seconds.

Valeera asked, "Do you want to change the plan? We can find a place to hide and meet Neptulon first."

"No need."

After hesitating for a moment, Sharlayan hung the ball of pure water on his chest.

"Continue to move forward according to the original plan, meeting Montaddi on the road can only be regarded as a windfall."

"No matter what choice Neptulon will make in the future, I need to confirm one thing with Star Soul, so that I can make targeted arrangements for subsequent actions."

Valeera asked thoughtfully, "You mean the question you mentioned earlier?"

"That's right."

Sharlayan looked up at the verdant forest area that could already be seen in the distance: "I must first figure out whether this era is a purely branched timeline, or the ancient history that Azeroth actually experienced."

If it is a branched timeline, what Sharlayan and Valeera need to do is to find the singularity of this era. The test of Nozdormu must be related to the corrected era.

But if it is a genuine history... Sharlayan needs to readjust his plan, which is also related to his attitude and purpose of negotiating with Neptulon afterwards.

‘Nozdormu, you’re not really playing me, are you? '


Unlike the ancient god-occupied area that is still at war, after entering the central area of ​​ancient Kalimdor, the surrounding environment has improved significantly.

After the hard work of the titan-forged, the chaotic arcane energy gushing from the planet's wounds gradually became controllable, and they nourished the surrounding land.

In order to avoid further soil erosion, Freya, the guardian of life, sowed some plant seeds near Azeroth's wounds, allowing the roots of these towering trees to go deep into the earth, helping the Titans to repair and consolidate the wounds.

After thousands of years of growth, the forest area centered on the Well of Eternity has gradually spread outwards, and finally a little greenery can be seen on the surface of this tortured newborn planet.

However, for Sharlayan and Valeera, after entering the central forest area, their test could be regarded as the real beginning.

The area occupied by the ancient gods has become sparsely populated due to the raging war, and they can run on the desolate land relatively safely.

You can guess with your ass, there must be a large number of Titan Creation guards guarding the core area near the Well of Eternity, which is an absolute forbidden zone for flesh and elemental creatures.

Sharlayan and Valeera would of course also be classified as flesh and blood creatures. It would not be so easy to break through the layers of blockade made by the Titans and reach the Well of Eternity.

Valeera started sneaking back and forth in the woods, carefully avoiding the detection range of the Titans, and collecting as much information as possible.

Sharlayan stayed in the temporary cave camp they chose to think about countermeasures.

Sharlayan did not want to clash with the titan-forged guarding the Well of Eternity unless absolutely necessary.

The Titans who are still in the age of war are not easy to mess with. Once they find the enemy, the high-level Titans will immediately press the production button of the machine and create an entire army of steel for you in minutes.

After stepping into the threshold of a demigod, Sharlayan theoretically already possessed the ability to destroy an army by himself.

But... that's just a theory.

You can't count on the demigod-level powerhouses on the side of Titan Creation that don't stay behind, can you? That is obviously impossible.


The dusty Valeera returned smoothly to the cave where the two were hiding. Sharlayan, who was frowning and pondering what to do, raised his head and looked at her with questioning eyes.

"Not so good."

Without Sharlayan opening her mouth, Valeera frowned and said, "If it's just those mass-produced Titan creations, that's all. The worst news is... the guardian of life, Freya, sits at the research base next to the Well of Eternity. middle."


Hearing this news, Sharlayan rubbed his chin with a silver stubble in distress.

"Freya? Maybe... I should try to take the risk and contact her?"

Valeera: "...Ah? Are you serious?"

Sharlayan waved his hand and explained: "It's not the physical contact you think, I plan to meet her through the original Emerald Dream."

"To be precise, the Emerald Dream of this era should be called...the blueprint world of Azeroth."

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