When Sharlayan was busy at home subduing the goblins and fighting the barrage by the way, in the Sun King's bedroom in the Sunstrider Court, the contemporary Sun King Kael'thas put on a helpless wry smile.

"Don't make that face."

Opposite Kael'thas sat an old man in fine clothes, he was the old king Anasteria who passed the throne to his son a few years ago.

Compared to the last time he met Sharlayan, Anasterian had more wrinkles on his face, and his straight back became bent.

Not only that, the old king's previously hale and hearty spirit also seemed to have declined a bit, and Kael'thas couldn't even recognize his cloudy eyes.

Obviously, Anasteria's life has entered the final countdown.

But before stepping into the coffin, as a member of the Sunstrider royal family, Anasteria still has one last regretful thing to do—the continuation of the Sunstrider family's bloodline.

Anasterian was well aware of how busy Kael'thas had been these past few years, and he also knew that Quel'Thalas had indeed reached a critical point where he had to change.

Therefore, in the past few years, Anasteria has never come out of the deep palace to create trouble for his son.

As the saying goes, there is no second day.

Today's Quel'Thalas is advancing at full speed with all its strength. At this time, the most taboo thing is to make two shots and make two days in the air.

The reason why Anasteria broke the rules and returned to the previous dynasty was not because he wanted to regain power, but because he felt that his time was approaching.

The old king was well aware of the difficulty of high elves' reproduction. He didn't expect to see the birth of his grandchildren. He only hoped to witness Kael'thas marry the queen before he died, leaving hope for the continuation of the Sunstrider family.

Although Kael'thas was sent to Dalaran to avoid domestic political struggles when he was very young, the distance did not affect the deep feelings between father and son.

Even though he had already ascended the throne and took charge of the government, Kael'thas still respected his elderly father very much.

If his father's proposal wasn't too outrageous this time, he wouldn't be so hesitant.

Kael'thas complained with a bitter face: "Father, I have no objection to marrying a commoner as queen. This is what Sharlayan and I planned in advance, but the person you picked is... somewhat outrageous ?”

Anasterian waved his hand indifferently: "What's so outrageous? Rather, I can find such a treasure before I die, which can be regarded as the world's gift to the Sunstrider family... and even all the high elves. Blessed."

"No no no..."

Kael'thas's expression was still very tangled: "You are not the one who got married, of course you can stand and talk without back pain."

"The problem is... the girl you chose named An Weena, she is not human at all!!"


The old king, who had already had all white beard and hair, swears swearing in front of his son on a rare occasion.

"I checked it myself. No matter what Anveena's background is, she is a real person now! She is an ordinary high elf commoner!"

Kael'thas lost control of his emotions. He frantically scratched his long blond hair, which was usually neat and smooth, with both hands.

"But she is the incarnation of Sunwell!!"



In the early morning of the next day, Valeera followed Sharlayan's order early, and delivered the last mobile phone left on purpose to Kael'thas, who had not slept all night and had bloodshot eyes.

After learning the whole story from Kael'thas with a very twisted tone, Salayan, who had just finished breakfast and was sipping coffee leisurely in the lord's office, couldn't help but spray Stellagosa all over the face.

Stellagosa: "???"

After using the cleansing spell to clean up the coffee on his face and body, Stellagosa asked in a daze, "What happened? Why are you so out of control?"

"Cough cough cough!!"

Salayan was coughing again and again from the coffee he choked into his trachea, but at the same time he couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

At the same time, the sand sculpture netizens who learned the news also temporarily gave up their follow-up questions about the black screen last night, and swiped the gloating "hahahaha" barrage all over the screen.

Sharlayan, who was already overjoyed, was further stimulated by the barrage operation, coughing and letting out intermittent laughter.

"dare you laugh!!"

Kael'thas, who was still in communication on the other end, almost lost his temper: "I asked you to help me figure out a solution, not to make you laugh at me!"

"Ahem! Alright, alright, poof~ I won't laugh anymore."

Finally barely stopped smiling, Salayan first showed an apologetic expression to Stellagosa, and sent relevant news to her family members including her through the soul link.

"Box box box box box box!!"

In Sharlayan's bedroom, Onyxia, who had just woken up and was about to put black stockings on her smooth legs, let out a devilish laugh, and happily fell back into the bed that still smelled of certain smells.

Because of his short stature, Tinagosa, who turned into a dwarf next to Little Xingxing, was lucky enough to avoid Salayan's coffee-smeared face. At this time, this little guy also sat on the ground rubbing his belly with a smile.

Valeera, who rushed to the Sunstrider Court to deliver her mobile phone, was waiting outside Kael'thas's study door, chatting with Villes Deep Shadow, who was in charge of secretly guarding the Sun King, about family matters.

One second before, the two were chatting enthusiastically about the growing up little Douding in Welles' house, and the next second Valeera's expression suddenly became weird.

"Hold it!"

Valeera pinched her tight thighs with her hands, barely keeping her composure in front of Welles.

Although he had been left behind by the rising star Valeera in terms of personal strength, he was still an experienced intelligence leader, and Welles noticed Valeera's little tricks at a glance.

"...What's wrong? Did that brat Salayan say something?"

"Well... that's right."

Before obtaining the permission of Kael'thas himself, Valeera couldn't tell the truth about this kind of fun inside the Sunstrider royal family, so she could only hold back her smile with difficulty, and perfunctory Welles' request with a trembling voice. ask questions.

Welles is an old Jianghu who has been stationed in the court all year round. Although he doesn't know what's going on, he can tell from Valeera's tone that this is not something he can interfere with.

"Okay, I won't keep you anymore, go back and help me tell Salayan that he will come to Silvermoon City to see his little cousin when he has time."

"I will, uncle, please allow me to take my leave first."

Under the thoughtful gaze of Welles, the trembling Valeera quickly walked out of the Sunstrider's court, and impatiently activated the phase shuttle ability to hide in the shadow space, laughing happily in it alone.

Anveena Dennis, Sharlayan, who had already been notified by the barrage, of course knew what this name represented.

The girl named Anwena is the incarnation of Sunwell, and from a certain point of view, she is the anthropomorphic Will of Sunwell.

Kael'thas had long been baptized in various strange documents in human society, and Sharlayan could even guess what strange thoughts were racing through his mind at this moment.

Excluding these messy thoughts, as far as the perfect match is concerned, as the physical embodiment of the Sunwell, Anveena is indeed a very suitable partner for Kael'thas.

The Sunwell is a treasure that has been guarded by the Quel'Dorei family for more than 7,000 years. The combination with Anveena will undoubtedly further strengthen the control of the Sunstrider royal family over the Sunwell.

Of course, this extremely secret information is destined to be known only by a very small number of senior Quel'Thalas officials.

In the eyes of ordinary people and those nobles and officials who have no right to know the inside story, Anveena Dennis is just an ordinary high elf civilian woman, a figure specially selected by the Sun King to achieve political goals.

Who are Anveena's parents? It doesn't matter, the important thing is that she does come from a commoner family.

After mocking Kael'thas mercilessly, Sharlayan calmed down and began to help him analyze the pros and cons.

"Since the old king blatantly included Anwena in the list of 'common queens', it means that he has already dealt with all the identity issues related to it."

"Leaving aside the emotional issues, Kael'thas, do you really think it's a bad thing to combine with the incarnation of the Sunwell? Or is Anveena Dennis's crooked appearance so crooked that you can't accept it?"

"Uh~ That's not true."

Kael'thas rubbed his brows and said, "I've seen the photos taken by my father with a photo camera. The appearance and figure are very in line with my liking, but... she is still Sunwell after all! I haven't tasted that much yet. So far!!"

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