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Chapter 1253 Sharlayan's connections

Including the four nobles, most of the nobles enshrined during the founding of Quel'Thalas were the political allies of the Highborne who followed Dath'Remar to the east.

These families were not awarded for their military exploits, and they did not follow the same path as the nobles from the very beginning.

The descendants of the founding nobles will naturally follow the arcanist, the broad road leading directly to Qingyun.

For at least two generations, the founding aristocrats who had not yet completely degenerated could indeed be regarded as important ministers of the country.

Interestingly, for the long-lived high elves, the alternation of the two generations coincided with the time when the forest trolls launched a general attack on Quel'Thalas, that is, the war of trolls 3,000 years ago.

Beginning with Dath'Remar who founded Quel'Thalas, the Sunstrider royal family has always ruled the world with the nobles.

However, in the eyes of later generations like Sharlayan, the nobles who followed the Sunstrider family to resist the troll invasion at that time paid far less sacrifices than the royal family, which should have a more respected status.

This point can be seen from the history of Quel'Thalas' throne change.

When the throne passed to Anasterian... 3000 years ago, he was already the fourth king of Quel'Thalas.

Based on the average lifespan of high elves of 3,000 years, this is obviously abnormal.

When Sharlayan was a child, he was often excluded by his peers because of his half-elf blood.

At that time, Salayan, whose dragon blood had not yet begun to awaken, was not as irritable as he was in adolescence, and he was still very quiet, and he developed the habit of reading alone.

Until now, Sharlayan still remembers what he learned as a child.

He clearly read from the history books of Quel'Thalas that, except for Dath'Remar, who was not young when the country was founded, and died of old age, the second and third Sun Kings all came to protect Quel'Thalas. Die on the battlefield.

At the beginning of the founding of Quel'Thalas, the prosperous forest trolls were not as stretched after experiencing the devastating blow of the Troll War.

Most of the Eastern Continent is the inherent territory of the forest trolls, including the Eversong Forest that Quel'Thalas snatched for the founding of the country.

Until Anasteria came to power and united with the gradually rising Arathor Empire to defeat the forest trolls, the high elves were always on the defensive and at a disadvantage in the face of the forest trolls' pressing step by step.

Azeroth has always had the custom of the king personally going to the battlefield. As the saying goes, generals will inevitably die in battle. Under extremely disadvantaged conditions, the death of a king is nothing new.

However, Sharlayan found a problem in the historical records. He searched through the history books but could not find any relevant records that the patriarch of the founding great nobleman died with the Sun King.

This is also one of the reasons why Taranas Windrunner can lead the ranger army to rise rapidly.

To put it bluntly, those former upper elf nobles who hid in Silvermoon City were too resigned to their lives and did not dare to go to the battlefield to fight. This gave the "mud legs" in their eyes a chance to be named a noble by military merit.

The meritorious officers headed by Taranas were the first batch of nobles in Quel'Thalas.

Unlike the hereditary founding nobles who relied on arcane heirs and were born in high positions, military meritorious nobles can only fight and make meritorious deeds on the battlefield to maintain their titles.

Otherwise, generations of downgrading to nobility will sooner or later make the nobility handed down by the ancestors hard work irreversible.

The Deep Shadow family encountered an unexpected turn when it was passed down to the generation of Welles and Julian.

Welles and Julian's talents are all in thieves, a profession that is very unpopular in high elf society, and it is very difficult for thieves with frail bodies to make meritorious deeds on the battlefield.

Thanks to Anasteria's insight and talents, the two brothers Willais and Julian founded the secret service agency directly under the Sunstrider royal family-Blade of Backlight, which gave the Deep Shadow family a different path. A new promotion path for traditional military merit.

…Then when it was passed down to Sharlayan’s generation, the Deep Shadow family, which had already gained a firm foothold in the intelligence community, underwent another “mutation”.

Even Welles didn't expect that his younger brother Julian had a relationship with a giant dragon and left a crystallization of love.

The establishment of Backlight Blade has given new hope to many high elves who only have the talent of thieves. There are not a few people like Valeera who join the Backlight Blade as a noble descendant.

However, Valeera's situation is actually quite special.

Although she is a member of the honorable Sangunar family, she is not a direct descendant who inherits the title.

Valeera's ancestor, Revsera Sangunar, was a famous arcanist who once held an important position in the Tirisfal Council.

It's just a pity that Refsera's arcanist talent was not passed on to future generations. After a generation of decline, this once famous descendant of Sangunar was revived in an alternative way in the hands of Valeera.

The direct descendants of the Sangunar family are still working hard in the army. When Kael'thas ascended the throne to claim his meritorious service, the contemporary Baron Sangunar was promoted to a rank of viscount.

Due to the notoriously close relationship between Sharlayan and Valeera, the Sangunar and Deep Shadow families have always grown close.

In the early years, under Sarlayan's intentional or unintentional care, the Sangunar family, which originally relied on the winery business to support their family, made a decisive transformation and began to get involved in the breeding of Quel'Thalas army horses.

It was precisely because of the adjustment of the focus of the family business that Viscount Sangunar resolutely changed his profession to become a paladin, which was an emerging profession at that time.

Since the transfer was fast enough and early enough, as the Dawn Vanguard Corps moved to all directions and repeatedly made military exploits, Viscount Sangunal, who was Liadrin's deputy, was already an important senior officer in the legion.

There are many complicated reasons for the establishment of Backlight Blade, but in any case, the Deep Shadow Family headed by Welles did provide an alternative promotion path for the nobles.

The appearance of the paladins and the morning vanguard was completely planned by Sharlayan in advance, and this was another new promotion route.

In addition, there is also the high elf druid system that is also run by Sharlayan.

So when Sarlayan boasted that he had a way to send the descendants of honored nobles to the army for training, none of the honored representatives present expressed doubts.

Because he has already proved his "big words" with practical actions.

If you want to become a ranger, you can join the ranger army that has been in charge of the Windrunner family for generations.

If you don't like restraint and love freedom by nature, you can also throw it into Aurelia's Far Traveler to hone it first.

Whether they want to work as paladins, rangers, arcanists or even druids, with Sharlayan's current status and strong network of contacts, he can find a suitable way for them.

But as the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice is up to everyone.

It's one thing to lead you in. Whether you can persevere on this road depends on your own luck.

Sarlayan made his promise at this closed meeting, which was completely attended by nobles, and also explained the current political situation to these "mud-legged" nobles who are not politically savvy, and asked them not to enter the game easily and express their opinions .

"Mudleg... heh~"

After the noble representatives left in satisfaction, Valeera, who was leaning against the window, looked at the backs of the twos and threes going away with emotion.

"In my opinion, these so-called mud-legged nobles are more worth making friends with than those fat-headed nobles in Silvermoon City."

"Compared to those founding nobles who are always thinking about conspiracy and calculations, the nobles may lack political sensitivity, but at least they can listen to persuasion and will not be pig teammates."

"Ha..." Salayan said with a smile: "Whose credit do you think this is?"

"In the past, there were many pig-headed and iron-headed people among the nobles. If they hadn't been cleaned up a long time ago, some pig-headed three who couldn't recognize the form would jump out of this meeting to disrupt the situation."

"But fortunately, the busy work inside and out all these years is worth it."

Sharlayan also went to the window and stood side by side with Valeera: "There are no different voices in the small circle, at least I don't have to worry about them ruining Kael'thas and Anasteria's fishing plan."

Stellagosa tapped his forehead thoughtfully and asked: "Such an obvious fishing strategy, will those founding nobles who have been delving into intrigues and tricks all day long really fail to see it?"

"How is it possible." Sharlayan explained with a sneer: "Because of his personality, Kael'thas has never liked to use intrigue. This fishing plan is actually an overt conspiracy."

"So what if they know it's fishing? Quel'Thalas, which is striving for innovation, has made it clear that there is no room for those rice bugs to lie down and enjoy their privileges."

"If they don't take another gamble at this time, sooner or later they will be thoroughly cooked by the gradually rising water temperature. In this case, they might as well just give it a go."

Onyxia shrugged her shoulders jokingly and complained: "Using what you joked win the young model in the clubhouse, but lose to work in the sea?"

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "...The words are rough and the rationale is not harsh. In short, we 'mud legs' just wait patiently and watch the show."

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