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Chapter 1255 Misfortune diverted to the east? No, it's called risk transfer

So far, only the great guardian Raiden knows about the destruction of the Pantheon.

From Sharlayan's standpoint, he couldn't empathize with the titan's guardian.

From Layden's completely decadent state change after learning the news, it can be seen how important the Pantheon is to the Guardian of Titans.

True, the souls of the titans survive.

But except for Eonar, who was lucky to escape, the other Titans are not in a good state now, and may lose themselves under the torment of Sargeras and the Coven at any time.

This is not alarmist talk, but the Titan Argus as an example proves that it is also possible for a Titan to fall.

If you consider the future information provided by the barrage, Aggramar, the Avenger who once served as Sargeras' deputy, can also be counted as one.

Paper cannot contain fire, and when the Battle of Ulduar is over and the titan guardians regain their sanity, they will definitely find a way to restart the connection with the Pantheon.

However, the Titans of the Pantheon were all wiped out by Sargeras many years ago, and the news from Azeroth is destined to be nothing but nothing.

"Hmm..." Onyxia also had a headache about this question: "I still have to say it for sure. As you said, no matter how much you hide it, the guardians will know the truth sooner or later."

"At that time, if you deliberately conceal it, you will become a duplicity. It's better to control the timing of the bomb detonation in your own hands."

Sharlayan nodded: "I have a preliminary plan."

"To put it simply, I plan to inform you in batches."

Taking a deep breath, Sharlayan put aside his concerns for the time being, and kept himself in a calm and analytical state as much as possible.

"This time travel allowed me to establish a good friendship with Valeera and Mimiron, and I also had some contact with Freya."

"Titan guardians have different tempers, some are violent and some are rational."

"I plan to disclose the information to Mimiron, Freya, and Azadas, the guardians with relatively calm personalities, and then let them choose the timing to reveal the truth to their colleagues."

The corner of Onyxia's mouth curled up slightly: "To put it bluntly, it's just a misfortune, right? Throw this heavy blame on Mimiron and the others."

Sharlayan spread his hands helplessly: "What else? My small body can't bear the anger of Odin and Thorim."

Once Loken is defeated, only the great inventor Mimiron is left as a think-tank role in Guardians of Titans.

Don't look at Mimiron's laughing and joking all day long, it's just because of his personality, it doesn't mean that Mimiron's ability is not enough.

Mimiron, who is optimistic and cheerful, has a good relationship with other guardians. If you add the help of the good-natured Azadas and the gentle Freya, at least it will not be so easy to attract the suspicion and fear of other warrior-type guardians. anger.

That's right, it's you, Odin.

Although the lesson of being imprisoned in the Hall of Valor for tens of thousands of years has made Odin's temper a little milder than before, but as the saying goes, the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change.

Of all the guardians, Odin is undoubtedly the one with the worst attitude towards mortals.

The important information about the destruction of the Pantheon was uttered by Sharlayan and Mimiron himself. For Odin, who has always been biased against mortals, the credibility is not the same, and the consequences will be completely different.

Thorim has always regarded Odin as his father and brother, and when it does not involve issues of principle, he has always followed Odin's lead.

Hodir, who had fought side by side with Odin for a long time, would also unconsciously lean towards Odin. Sharlayan didn't want to tell the bad news against the anger of three powerful guardians.

What if you get caught in the water?

Onyxia agreed with Sharlayan's preliminary plan, but at the same time she also raised a question.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell Azadas this information first? At this stage, among all the Titan Guardians, your relationship with Azadas is the best."

Sharlayan shook his head resolutely: "Let's not talk about it for now, it's also for his own good."

"We can't understand the importance of the Pantheon in the minds of Titan Guardians. If we let him know the news before counterattacking Ulduar, I'm afraid that Azadas will lose his fighting spirit like Raiden."

"In the battle against Ulduar, Azadas is an extremely important force. I need him and Thorim to stand up to those colleagues who have been brainwashed by Yogg-Saron."

In addition to Loken, who had long betrayed his mission, Mimiron, Freya, and Hodir were also tricked back to Ulduar by this guardian of wisdom to be imprisoned.

Under Yogg-Saron's long-term mental pollution, the sanity of the three guardians became somewhat abnormal.

Mimiron, who is loyal to all kinds of civilian inventions, has become enthusiastic about military technology. Freya, who loves nature, has actually given up on her two favorite life greenhouses. No contact with anyone in the sealed palace.

Onyxia hesitated about Sharlayan's plan: "Two against three? Can Azadas and Thorim fight?"

Sharlayan sighed and said, "Of course I can't beat it."

"Not long ago, I watched the battle between Thorim and Hodir with my own eyes. The difference in strength between the two of them is almost the same, and they can be counted as exchanges."

"Azadas and Freya are both auxiliary guardians, and the difference in strength should not be too big. The problem is... there is Mimiron on the opposite side."

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, Mimiron was conspired by Loken. After an experiment failed, he lost his original guardian body, and had no choice but to transfer his soul into the body of a mechanical dwarf.

Logically speaking, this encounter would greatly reduce Mimiron's combat ability.

However, this is not the case in fact, because Mimiron is not a guardian who is good at physical ability.

Even if it is replaced by a fragile mechanical gnome body, Mimiron's clever mind will not be affected, and he can still create a large number of weapons to arm himself.

Just like when he guarded Pandaria alone back then, no amount of miscellaneous soldiers could pose a substantial threat to Mimiron.

Onyxia: " do it?"

"No." Sharlayan shook his head solemnly: "When we invade Ulduar, Loken and Yogg-Saron will definitely not sit still. I don't think I can deal with Mimir at that time. Long."

"emmmmm..." Onyxia scratched her head in annoyance, "That's troublesome."

"Ulduar still retains the prohibition left by the chief manager Odin and the corresponding prohibition. Dragons are not allowed to enter that city of Titans."

"That is to say, all dragons including me and Stellagosa cannot help in this guardian civil war."

"And the mortal countries probably won't take the initiative to participate in this kind of large-scale war in recent years...Where is Valeera?"

"It's hard to say. It's very likely that I won't be able to spare time at that time."

"Then..." Onyxia's eyes flickered, "Raiden?"

Sharlayan nodded solemnly: "This is also a question I'm considering. Valeera arranged a lot of eyeliners to search for Raiden's whereabouts all over the world, but that guy never showed up."

"Could it be that he hid in a hidden place again and started to feel sorry for himself?"


No one has known Raiden's whereabouts for the time being, and Sharlayan still has a lot of time to continue searching for him before the Battle of Ulduar officially starts.

The area of ​​Azeroth is very vast, and even the barrage dare not say that they know all the corners of Azeroth... What if another sealed area pops up one day?

In any case, the plan to find Raiden must continue.

While chatting with his family, the self-propelled boat finally crossed the strait and came to the Isle of Quel'Danas where the Sunwell is located.

Under normal circumstances, except for some specific festivals, the Isle of Quel'Danas would not be open to any common people, this was to protect the safety of the Sunwell.

With Sharlayan's current status, even without Kael'thas' permission, it would not be difficult to land on the Isle of Quel'Danas.

For example, this time, the excuse he made was to visit his teacher.

The members of the well guard guarding the beach did not make things difficult for them, and after asking the captain's opinion, they readily let them go.

And the captain of the well guard happened to be Sarlayan's warrior profession mentor, the contemporary master of Quel'Delar, the upper-level dragon-forged blade, Thalorian Dawnseeker.

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