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Chapter 1266 Sharlayan's Compensation The Confident Jaina

Although Stellagosa emphasized that it was only a theory, and Sharlayan also promised that it would not be implemented, but this seemingly feasible plan still left an impression in the hearts of the family.

The perception of dragons in terms of mates is completely different from that of mortals. Stellagosa and Onyxia didn't care that Sharlayan had multiple mates.

With Jaina also wavering, Valeera was the only one who had the most resolute objection.

The family has been with each other for many years, and everyone knows that Valeera is a typical knife-mouthed and tofu-hearted.

In this family, there really needs to be someone who plays a black face to check in, otherwise, with Sarayan's powerful ability to attract bees and butterflies, God knows how many people will be crammed into the family in the future.

Although Sharlayan always had an image of scheming and unparalleled in front of outsiders, he never played tricks with his family.

At this moment, he really didn't think about it deeply, but he was somewhat guilty of Jia Liya's stance of being lonely all her life.

[I always feel that Xiao Sa has been tricked. 】

[These women... are not simple ones. The city has deep routines, and I want to go back to the countryside. 】

[Thinking too much, rural roads are also slippery, and routines are more complicated. 】

[Xiao Sa is not considered a good person in terms of emotional pull, but compared with those tea art masters, there is still a long way to go. 】

[Is Jialiya considered a master of tea art? 】

【Hmm... It shouldn't be counted. It's just a trick to test Sharlayan's attitude and arouse his guilt. 】

[After all, this question is related to which direction her life will turn in the second half of her life, so this little temptation is understandable. 】

Sarlayan was still busy appeasing the increasingly ugly Valeera, and didn't have time to pay attention to the topic that the barrage was talking about.

Moreover, there are very few bullet screens for rational discussions at this time, and most sand sculpture netizens are gloating and watching the show.


In the middle of the night, Sharlayan took great pains to persuade Valeera, who was still angry, but he himself looked distractedly like a sage at the dark night sky outside the window.

‘Although my original intention was not like this, Calia did make the decision to be alone for life because of me. '

Salayan's expression was a little complicated, and he sighed silently: 'For the time being, let's give her some compensation. '

In recent years, Azeroth has been fairly peaceful. Sharlayan originally planned to give Jaina the life blessing ability obtained after being promoted to a demigod, so that she could have a longer lifespan.

However, contrary to Sharlayan's expectations, Jaina actually rejected his proposal.

In her own words...someone has already paved a smooth path for her to reach the demigod. If she can't break through the shackles of mortals before the age of 25, wouldn't she be sorry for the title of peerless genius bestowed upon her by the bigwigs from all over the world? ?

As the barrage said, as the first mortal other than Azshara to break through and become a demigod by his own ability, Sarlayan's experience accumulated in the breakthrough process is invaluable.

It was also with this understanding that Valeera and Stellagosa were able to relatively easily cross the threshold that had stuck Malfurion and the others for thousands of years.

Jaina and Stellagosa are both arcanists, and with Stellagosa's dedicated guidance, Jaina doesn't think that with her hard work and talent, she will be stuck in the final bottleneck for a long time.

Today's Jaina is only lacking in the accumulation of strength before reaching the peak of mortals. As long as the internal faction disputes in Dalaran are resolved, she will be able to free up her hands to study hard and quickly improve her personal strength.

Unlike those combat professions that can only rely on actual combat to accumulate experience, Arcanists can gain experience through research and perception, which is why both Dalaran and Quel'Thalas artificially divide archmages into combat faction and academic faction .

In comparison, the combat ability of the actual combat school is stronger, but in the circle of mages, the archmages of the academic school are often more respected.

In their words, this seems to be more noble? Sharlayan couldn't understand the strange brain circuits of those arcanists.

In this world full of dangers, what kind of nobles are you talking about if you can't even save your life? It's funny.

Jaina is not blindly confident, her talent in the way of the arcane is indeed amazing, even Rhonin and Khadgar, who are also known as geniuses, are not as good as they are.

What's more, because of Sharlayan's connections, Jaina has read a lot of precious books that arcanists can't collect in their lifetime since she was a child. The huge knowledge reserve is also one of the important factors that promote her rapid progress.

Sarayan speculated that Jaina, who is only 20 years old this year, should reach the bottleneck in 1-2 years.

With the guidance of senior demigods from a large family, the speed at which she breaks through the bottleneck is also destined to set a record.

From this point of view, Sharlayan's blessing of life is really not necessary for her. Anyway, Jaina can also step into the immortal demigod realm in five years at the latest.

Considering this, Sharlayan temporarily changed his mind and planned to bestow the blessing of life on Calia, Queen of Lordaeron, who was also short-lived, as compensation for delaying her youth.

According to the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, the life extension effect of the blessing of life depends on the amount of life origin output by the blesser.

The more the power of origin is output, the longer it will be to recover afterward, but at the same time the extended lifespan will be more, and vice versa.

Considering that the Battle of Ulduar will officially start in a year at the latest, Sharlayan does not intend to export too much original power to Calia at once.

Calia is not a powerful archmage like Jaina who has been strengthened by the essence of the dragon for a long time. She is just a weak priest who has not even stepped into the legendary realm.

It is an unbearable burden for her to output too much life essence at one time.

Anyway, this kind of blessing is not a one-time deal. Simply output a small amount to see the effect, and then continue to add it according to the actual situation.

"Speaking of..."

Before Sharlayan fell asleep, he thought of the last question in a daze: "How many years can the life essence that makes me weak for a year prolong Calia's life?"



The next morning, in the restaurant of the Lord's Mansion.

When Sarlayan told his family members the compensation plan he thought of last night, Valeera first smiled wryly and rubbed the center of her brows. The others also smiled and said nothing, and no one raised objections.

Valeera sighed and said, "Since you've already made up your mind, let's do's much better than bringing someone back directly."

"I won't go with you this time...Jianna, you can accompany him for a while, and you can also have a good chat with your long-lost 'best friend'."

Jaina, who was burying her head in cooking, looked up at Valeera in astonishment: "Let me go? Are you serious?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'll open the back door for Calia?"

After a night of "persuasion" and "calmness", Valeera's mood has calmed down a lot, and she said calmly: "I believe that you will not take the initiative to cause trouble for yourself, and you should know that I let you go reason."

While gnawing on the bread, Sarlayan looked back and forth at the changes in the expressions of Valeera and Jaina.

He always felt that these two guys with twinkling eyes were communicating in some secret channel of the soul link, but he couldn't come up with any evidence.


After a round of communication, Jaina accepted the task with a smile.

"It's true that I haven't met Sister Jialia for a long time, so I'll go as I go."

Onyxia and Tinagosa, who are always actively participating in all kinds of fun, did not express their willingness to follow this time.

After breakfast, Little Tina took the initiative to jump on Onyxia's shoulders and settle down. The two planned to go fishing together at the beach, but it was sharks.

After walking into the portal opened by Jaina, the two of Sharlayan came to the teleportation tower of the King City of Lordaeron in the next second.

Since there was no advance notice, the human mages in the teleportation tower were caught off guard by the sudden visit of Lord Deep Shadow.

In the entire Quel'Thalas, there are only 5 hereditary grand dukes, 4 of which were canonized by Dath'Remar during the founding of the country, which is already thousands of years old.

As the only Grand Duke who was honored for meritorious service in the contemporary era, Sharlayan Deep Shadow's name and photo were unsurprisingly spread throughout the countries of the Eastern Kingdom.

Without deliberately concealing his appearance, it is no longer possible to conduct private visits in micro-services like before.

That's right, photos.

The dwarf engineers had already developed a camera, and Sharlayan didn't know when he was left with a photo.

All in all, the appearance of Grand Duke Deep Shadow is no secret among high-level officials in various countries. As soon as he and Jaina showed up, they were recognized by the Master of Lordaeron sitting in the teleportation tower.

About a minute later, a middle-aged mage with disheveled clothes, who seemed to have just come out of the laboratory, hurriedly teleported over, and took off his hat to Sharlayan and Jaina with a very respectful attitude.

"Grand Duke Deep Shadow, Councilor Proudmoore, welcome to Lordaeron. I am Vargos, the Chief Mage Advisor of the Kingdom of Lordaeron."


Sharlayan had heard of the name Vargoth, and as an archmage, Jaina knew more about him than Sharlayan.

Jaina looked at the disheveled middle-aged mage meaningfully: "Archmage Vargos, I talked to Speaker Rhonin about your whereabouts before, but I didn't expect you to come to Lordaeron to serve."

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