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Chapter 1272 Zandalari Princess Talanji

Noticing Tandre's quietly relieved movement after finishing his explanation, Kael'thas smiled and expressed his approval for his well-organized description.

"As Crown Prince Tandre said, the ideological battle between Rastakhan and Zul has been going on for many years."

"It is precisely because of this difference in ruling philosophy, one left and one right, that Zandalari's policies have been somewhat erratic over the past few decades."

"However..." Kael'thas's expression became serious: "As Rastakhan's morale weakened, he voluntarily backed down, and the Zandalari Empire has almost become Zul's monopoly."

"Princess Talanji nominally replaces Rastakhan as regent, but her ideas are quite similar to Zul's. There is no conflict between the two parties... at least not for the time being."

"According to the information provided by Sen'jin, Princess Talanji is one of the Zandalari emissaries who helped the Darkspear troll defeat Hakkar this time."

Kael'thas said solemnly: "Under Sen'jin's indiscriminate rhetoric, the young and inexperienced Princess Talanji inadvertently exposed part of Zandalari's next plan."

Velen, who had cleared his mind, stroked his beard and asked in a deep voice, "Zandalari want to help the forest trolls and frost trolls regain their prestige?"

Velen's question answered the doubts in the minds of the leaders present from the side.

Suddenly realized, King Jin twitched the corner of his mouth and sneered habitually: "No wonder the Grand Duke Deep Shadow and the Sun King described this matter so eloquently. It turns out that Zandalari threatened your vital interests."

Gene's words were a little harsh, but they hit the point.

Both the Forest Troll and the Frost Troll's sphere of influence borders on Quel'Thalas. If they are really persuaded by the pie drawn by Zandalari, Quel'Thalas must be the first to suffer the impact.

Sharlayan didn't care about Genn's ridicule, and continued calmly after taking over the topic: "Quel'Thalas doesn't force you to help each other in the conflict between elves and trolls."

"Quel'Thalas has enough confidence to resist the attack of the forest trolls. Even if the Zandalar send loa to help, we are also sure to hold the line of defense."

"The problem is that……"

Sharlayan frowned and pointed to the Arctic continent on the map: "Norrend."

"You kings should have heard of the concept of the 'Battle of Ulduar' more or less. This is an important war that has no direct connection with the mortal kingdom, but its outcome is closely related to everyone in Azeroth. "

"Regarding the recent changes in the situation, my only request is that I hope that you can provide strong logistical support for the northern coalition forces of Kul Tiras and Quel'Thalas."

"My request is not high, as long as I can ensure that the turmoil caused by the Drakkari trolls will not affect the battle situation in Ulduar."

Calia, who had just received help from Sharlayan not long ago, made the first statement without hesitation.

"Lordaeron has no objections, as long as we are not allowed to directly participate in the war, some logistical materials are not worth mentioning."

Varian also followed up with a statement: "The Kingdom of Stormwind is also facing the threat of trolls. Although the jungle trolls dominated by the Darkspear clan have no intention of expanding abroad for the time being, who knows what will happen in the future. "

"The Kingdom of Stormwind is willing to provide supplies. I hope that the Northland Allied Forces can win this local conflict heartily. Through this proxy war, we will weaken the influence of Zandalari on the three major troll empires, and consolidate the frontiers of the Kingdom of Stormwind in disguise. .”

In the wars of previous years, the biggest loss of allied countries in successive wars was population.

As long as they are not allowed to send troops to directly participate in the war, it is harmless to just provide some logistics supplies.

Besides, as Sharlayan said, the titan guardian's civil war has no direct connection with mortals, but if Loken...or Yogg-Saron behind him wins, it will be a great deal for the whole of Azeroth. disaster.

Therefore, the kings of all countries who have a good view of the overall situation are willing to provide some help within their ability, and even King Jin, who has the worst temper, did not sing a different tune at this time.


With the agreement on the most important thing in the near future, the alliance meeting ended, and the kings of various countries entered the portal one after another to return home.

Sarlayan will also end this rare period of relaxation and embark on a new journey again.

Before setting off again, Sharlayan and Kael'thas discussed the current domestic situation.

After Anasteria presided over the fishing bureau for the last time, the stubborn old aristocratic forces completely declined.

Recently, the various branches of the families of the major founding nobles are still fighting desperately, waiting for the final chicken eater to inherit the huge family business.

Kael'thas, who was busy with red and white affairs, didn't put too much energy into their internal struggles. As the real winner who hid behind the scenes and manipulated the situation, he just had to wait patiently for the results.

No matter who is in power, the founding nobles are no longer likely to be an obstacle to Kael'thas' further reforms. He can freely implement a number of new policies that have been prepared for a long time with the cabinet.

Sharlayan is not very interested in the changes in the domestic political situation. What he cares about is the possible new actions of the forest trolls and frost trolls.

The forest trolls are alright, their capital city Zul'Aman was breached by Quel'Thalas a few years ago, and the suzerain clan Amani was almost completely annihilated, and they have long been unable to pose a threat.

The most powerful forest troll today is the Vilebranch clan that settled in the highlands of the Hinterlands, followed by the Witherwood clan that wanders between the Hinterlands and Arathi.

These two clans are too far away from the mainland of Quel'Thalas, and they also have their own competitors to face in the local area. It is unlikely that they will penetrate the alliance's defense line and go north to Eversong Forest.

The forest trolls closest to Quel'Thalas were the weak Moss clan, and Sharlayan didn't think they would come here to die in a crazy way.

If the eloquence of the Zandalari envoys is really that good, Sharlayan doesn't mind letting them experience for themselves the defense bonus provided by the upgraded Sunwell to Eversong Forest.

In contrast, the Frost Trolls, who have long been determined to take back the Dak'Saron Fortress, are more likely to launch a counterattack with the support of the Zandalari.

According to the information recently sent back by Northrend's Backlight Blade branch, the movements of the Drakkari trolls are indeed suspicious.

As early as more than two months ago, they stopped the endless tugging with the Grizzly Throat Furbolg and took the initiative to withdraw their troops from the Grizzly Hills border.

Withdrawing their fists does not mean that the Drakkari trolls have given in to the furbolgs. Lyras Windrunner, who is stationed at the Drak'Saron Fortress, speculates that they should be to ensure that the next punch will be more powerful and impressive. Caught off guard.

Since Lyras was not aware of the changes in the world situation, he subconsciously believed that the Drakkari troll's next attack target would be the grizzly-throated furbolg.

"Send Vereesa to help."

Regarding the defense of Northrend, Sharlayan put forward his own suggestions.

"Lylas's growth has basically met expectations, but his overall perspective is still lacking. This war can just as well allow Vereesa to teach him by example."

Kael'thas nodded in agreement and said, "That's my plan too. It's best for Ranger General Cirvanas to stay at home just in case. It's just right for Vereesa, who is fine for the time being, to go to reinforce him."

Sharlayan sighed lightly: "To be honest, I don't want to kill all the frost trolls."

"The land east of Dak'Saron Fortress is too cold to be suitable for the high elves to live in. Even if the entire Zul'Drak is captured, it is of little significance. It is not worth investing a lot of troops to fight the frost trolls."

A cold light flashed in Kael'thas' eyes: "But we can't let the Drakkari trolls step on us, and we must not be soft when it's time to shine the sword."

"A few years have passed, and they may have forgotten the painful lessons. We need to remind them of this local war."


Kael'thas asked Sharlayan solemnly: "Looking at the current situation, do you really think it is possible for the Zandalari to sign that unanimous agreement?"

Sharlayan smiled wryly and shook his head: "I'm not sure, we can only see Vol'jin's follow-up performance. I hope he can convince the Zanchuli Council with his three-inch tongue... at least Princess Talanji."

"Princess Talanji..."

Kael'thas stroked his slanted golden eyebrows thoughtfully: "Talanji has only been active in Zandalar's political arena in recent years, and Backlight Blade doesn't know much about this princess. Do you think she is likely to be the broker of the agreement?"

"Maybe." Sarlayan looked up at the gorgeous chandelier on the zenith: "I know her from Vol'jin. Strictly speaking, Talanji's ruling philosophy is also different from that of Zul."

"Compared to Zul's gentle treatment of his own race and his cruel treatment of other races, perhaps because of his junior qualifications, at least so far, Talanji has no obvious prejudice against the major races of Azeroth."

"In my opinion, the young Princess Talanji will be more convincing than Zur, whose three views have already been established."

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