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Chapter 1276 Ansu Treatment Plan

Although the arakkoa have now become homeless refugees, when facing native races such as orcs and ogres, they can at least hold their heads high and show that our ancestors are more generous.

Sharlayan did not witness the heyday of the Apexis civilization, but they could get a glimpse of the technological level of the Apexis civilization through the breath of Rukhmar, a spectacle built by them.

[Your Majesty, the spectacle is misleading the country! 】

[Grass, civilized players, right? Another round? 】

[No, no, no, one more round and it will be dawn. 】

For many years, the Breath of Rukhmar has been kept by the arakkoa of the Anhar sect.

With the split between the two factions of arakkoa and the loss of the original complete Apexis technology from generation to generation, the arakkoa of Anhar have been unable to repair the damaged breath of Rukhmar.

But after all, this thing is a spectacle created by the ancestors, and the Arakkoa of Anhar held it tightly in their hands until the old tribe invaded.

It's a pity that the damaged Breath of Rukhmar has long been unable to function normally, otherwise it would be impossible for Kargath's Shattered Hand clan to capture Tongtian Peak and relieve all worries.

Before the entire area of ​​the Peak Forest of Arak was destroyed by continuous earthquakes, the senior management of the Anhar Arakkoa ordered the damaged Breath of Rukhmar to be disassembled, and all the parts were transported back to Tongtian Peak for preservation.

Sharlayan is very interested in the breath of Rukhmar. It is said that this thing uses the power of light in essence, and can achieve the effect of pointing where to hit through the reflection of multiple mirrors.

[One thing to say, the refraction principle of Rukhmar's breath reminds me of an animation I watched when I was a child, in which there is a weapon system called Requiem. 】

[Gundam, right? I have also seen that although there is a big difference in scale from the Requiem built on the back of the moon, the principle of using mirror refraction for the two weapons is indeed similar. 】

[If the breath of Rukhmar can be repaired, as long as there are enough mirrors along the way, in theory, Sharlayan can fire from Quel'Thalas to any corner of Azeroth. 】

[Using the sunwell of infinite energy to recharge it, the output of Rukhmar's breath will even be greater than before. This thing is a big killer at the strategic level. 】

The theory is full, but the reality is very skinny.

After Rukhmar came to Tongtian Peak in the lonely sea, the priests and nobles of the Anhar Arakkoa had no room to resist.

The angry Rukhmar gave an order, and the Anhar civilians who were still staying in the Tongtian Peak and did not escape rushed forward without saying a word, and took down all the stunned high-level officials.

As for the wounds of those high-level people who were rubbed in the process... there are some personal grievances involved.

The next developments are logical.

Under the instructions of Rukhmar, the arakkoa creator, the Anhar arakkoa, who had long been determined to escape from the Tongtian Peak, finally gave up their lost homeland.

Rukhmar is Draenor's version of the Mother of All Birds. Her status in Draenor is similar to that of Aviana in Azeroth. Bird family.

With the help of these giant birds, the Anhar Arakkoa moved everything on the Skyreach to Shattrath City for temporary storage, including all the parts of the Breath of Rukhmar that Sharlayan coveted.

However, to Sharlayan's disappointment, with the current technology of the Arakkoa of Anhar, it was impossible to restore the breath of Rukhmar in parts.

But there is no such thing as an absolute path.

When the Scalax sect and the Anhar sect broke up, the Skettis arakkoa who escaped from Tongtian Peak also took away part of the technology and knowledge left over from the Apexis civilization.

After discussion, the two factions of arakkoa came to a preliminary conclusion. If they combine the knowledge and technology retained by each other, there should be hope to restore the breath of Rukhmar.

But that's all, it's not so easy to further repair the damaged Breath of Rukhmar.

Rukhmar wanted to repay Sharlayan's resurrection with Rukhmar's breath, but this was a marvel built by the arakkoa after her death, and Rukhmar himself could do nothing about it.


Sharlayan scratched his head helplessly at the temporary resident of the Arakkoa in Shattrath City: "I have no choice but to send these parts back to Azeroth first, and add a little more burden to Romul and the others."

"If they can't do anything, they can only ask Mimiron for help after the Battle of Ulduar."

The research on mobile phones and base stations has basically ended. The analysis and reproduction of this kind of technology product that is not too technically content is still difficult for the technical research team led by Rommel.

But the breath of Rukhmar is hard to say. This thing is the technological crystallization of the Apexis civilization, and it perfectly uses the magical technology of Apexis at its peak.

It would be difficult for Romuel, a foreigner, to understand the Arakkoa's design for Rukhmar's Breath.

Unfortunately, the arakkoa has gone through hardships and passed down to this day, and many things from the peak period of Apexis have been lost and can never be found again.

Leaving Rukhmar's breath aside, Sharlayan's trip to Draenor has successfully achieved the expected goal.

Due to the retrograde devastation of the old tribes, Draenor is still in a state of slow death due to fel energy erosion, and the areas suitable for living are decreasing day by day.

Even though the Cenarion Council has sent many druids to Draenor to restore the ecology, it is definitely not possible to see results in just a few years.

As the center of Draenor civilization today, the situation in Shattrath City is actually not optimistic.

Due to the erosion and spread of evil energy, the food that can be grown in the land of Talador forest is extremely limited, and the number of people who can support it is naturally not too many.

Before a large number of arakkoa who lost their homes came here, Shattrath City's food income and expenditure could barely maintain a balance, that is to say, it couldn't support the entire arakkoa tribe here.

Fortunately, Sharlayan had anticipated this, and had also sought Rukhmar's consent.

Just like when the Draenei were relocated, Sharlayan intends to bring the elites of the two factions of the Arakkoa and some civilians back to Azeroth, leaving only a small number of Arakkoa in Draenor to assist in the reconstruction of Shattrath City.

As for how to resettle the arakkoa who left their homes, Sharlayan had already prepared a plan.

He intends to send the arakkoa to the Lost Isles off the east coast of Kalimdor.

The Lost Isles are not far from Kezan, the home of the goblins.

Because there is a highly active active volcano on the island, there are no valuable local specialties, and there is a group of extremely aggressive local aborigines, the goblins near the water have never brought the Lost Islands into their jurisdiction.

According to the information provided by the barrage, the natives of the Lost Islands are called Pygmies, a short and primitive savage race.

Let’s talk about the volcano first. Rukhmar, the demigod of the fire bird, sits in charge. She can absorb the heat emitted by the volcano at any time, and artificially reduce the risk of volcanic eruption.

As for the Pygmies, it is even simpler. The small number of Pygmies would not be able to occupy the entire Lost Islands, and there are still a large number of uninhabited areas on the Lost Islands, which are not small.

After all, the Raven Man's ancestors were once rich, and although their combat power was not as good as the Draenor natives like the Orcs, who were good at fighting, they were definitely not far behind.

Moreover, with Anhar arakkoa accompanying him in the battle, the arakkoa can firmly grasp the air superiority.

It is naturally best to be able to coexist peacefully with the Pygmies. If the other party is unwilling to reason, the arakkoa who have experienced the orc chaos will not admit it, so just do it.

Regarding the crow god Anzu...and even the shadow curse on all the Skettis arakkoi, Rukhmar cannot solve it.

After all, the so-called shadow curse is actually pure shadow energy that cannot be dispelled.

At the beginning, Ansu swallowed Sethe's body in one gulp to avoid further damage to Rukhmar, who had lost his vitality after the battle with Sethe, and did not want the power of shadow to contaminate the land of Draenor, so he swallowed Sethe's body in one gulp and took responsibility for it himself all pain.

From the results, Ansu's choice is correct.

Until the sinking of the Spiers of Arak, the shadow power left by Sethek continued to pollute the Sethek Valley, where the three demigods fought their final battle.

Including the King of Claws, Terokk, all the arakkoa exiled from the Skyreach Peak will be thrown into the Sethek Valley to suffer from the pollution of the shadow force, and will be deprived of their wings ever since.

In fact, from Sharlayan's point of view, this so-called Curse of Broken Wings is actually very easy to understand.

The arakkoa...that is, the son of Alanka that Rukhmar said was essentially a product created by Rukhmar using his own life energy.

That is to say, the arakkoa is born with "phototaxis" and has a very high talent in controlling the power of light. When it is eroded by the power of shadow, the body will show instinctive rejection, which is the so-called broken wings.

As we all know, light and shadow have dual opposites that transform into each other.

After years of changing times, the Skettis arakkoa who escaped into the shadows and the Anhar arakkoa who are still walking on the path of light have taken two completely different paths.

After being resurrected, although Rukhmar's state has not yet reached its peak, it is at least much better than when he wasted a lot of life energy to create the arakkoa.

In other words, as long as Rukhmar is given enough rest time, as the light incarnation of Draenor and the mother of all birds, in theory, she can clear the Sethe curse in Ansu's body, allowing the crow and demigod to return peak.

And this is also a profitable business for Azeroth represented by Sharlayan.

The semi-disabled Ansu who has been tortured by the curse for a long time and the Ansu who has regained his full power, do not need to think carefully which one is more valuable.

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