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Chapter 1279 Colonization? Then colonize

The ignorant is fearless, this sentence is indeed very reasonable.

The Pygmies on the Lost Isles were not raised under the beatings of the tol'vir like their kin in Uldum.

Because the Lost Islands are completely closed to the outside world, and the Pygmies on the island do not have the necessary navigation skills to go to sea, they are stuck on the isolated island and feel arrogant, thinking that they are the master of the whole world.

As everyone knows, there is an unimaginable vast world beyond this uninhabited island.

Dominating the Lost Islands all year round, the Pygmies have long been accustomed to a domineering style.

When encountering outsiders they have never seen before, their first reaction is not to observe cautiously, but to launch a long live charge without fear...even if the enemy is much taller than them.

Aegis, the current King of Claws and the leader of the Skettis arakkoa, asked Salayan with a strange expression: "Benefactor, are these... the dwarfs the Pygmies you mentioned?"

The Arakkoa of Anhar had only endured Rukhmar's wrath not long ago, and their decision-makers had undergone a major purge. The high-level arakkoa who were able to survive until now were all of the conscience that Rukhmar personally recognized. man of.

It was not long ago that Sharlayan learned that many people in the Anhar Sect were also dissatisfied with the rulers, thinking that their methods of treating the Skettis arakkoa were too extreme.

These high-ranking arakkoa spontaneously formed an organization called the Awakening Sect. They are determined to eliminate the long-lasting conflict between the Anhar Sect and the Scalax Sect, and gather the will of all the arakkoa to rebuild the once glorious time. The Apexis Empire.

Under Rukhmar's personal acknowledgment, Rilak, the second-generation leader of the Awakened Sect, became the new leader of the Arakkoa of Anhar.

Rilak has a completely different ruling philosophy from Viryx, the high-ranking sage who previously ruled the Anhar sect, and he doesn't mind cooperating with his fellow Skettis who have lost their wings.

At this time, Rilak scratched the feathers on his head dumbfoundingly: "Lord Deep Shadow, although the arakkoa is in an unprecedented weak period, it is impossible for these little dwarfs with only reckless minds to cause substantial damage to us. threat?"

Pygmies are taller than dwarves, and they are generally thin and not as smart as dwarfs.

It would be fine if the Pygmies of the Lost Islands could fight like their distant relatives in Uldum, but in a frontal conflict...the combat effectiveness is really worrying.

Sarlayan was also a little speechless: "It's my inertial thinking that has gone wrong. The Pygmies here are completely different from what I remembered."

"In short, as outsiders, it's best not to kill the Raven People immediately. Try to communicate first, and then consider the next plan if it doesn't work."

The crow demigod Anzu originally represented the arcane power of Draenor. Even though he was tortured by the curse of Sethe all the year round, he still taught a lot of arcane magic to the Skettis arakkoa.

Among them is a kind of soul speech that can communicate across languages.

However, when a dark sage named Seth under the King of Claws, Aegis, used magic to communicate with the captured Pygmies, everyone present fell silent without exception.


Sharlayan patted his forehead helplessly: "Deport all the Pygmies on this attached island back to the main island. You should use this place as your base first."

The Lost Islands are composed of the largest main island in the center and several subsidiary islands of different sizes in the surrounding waters.

The attached island where Sharlayan and the others landed is the largest of them, and it is just suitable to be used as a temporary foothold and advance base for the Arakkoa.

As for what those pygmies said to the dark sage Seth... Actually, there is no need to go deep into it. In short, it is not a good thing, and there is no logic at all. It is nothing more than words such as killing and eating.

That's right, eat.

Ferocious and savage, the pygmies see no problem eating humanoids, and when they are so hungry, they eat the corpses of their own compatriots as well.

Although Sharlayan didn't want the Arakkoa to be the vicious colonists who slaughtered the natives in the barrage, but from the perspective of a civilized person, the Pygmies belonged to the kind of creatures whose mud could not support the wall.

It's meaningless to keep these barbarians who haven't even developed civilization. You want to communicate with them, but the other party has no concept of peaceful coexistence and just wants to use you to fill their stomachs.

That being the case, Sarlayan, who is not the Virgin, will not be entangled, and the colonists are the colonists.

The high-ranking arakkoa summoned a strong wind and sent all the pygmies on the small island to the main island at the other end of the strait.

Seeing those panicked pygmies running around on the beach, Sharlayan shook his head speechlessly.

"Leave them alone, you pioneers have to build a village that can accommodate a large number of people before the Kul Tiras transport ship arrives."

Aegis, the King of Claws, asked in distress: "Benefactor, this small island... may not be able to hold all the arakkoa."

Sharlayan nodded understandingly: "The transport ships from Kul Tiras will arrive in batches. If the island is overcrowded, you should find a way to advance to the main island. Besides... Rukhmar."

"Huh? Call me?"

Rukhmar is currently trying to communicate with Aviana's dependents, chattering non-stop.

Hearing Sharlayan's call, Rukhmar hurried over.

"Look over there."

Following the direction of Sharlayan's finger, Rukhmar saw an active volcano emitting black smoke on the main island of the Lost Islands.

"If I remember correctly, as a firebird demigod, you should have powers related to flames, right?"

"Yes." Rukhmar nodded: "I do have the power of fire among the four elements that form the basis of the material world... I probably understand what you mean."

Rukhmar's soul has not been cultivated in the Emerald Dream for a long time, and it is impossible to return to its peak state so quickly.

Light and fire are the two most important of Rukhmar's multiple powers, and the charging of any power can speed up Rukhmar's recovery.

In terms of attributes, volcanoes are rich in both fire and earth elements, and the active volcanoes in the Lost Islands can be used as "hot springs" to help Rukhmar recover.

hot? Rukhmar, who is a fire bird, doesn't exist, the hotter she is, the happier she is.

Through communicating with Aviana and other demigods of the wilderness, Rukhmar also knew that Azeroth was not a peaceful place, and enemies, both open and dark, were eyeing this world with star souls.

If he wants to protect his own people and this brand new home in Azeroth, Rukhmar must have enough strength, and it is impossible to always pin his hopes on outsiders.

Therefore, Rukhmar is eager to return to the top as soon as possible, which is one of the main reasons why Sharlayan chose the Lost Isles to house the arakkoa.

As for Ansu... Due to the change of the situation, we can only arrange other people to help him in the future.


After confirming that the advanced arakkoa elites had the ability to build a base, Sharlayan did not stay in the Lost Isles for long.

After witnessing Rukhmar flying into the crater with his own eyes, Sare'an clumsily left a spatial coordinate in the Arakkoa's base, and then teleported to Suramar City.


After arriving at the destination smoothly, Sharlayan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Fortunately, although the speed of teleportation is a bit slower, at least it was not thrown into the turbulent flow of space."

Sharlayan is still very young after all, and his accumulation as a demigod is far from enough.

If his guess is correct, and if he wants to further understand the power, Sharlayan can no longer use the partial method of specializing in one kind of power before, and must let be precise, five natural powers go hand in hand .

Therefore, although the technique is still very unfamiliar, when Stellagosa and Jaina are not around, Sharlayan will try to initiate the teleportation autonomously as much as possible.

Through the permanent portal from Suramar City to Silvermoon City, Sharlayan quickly returned to Quel'Thalas.

The newlywed Kael'thas also learned of the change in Northrend, and Vereesa had already taken orders to New Sandara City.

As Sharlayan mentioned at the Alliance Conference before, the Drakkari frost troll saw Loken's chance to make trouble again, and tried to send troops to take back the Dak'Saron Fortress that was captured by the high elves a few years ago.

Lyras, who was sitting in the Draksaron Fortress, didn't expect that the Drakkhara troll would attack his side with a feint shot from the Grizzly Hills, and his reaction was a bit slow when faced with the troll army's pressure.

Fortunately, the auxiliaries left by Vereesa to Lailas were all experienced and experienced rangers, and they did not make the raid of the Drakkari trolls successful.

When Lailas's order to mobilize the entire army came late, the scouts who happened to be patrolling outside the city had already completed a round of confrontation with Drakalai's vanguard troops using the guerrilla tactics that rangers were best at, and no one could capture it. Cheap, gaining valuable events for Lyras' arming.

Kael'thas frowned and asked, "Why did Loken suddenly and purposefully attack Lake Wintergrasp? Could it be that Yogg-Saron said something to him?"

The dusty Sharlayan said solemnly: "This is also a question I want to understand. Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we win every battle. We must first find out the source of Loken's information, otherwise similar sneak attacks are likely to happen again."

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