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Chapter 1285 Shaohao's Seven Star Seal

Sharlayan is indeed in a period of weakness where his vitality has not recovered, but this does not mean that he is incapable of fighting.

On the more detailed data panel, Sharlayan's level has only temporarily regressed from level 61.4 to level 60.1, which is stuck on the threshold of demigods, and he is still a genuine demigod.

In its heyday, Y'Shaarj was the strongest among the five ancient gods of Azeroth, which can be seen from the fact that it once occupied the most valuable large central territory of ancient Kalimdor.

But these are all yesterday's yellow flowers, and the heroes don't mention the courage of the year.

Due to the lack of understanding of creatures like the Old Gods, Aman'Thul directly pulled Y'Shaarj out of the planet and split it in two. Y'Shaarj's screams before he died stunned the others Old God.

After the death of the Seventh Y'Shaarj, its heart was sealed and buried in the underground palace of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, once guarded by Mimiron himself.

And its mutilated corpses were scattered in every corner of Pandaria, and evolved into the seven great demons of later generations.

The seven evil spirits are fear, madness, anger, doubt, bewilderment, hatred, and pride, which correspond to the seven negative emotions that most intelligent creatures have. .

On the land of Pandaria, where the remnants of Y'Shaarj still exist, once the negative emotions are high, it will attract the attention of the sha. According to the amount of negative emotions, the intensity of the sha spawned will vary from person to person.

Since tens of thousands of years ago, the titan guardians, mogu, and pandaren who have successively ruled Pandaria have tried many methods to eliminate the Sha demons that have infiltrated the land, but they have never been able to come up with a plan that can be done once and for all.

Until Shaohao turned out to be born, with the help of the four supreme gods, he sealed six of the demons one by one by abandoning his own negative emotions, leaving only the final Sha of Pride.

For the Sha of Pride hiding in an unknown corner of Pandaria, Shaohao, who had accomplished the great feat of sealing the six evil spirits, was undoubtedly the target he wanted to corrupt the most.

For thousands of years, the arrogance that Shaohao has never abandoned in his heart has nourished the Sha of Pride little by little. This last negative emotion also affected the people of Pandaria, causing the Sha of Pride to become more and more powerful. stronger.

According to Sharlayan's original plan, he originally planned to induce a resentful species to go to the underground palace where Y'Shaarj's heart was stored, deliberately leaking the dark power of Y'Shaarj's heart, and taking this opportunity to seduce the Sha of Pride who was hiding come out.

By the way, it can also lure out the elite mantid who have been hiding outside the Great Wall of Beaulieu's Spine and crazily stacked BUFF for generations, completely eliminating the hidden dangers of Pandaria.

It seems to be someone named Klaxxi Yingjie?

However, due to the imperfect plan, before the busy Sarlayan had time to implement it, Loken jumped out on his own initiative, forcing Sarlayan to temporarily change the plan.

The revised plan reversed the sequence of actions a bit. Sharlayan first intentionally provoked Shaohao, using his gradually rising negative emotions as bait to lure out the Sha of Pride who had been hiding in the dark waiting for the opportunity to seize Shaohao's soul and will .

After that... it is relatively simple and crude physical persuasion.

After all, the Sha of Proud is just the wreckage of Y'Shaarji, and its strength is as high as the sky, but it can barely touch the threshold of the demigod.

With the help of Stellagosa, Sharlayan's energy-state body made of the power of the void was split in half by Sharlayan with a great sword. However, pure physical damage would not be fatal to the Shar of Pride. threat.

The highly active light force in the Valagar sword is the real killer.

Starting from the wound where the Sha of Pride was cleaved, the wild power of light poured by Odin himself spread rapidly like wildfire on the grassland, eroding its energy bit by bit amidst the Sha of Pride's screams. torso.

Stellagosa, who had prepared in advance, was also unambiguous. With the help of the sealing magic circle, she used the power of gravity to build a super-heavy cage that could lock even energy. Trapped in place unable to move.

After landing firmly, Sharlayan inserted the great sword into the ground in front of him, clasped his palms together and slapped it hard.

The power of the dream pulled Shaohao's consciousness into the Emerald Dream almost instantly because of the Sha of Pride suffered heavy injuries and his will initially recovered.

Ysera, who had been notified in advance and was ready, opened her mouth wide and spewed out a mouthful of emerald green dragon's breath in pure energy state at the same time Shaohao appeared.

Catalyzed by the dragon's breath in the dream, a large amount of black impurities visible to the naked eye precipitated from Shaohao's soul, these fragments of will that did not belong to Shaohao screamed to be purified by the powerful power of the dream.

"Remember my reminder?"

Sharlayan also temporarily projected his soul into the Emerald Dream, leaving only the little star outside.

"Emperor Shaohao, guard the Lingtai closely, and with the help of Dreamland Dragon King Ysera, clarify your soul, clear your mind and see your nature, get rid of the last negative emotions, and complete the great cause you didn't complete in the past."

Under the power of Ysera's dream, Shaohao's heart was clearer than ever before, and he quickly recalled his life like a revolving lantern. With the help of this external force, he finally successfully eliminated the last arrogance.

Sharlayan breathed a sigh of relief, greeted Ysera with grateful eyes, and then pulled Shaohao's soul back to the top of Kun-Lai Mountain.

Shaohao, who has given up all emotions, is completely separated from the Sha of Pride who is still suppressed by Stellagosa. His ancient eyes are slowly opened, and his hands are making many gestures of auxiliary spells that Sharlayan can't understand .

"God seance!"

"The Four Heavenly Gods help me... town!"

As the phantoms of Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuhe, and Xuanniu appeared behind him one after another, Shaohao merged the power lent by the four gods into one, and countless translucent energy chains appeared out of thin air, which will still be heard in the roaring ghosts. The Sha of Pride tied him tightly.

"seal up!"

After locking the Sha of Pride, Shaohao's gesture changed again, and a star map in the shape of a spoon emerged on the snow on the top of Kun-Lai Mountain, and the Sha of Pride was the dim star dotted at the end of the spoon.

【Um? Isn't this shape the Big Dipper? Azeroth too? 】

[The appearance should be a coincidence. It seems that Shaohao used this spirit-suppressing spell to seal the Qisha. The Sha of Pride, who escaped from prison for thousands of years, will finally be reunited with his brothers. Congratulations. 】

The Sha of Pride is obviously also aware of his own fate, but at this moment it is suppressed by Stellagosa and Shaohao together, unable to move at all, it can only scream in vain, watching the seal step by step Complete.

As the noise from the Sha of Pride faded away, the dim seventh star on the star map was completely lit up, and the family was finally in order.


After completing the seal, Shaohao sat down on the ground with exhaustion, his soul became more transparent than before.

Because of the loss of mind, he was forcibly taken away by the Sha of Pride. Although he quickly regained control under the combined blows of Sarlayan's internal and external forces, Shaohao's soul was still severely damaged by this back and forth.

Afterwards, he used his weak soul power to cast the spell of inviting gods to complete the final seal. At this time, even if Shaohao was not exhausted, he was not far behind.

Sare'an slightly apologized and said to Shaohao, who looked like he might be cut off at any time: "Sorry, time is tight, I can only use this kind of strong method."

Shaohao, with flickering soul and body, shook his head with a wry smile: "It's okay, the final result is finally good. I can finally end this long watch with no end in sight, and I will be reborn in peace and bliss."

With a wave of his left hand, Sharlayan opened the entrance to the Shadow Realm beside Shaohao.

"Through this door, you can go to the destination of all the dead - the Shadow Realm."

"The rejection of your soul from the material world is gradually strengthening. You only have about 5 minutes left. Before you leave, do you have anything else to tell me?"

Shaohao stood up with his dangling hands on the ground, and said to Salayan with a relieved face: "Most of my friends from back then are dead, so please ask me to thank the four self-respecting gods."

"Also, let the Golden Lotus Sect, who has been restrained for many years because of my existence, rest assured to establish a new country. It is time for Pandaria to change."

Sharlayan's eyes moved slightly, and he nodded lightly: "I will tell you, then... there will be a period later."

Shaohao waved his hands to Salayan and Stellagosa freely and freely, and walked into the plane gate leading to the Shadow Realm without looking back.

After the door was closed, Stellagosa said with a light smile, "Our doubts have finally been answered."

"It's not that Shaohao took the initiative to intervene in government affairs, but the existence of him, the last emperor, caused the Golden Lotus Sect to always have misgivings and was unable to govern freely."

Sharlayan sighed and said, "Whether active or passive, Shaohao has indeed had a profound impact on Pandaria's past and present."

"The seven great demons are sealed. As long as the problems of Y'Shaarj's heart and the mantid are resolved, Pandaria will be able to usher in a period of peaceful development for a long time."

Stellagosa looked up at the misty sky above Kun-Lai Mountains: "The mist covering Pandaria is gradually dissipating, and it's time for us to move on. There are still many follow-up matters waiting for us to deal with."

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