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Chapter 1297 Traitor Sirik

The duel between Bwonsamdi and Rezan for the loa of the kings is almost a foregone conclusion. It depends on when Rastakhan plans to officially start action.

Before that, Bwonsamdi had to get the detailed information on Rezan provided by the Zandalari, and choose corresponding strategies and useful props according to his fighting habits.

As a human loa, Bwonsamdi has an advantage that Rezan and other animal loa do not have.

With both hands, Bwonsamdi can use various weapons and props more flexibly, which Rezan cannot do.

After all, Devilsaur's hands... know everything.

But when this issue was mentioned, Bwonsamdi did not complacent or let down his vigilance.

It's true that Rezan cannot wield weapons, but his massive devilsaur body is clad in a suit of golden armor custom-made for him during the height of the Zandalari Empire.

It is said that this set of armor not only has extremely strong defensive power, but also increases Rezan's light power to a certain extent, which is equivalent to a divine weapon.

Bwonsamdi also possesses death-type artifacts, and he made them himself after returning from the Shadowlands.

According to the tradition of trolls, Bwonsamdi extracted the mojo essence of Muerzala and injected it into his commonly used bone staff, which greatly improved the ability of the bone staff to increase the death spell.

With the help of this super-strength bone staff, Bwonsamdi shouldn't have any problem breaking through Rezan's armor defense.

However, in order to ensure the final victory, the prudent and pragmatic Bwonsamdi will order some voodoo and magic props from Zandalar and Quel'Thalas respectively according to actual needs.


In order to avoid alarming the enemy, Sharlayan and Onyxia did not move around after arriving on Zandalar Island. They hid quietly in the Nether Palace and waited for the men sent by Bwonsamdi to bring back the latest information.

The concept of death is tabooed by people in any country. Therefore, Bwonsamdi, the troll god of death, has very few living people under his command, and the people he sends out to investigate intelligence are all trolls in the form of souls.

The first to come back was information about Loatoga the tortoise.

As mentioned before in the barrage, Torga has already been severely injured under the crazy attack of the blood troll in the early years, and his relatives, the tortoises, are still trying to find a way to heal Torga.

In recent years, due to the comprehensive suppression of the Zandalari, the blood trolls had to shrink to the limit near the Heart of Darkness.

Thanks to Zandalar's assist, Toga gained precious breathing time, otherwise it is still unknown whether the seriously injured old turtle can survive.

The second intelligence mentions the frog Loakagwa.

Kragwa's situation is better than Toga's, at least he hasn't been targeted by the blood troll yet.

However, due to the large number of followers, Kagwa's strength has declined seriously, and he has been in a dormant state for a long time, and has not appeared in front of people for a long time.

Bwonsamdi's subordinates found Kragwa's sleeping place deep in the swamp, but they did not wake up the frog Loa rashly.

The third intel is about the Bat Loa Sirik.

Among the three animal loa in Nazmir, Sirik is the only one that is still in good condition.

However, his good condition aroused the suspicion of Salayan, Onyxia and Bwonsamdi.

A massive blood plague broke out in Nazmir tens of thousands of years ago. Most of the surviving trolls moved to the holy mountain in the north under the leadership of Dasa, the first generation of Zandalari God King, and established the capital of Dazaro. But there are also a small number of trolls who were confused by the blood spell and stayed in Nazmir.

These unhealthy left-behind trolls are the ancestors of the blood troll clan. They abandoned the Kragwa and Sirik that the tribe once believed in, and began to praise a loa known as the "Blood God".

In the cognition of the trolls, as long as the creatures beyond the cognition of mortals are all called loa by them.

And this loa known as the blood god is not a traditional animal god, but a man-made ancient god Ghuorn who was sealed in Odir... that is, the heart of darkness in the mouth of the blood troll.

Kagwa, Toga, and Sirik were unwilling to give up their territory, and went to the holy mountain of Zandalar to seek refuge with the kings of Loalezan just like Paku and others.

In addition to their competitive spirit of not wanting to be inferior to others, the three of them also shouldered the task that Freya had entrusted to them—to protect Odile's first seal, Nazwasa.

However...the subsequent development is known to everyone.

Due to the loss of a large number of followers, the strength of the three Loa declined to varying degrees, and Nazwasa's seal was finally destroyed by the blood troll with a suicide attack.

It stands to reason that Sirik, who also lost his troll followers, should be as weak as Kragwa, but according to the information from Bwonsamdi's scouts, Sirik the Bat seems to be living quite well.

This is obviously not in line with common sense.

The only explanation is that this old bat has secretly developed other followers outside of Zandalar, such as... blood trolls.

"Tsk~ You really guessed it right."

Bwonsamdi said with a cloudy expression, "That fellow Sirik might have quietly surrendered to G'huun long ago, otherwise the blood troll wouldn't have offered his faith to other loa other than the blood god."

If G'huun is used to compare the status of Rezan and Zandalar, the current Sirik is equivalent to the second-level loa like Gani and Paku who follow Rezan. The boss eats meat, but they can drink it anyway To some soup.

For Bwonsamdi, who knew G'huun's true identity, Sirik's behavior was undoubtedly a shameful betrayal of the guardian forces of Azeroth, and he was ashamed.

"Don't get excited."

Salayan calmly persuaded him: "Sirik's surrender to G'huun was already in my expectation, and now it seems that there may be other secrets behind the fall of Nazvasa's seal."

Onyxia frowned and brought up the point: "The most important question now is whether Raiden's disappearance is really related to Sirik, and if so, what is Raiden's current situation?"

Bwonsamdi played with the bone staff in his hand and said in a deep voice: "I will send more scouts to investigate further. Do we need to inform the Zandalar about Sirik's betrayal of the mission?"

"Hmm..." Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "Not for now, if Zandalar knows this information, with Zul's temper, there is a high probability that they will react immediately, which may scare the snake."

"Let's find out the relevant clues of Layden first, and then I need you to arrange some extra people to go to Wharton."

"Oh?" Bwonsamdi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "What is there to do in that place where the birds don't shit? The seal of Atu Aman has long been broken. For G'huun, Wharton has lost its value, right? "

"It has nothing to do with the seal of Atu Aman."

Sharlayan explained with deep eyes: "I'm worried that a series of events caused by the civil strife among the snake people will wake up Mythrax in advance."

"Once this powerful Xeraki is revived, G'huun will have another general under his command. You don't want to see this happen, do you?"

After the snake god Sethralis and Mythrax died together, the three Sethralis family - Sursis, Warwick and Kotek teamed up to seal Mythrax's body in the shattered Atul Aman pyramid.

As time passed, however, the differences between the three leaders of the snake people became more and more serious.

Sursis and Warwick still kept their promise to Sethralis, but Kotaek, who was growing ambitious, tried to break the oath, and Kotaek broke with his two old friends.

The snake people under Kotaek's command are called unbelievers, and many snake people who are tired of peaceful life actively follow Kotaek, and draw a line with those compatriots who still believe in Setaris.

As the Faithless grow in power, Surthis and Warwick worry that one day a civil war will erupt among the Snake People over differences of opinion.

"Ah~ unbelievers."

Bwonsamdi half-lyed in the air and chuckled cynically, "I've heard of them. Before that, I was waiting for the two factions to fight so that I could collect more souls."

Sharlayan complained angrily: "You are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. This time, I will not follow your wishes."

"Once a civil war breaks out among the Snake People, the ambitious Kotaek is likely to use the resurrection of Mythrax to bridge the gap in the strength of the unbelievers and the pious."

"We can't just sit back and watch this happen, Kotek's crazy ambition must be killed in the bud."

"All right, all right."

Bwonsamdi waved his hand lazily: "I will find time to send someone to check the situation, but what we need to pay most attention to right now is the situation of Raiden, right?"

Facing Bwonsamdi's perfunctory attitude, Sharlayan silently smacked his lips: 'This guy... Forget it, he is right, let's focus on finding Raiden first. '

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