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Chapter 1301 G'huun: Tens of thousands of years of hard work, once back to before liberation

From the very beginning, G'huun has been living in Odile's laboratory, never leaving half a step.

After gradually developing intelligence, G'huun, like all intelligent creatures, began to yearn for unfettered freedom.

However, as the first and only man-made ancient god in the history of Azeroth, the Titans who created G'huun are of course impossible to let this huge source of pollution act at will.

After confirming that he was out of play, the Pantheon ordered the titan guardians of Azeroth to close the Odile laboratory, and added a triple strong seal to it, in order to prevent G'huun from escaping from the laboratory and endangering Azeroth.

With the destruction of the Pantheon and the shutdown of Ulduar, the city of Titans, all the sealed ancient gods of Azeroth have the opportunity to escape from prison, including G'huun, a man-made product.

Through the blood plague that affected the entire troll civilization, G'huun obtained the useful tool of the blood troll.

After Zandalari gave up Nazmir and fled north, G'huun used a combination of tactics. First, he punched Toga, who was the most stubborn to fight, and suppressed Kagwa, who was not as powerful as before, and persuaded Sirik bounces back.

With the help of Sirik, the inner ghost, the blood trolls under G'huun finally broke through the first seal, Nazwasa.

A few years later, a Xeraki who once belonged to N'Zoth came across the sea to investigate the void power on the island of Zandalar.

As a man-made ancient god, G'huun's subordinates did not have Kselaki, and the arrival of Mythrax was undoubtedly a sign that he was drowsy and someone gave him a pillow.

With great effort, G'huun finally persuaded Mythrax to join him, and with the help of this powerful Xeraki, he broke through the second seal, Atu'aman, guarded by the snake god Setaris.

However, just when G'huun thought that he would triumphantly and quickly smash the third seal of Zuldazar, the situation that seemed to be going well was suddenly awkward.

Under the protection of many loa headed by Rezan, the Zandalari trolls who moved north to the holy mountain of Zandalar not only did not become weak, but became stronger and stronger. The Qiraji Empire of Imperial Legacy.

Although after that war, the Zandalari gradually lost control of the three major empires, but this did not affect the overall strength of the Zandalar suzerain clan.

In desperation, G'huun could only continue to lie dormant unwillingly, patiently waiting for the day when the Zandalari Empire's weaknesses would be exposed.

Who knew that this wait was tens of thousands of years.

Today, although the Zandalar's national strength has declined compared to its peak, it is still far above the blood trolls controlled by G'huun.

Not only that, due to the defeat in the sea battle with Kul Tiras, in order to restore national power as soon as possible, Zandalari, who can no longer go to sea for the time being, turned their attention to how to develop the existing resources on the island.

The Voldun Desert is poor in resources, and the Zandalari trolls who are used to wealth don't think much of it.

So they logically set their sights on the Nazmir Swamp, which had been left unattended before and was relatively rich in natural resources.

The Zandalari assembled an army to suppress the border. The blood trolls who once occupied most of Nazmir were defeated again and again. They could only retreat back to G'huun's lair near the Heart of Darkness to recuperate.

During this process, G'huun unexpectedly saw something interesting from the Prophet Zul who personally came to Nazmir to lead the battle.


After tens of thousands of years of waiting, G'huun didn't mind waiting a little longer.

If the dark emotions that have been lurking in Zul's heart can be induced for a long time, it will be possible to break through the seemingly impenetrable defenses of Zandalar from within.

At this time, an unexpected visitor suddenly visited Nazmir.

He is the leader of all guardians of Azeroth - Grand Guardian Ra-den.

G'huun had met Raiden once when he was a child, and it was he who led many lesser titans to seal himself in Odir.

However, to Ghuorn's surprise, when he saw Raiden again after tens of thousands of years, the high-spirited guardian seemed to be a different person. He became depressed and decadent, and his heart was full of negative emotions such as anxiety and doubt. .

Moreover, Ghuorn also saw the handwriting of some "compatriot" from Layden, and Layden's original stone body showed signs of flesh and blood.

If Raiden was still in his prime, it would be impossible for G'huun, who had not completely broken free from the seal, to shake his mind, let alone capture him.

The weakened Ra-den showed G'huun the possibility of breaking the seal of Zuldazar early in another way.

If he can corrupt Raiden's mind and strengthen him with his own void power, G'huun can use this powerful thug to realize his free plan step by step.

Seeing that he was about to take Leiden as his own, Ghuorn even started to plan for the future.

It intends to let the fallen Raiden lead the blood trolls to attack Atu Aman by surprise, and use the soul and flesh of the local snake people to resurrect his most loyal subordinate, Mythrax the Dismantler.

With two powerful minions in hand, G'huun can "convince" those stubborn loa one by one.

With Sirik as a precedent, Ghuorn does not believe that the will of every loa will be as strong as steel.

Just when G'huun was dreaming of promotion and salary increase, becoming CEO, and marrying Bai Fumei, with the arrival of Sharlayan...

Snapped! The dream came to an abrupt end.

The opportunity that had been waiting for many years was interrupted, and the furious G'huun was about to find a hapless guy to vent his anger, and the pterodactyl Loapaku came at just the right time.

However... yet again.

When G'huun hysterically ordered Sirik to send all his heirs to shoot down Pa'ku at any cost, Sirik never responded, and all the blood trolls near Sirik's lair were also lost. responded.

When the follow-up investigators rushed to the scene, they only saw Sirik's body like a mummy and the horrific battle scene, and Sirik's soul had long since disappeared.

Not only Sirik, but all the trolls who fell on the scene lost their souls, and the souls that should have been wandering around their bodies were all gone.

G'huun is not stupid, he is also a local "man" of Nazmir, and he quickly realized who was messing around with the ghost through this familiar modus operandi.



When G'huun was impotent and furious, Bwonsamdi and Sharlayan returned to Hades with full rewards.

Sharlayan successfully completed the task of rescuing Raiden, and Bwonsamdi also took the opportunity to eat a mouth full of oil.

Although Sirik is not considered a big man among the loa, he is still a natural animal god, and his soul is undoubtedly a great tonic for Bwonsamdi.

This win-win deal made Bwonsamdi very satisfied, and Bwonsamdi, who was eager to digest Sirik's soul, no longer interfered with Sarlayan's plan to intervene in the Wharton situation.

With a wave of his hand, he temporarily handed over the command of the Nether Palace to Sharlayan, and hid himself in the depths of the Nether Palace to practice hard work.

Without Bwonsamdi's restraint, Sharlayan immediately arranged a large number of soul-shaped troll scouts to go to Wharton to investigate the situation.

At the same time, he did not forget to leave a part of his staff to continue to monitor Nazmir and observe the follow-up reactions of the blood trolls and Zandalari trolls.

At the same time, after rescuing the seriously injured snake-man priest Sursis and his guards, considering the extremely serious injury of Sursis, Onyxia agreed with the group of snake-men to sit on her back for the first time. back.

The black dragon took off and flew towards the Temple of the Devout at the fastest speed. With the personal testimony of Sursis' guards, Warwick, who stayed at his hometown, hurriedly sent someone to send the dying Sursis to the treatment room .

"Damn it!"

According to the snakeman healer's report, Sursis's injuries are very dangerous, and they can't guarantee that they can save him with their abilities.

Warwick paced back and forth anxiously outside the treatment room: "I have persuaded him a long time ago, that guy Kotek must have evil intentions!"

"Little snake, don't get excited."

Onyxia was honored as a guest of honor by the devotees for her contribution to defeating Kotaek's plot and saving Sursis.

Transforming back into her human form, she resumed her previous laziness, and calmly said to the nervous Warwick, "For you, Surthis' injury is indeed serious, but I have a way to heal him."


A meaningful color flashed in Warwick's vertical pupils: "His Royal Highness, Princess Black Dragon, what do you want us to pay in exchange for curing Sursis?"

"Heh~ Refreshing."

It's convenient to talk to smart people, and Onyxia didn't intend to go around the bush, so she put forward her own...or Sharlayan's request straight to the point.

"Don't worry, I won't let you do things beyond your ability."

"I need the devotees to do their best to ensure that Kotek cannot capture the Pyramid of Atu Aman, and end this farce of the snake people's civil war as soon as possible."

"As for should know it yourself. This is your duty, isn't it?"

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