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Chapter 1319 Saber-toothed Tiger Jibul Elaka

Ten thousand years ago, when the sky fell apart, N'Zoth threatened Azshara to submit to him by threatening the people of the Dark Night Empire who fell into the water.

However, as the Queen of Destiny of the Night Empire, Azshara is so proud.

She can accept defeat, she can ally herself when she is weak, but she will never be inferior to anyone, even if the other party claims to be omnipotent god.

Azshara herself is a powerful demigod. Even if her strength has declined after losing the Well of Eternity, she doesn't think N'Zoth can easily control her.

Out of self-confidence in personal strength and the arrogance cultivated by years of pampering, Azshara refused to submit to N'Zoth, but proposed an alliance with it.

Eager to get more available people, N'Zoth agreed to Azshara due to the situation, but it has been regretting it for tens of thousands of years.

Since N'Zoth and Azshara are allies in name, N'Zoth can entrust his needs to Azshara's naga, but he can't give orders at will with a superior attitude.

This awkward feeling made N'Zoth, who successively gained two powerful subordinates, Deathwing and Xavius, very unhappy, and his perception of Azshara and Naga became worse as time went on.

From Azshara's point of view, she actually doesn't think much of the so-called Old Gods.

In Queen Azshara's view, the Old Gods were nothing more than homeless dogs who were defeated by the lackeys of the Titans many years ago.

By now, Azshara, who is naturally intelligent, has realized that she was fooled by Sargeras, who claimed to be the Bronze Titan.

That's right, just like the Eredar civilization that Sharlayan said.

But even so, the coercion and strength of the fallen titan Sargeras is at least real, and Azshara did form an alliance with Sargeras.

What is your N'Zoth? Can it be compared with Sargeras who crosses the universe? Do you know if you don't have that ability?

Therefore, although due to the current situation at the time, Azshara had to agree to N'Zoth, allowing himself and the people who fell into the water to obtain the ability to live in the water.

In fact, she has no loyalty to N'Zoth at all. These two nominal allies are nothing more than a temporary collection of interests, and the relationship between them is very fragile.

It has to be said that at least in the sea, the Naga who has undergone the transformation of N'Zoth's flesh and blood is indeed a rare and powerful combat force.

With the help of Naga, Enzo has conquered more than 70% of the sea area in the past 10,000 years. Dragons and most mortals are land-born races, and it is difficult to monitor the situation in the sea. lacks sufficient awareness.

As Azshara increasingly resisted N'Zoth's demands that were not in line with Naga's interests, N'Zoth also lost patience with Azshara's disobedient "subordinate".

It began to secretly use the ancient god's natural ability to manipulate people's hearts to win over the new generation of Naga who were not so loyal to Azshara, and it really made a lot of progress.

And this kind of behavior of allies secretly poaching the wall is obviously a betrayal that Azshara cannot tolerate.

Ever since Azshara learned of the existence of the so-called Void Naga faction, she was determined to find a chance to root out these shameful traitors.

Although Azshara did not personally participate in the Battle of Estorant that year, her scouts have been hiding near the battlefield to observe the whole process.

Azshara is also happy to see the Void Naga defeated by the coalition forces headed by the night elves.

After some bargaining negotiations with Sharlayan, Azshara, who had always been extremely dissatisfied with the Naga's ugly body, gained the hope of turning back into the night elf form.

For this reason, Azshara, who loves beauty and is narcissistic, is willing to reach a cooperation with the guardian forces of Azeroth headed by Sharlayan.

The Void Naga, who is extremely hostile to both sides, is undoubtedly the best vote for Azshara to return to the guardian camp of Azeroth.

Therefore, when Azshara learned that there was a large-scale settlement of the Void Naga clan living near the island of Zandalar, she dispatched an elite army directly under the queen without saying a word.

When Onyxia reached the coastline northeast of Vol'dun, where the Temple of Jibul was located, Azshara's naga forces were also ready to go to battle.

The officer leading this Naga troop is named Silami, a female Naga Arcanist.

It's strange to say, I don't know if something went wrong in the development of these ten thousand years, the social composition of Naga is quite strange.

Most of the male Naga are tall, strong and powerful, and they are usually used by men as physical occupations such as fighters, hunters, and thieves.

The female Naga has a slender and feminine figure, and most of the chosen professions are spellcasters such as mages and priests.

Since all female Naga have six hands, there are also some who choose to cultivate both monsters and monsters like Vaschi.

Being able to be ordered by Azshara to lead the army, Silami's status in Nazjatar is obviously not low, and she is probably also a member of Azshara's maidservant group.

Don't underestimate Azshara's valet because of the title of handmaid.

Just like Vashj, those who are qualified to stay by Azshara's side to serve must have two brushes.

When they were by Azshara's side, they were just maids responsible for the queen's daily life. When they were sent outside to perform tasks, these maids would become the spokespersons of Azshara's will.

"His Royal Highness Black Dragon Princess, this is our first meeting."

Facing Onyxia who had returned to human form after landing, Silami was well-mannered. She should have received a good etiquette education since she was a child, and she was probably the daughter of a nobleman during the Dark Night Empire.

...If you are not a descendant of nobles, you are not qualified to enter the palace to serve Azshara.

Onyxia, who was born in the dragon family, is not interested in red tape such as etiquette, she waved her hand indifferently to signal Silami to get straight to the point.

"Let's avoid the unnecessary greetings. I want to know, are you sure to defeat the group of void naga entrenched in the sea off Zandalar?"


A confident smile appeared on Silami's face: "This is the purpose of our trip. I swear in the name of Queen Azshara that we will not let any traitor who betrays the Queen go."

"very good."

Onyxia raised her finger and pointed to the Jibul Temple not far away: "You should have heard about the specific situation from Azshara, so I won't repeat it here."

"I'm not good at fighting in the sea. When you are ready, launch the attack directly. You don't need to report to me. I'll talk to that saber-toothed tiger, Luo Jibul first."

"Obey, Princess Onyxia."

Silami still maintained a smile and bowed to Onyxia who turned away, but when she turned to face her subordinates, the smile that was blissful before was immediately restrained.

"Did you all hear that? Get ready to fight and wipe out these lackeys of N'Zoth who have betrayed the queen's trust!"

The Naga who was present hastily raised his hands and beat his chest to salute: "Your will! Ma'am!"


Onyxia is indeed not good at underwater combat, and she is not interested in the grievances and struggles between the two factions of Naga.

Compared with Akunda, the Jibur Temple, which has not been taken care of for hundreds of years, looks very dilapidated. Weeds are overgrown near the temple, and no one can be seen.

When Onyxia stepped into Jibul's sphere of influence, the saber-toothed tiger Loa, who had been squatting in the temple in a semi-dormant state, sensed that there was a visitor, and walked out of the temple slowly with "catwalks" to greet her.

Jibul's full name is Jibul Eraka. He looks majestic in appearance, with a fiery red mane growing from neck to back, and sharp saber teeth protruding from his lips.

But Onyxia could tell that this ferocious saber-toothed tiger was actually a bit strong on the outside but on the inside.

After losing all his believers, Jible's strength inevitably declined sharply, and he was no different from Akunda who had just escaped from the predicament.


Jibble looked at the black-haired high elf standing in front of his temple with great interest. From his eyes, he could tell that Onyxia was not extraordinary.

"Who are you? Why did you trespass on my temple?"

Onyxia smiled and waved to the puzzled Jible: "Saber-toothed tiger Jibul-Eraka, nice to meet you, I am Onyxia, the black dragon princess."

"Black Dragon Princess..."

Jibble's pupils contracted suddenly, and his previously relaxed posture became a little more guarded.

"I have never had any contact with the Dragon Clan. What is the purpose of Princess Black Dragon's trip?"

"Heh~" Facing Gibble, who was still trying to put on airs, Onyxia chuckled and said, "I'm here to help you."

"Gibble, make a deal with me."

"I can fulfill your long-cherished wish for many years, and free those souls trapped by the Naga curse."

"In return, I'll need some distance between you and the Zandalari trolls."

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