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Chapter 1321 The organ is too clever to calculate, but it missed Qingqing's life

For the anti-rebel army with high morale, the Lightning Hall without Loken himself was not difficult at all.

It only took less than a day for Raiden to successfully break through the last defensive stronghold before entering Ulduar.

So far, all the guardian temples have been brought under the control of the anti-rebel army.

The Creator engine also went down due to overload not long ago, and Loken's only hole card was Ulduar, who was surrounded by the Anti-Rebel Legion.

When the titan-forged soldiers of the Anti-Rebellion Army began to cheer for the upcoming victory, the reunited Raden, Sharlayan and others were not so optimistic.

The majestic gate of Ulduar stood in front of Sharlayan, and because it was built for the size of the titan-forged, when Sharlayan maintained his mortal form, he stood in front of the gate like a tiny bird. Ant.

When Raiden personally led the attack on the Hall of Lightning, Sharlayan was still collecting the latest battle reports from the front lines of Vol'dun and Zul'Drak.

The offensive and defensive battle between the high elves and the Drakkari trolls around the Dak'Saron Fortress has temporarily entered the see-saw phase.

According to the discussions and predictions of Stellagosa and Sharlayan, if the trolls are unable to open the situation for a long time, Torkali, the mother of the Direhorn, will inevitably take on the heavy responsibility of tearing the front line.

The progress on Onyxia's side was also very smooth. After some joint diplomatic efforts, she successfully pulled Akunda and Jibur into the opposing camp of Zandalari.

Akunda's position did not exceed Salayan's expectations, after all, those priests who betrayed Akunda were indeed from Zandalari.

Gibble's defection to Zandalari somewhat surprised Sharlayan, but after hearing Onyxia's detailed report, he felt that this development was completely reasonable.

"That's why the organ was too clever in its calculations, and it cost Qingqing's life instead."

Sharlayan said to Valeera with some emotion: "As the saying goes, people who count people keep counting, so I should take this as a warning."

From the standpoint of Zandalari, it is perfectly normal to suppress those loas who are not completely attached to themselves to promote their own directly subordinate loas.

But since you have calculated others based on your interests, it is natural that you have to bear the consequences caused by it.

Both Akunda and Jibur are loa outside the inner circle of Zandalar. Compared with the red seedlings such as Rezan, Paku, Gonk, and Tokali, their importance is far less.

For Loa, believers are like a limited resource. The more people who believe in other families, the fewer believers he can control.

After all, not every loa can be as open-minded as the snake god Setaris.

Due to the lack of actual evidence, Jibur, who was dubious about Akunda's statement, has not yet broken his face and completely stood on the hostile side of Zandalar.

But for Sharlayan's plan, as long as he has this skeptical attitude, it is enough.

Neither the Vulpera nor the Snakeman had such an outrageous idea of ​​counterattacking Zuldazar, and Zandalar had the strength of a large number of loa, but any normal person knew that this was impossible.

The resources in the Wharton Desert are extremely poor. In order to allow the tribe to live a better life and deal with a series of hidden dangers in the desert, the fox people and snake people will naturally turn their attention to the land that does not completely belong to the Zandalari Empire. Nazmir Swamp.

After years of clearing the land, the Zandalari trolls have taken over the southern region of Nazmir bordering Zuldazar.

However, due to the existence of the blood god G'huun, the pioneering team of Zandalari did not dare to get too close to the heart of darkness, and the development of the northern area of ​​the heart of darkness was almost equal to nothing.

With the help of Bwonsamdi, the insider, the Vulpera and Snakemen had no difficulty in advancing to the northwest of Nazmir.

With the joint development of oil resources by Quel'Thalas and the Goblin Steamwheedle Consortium, Onyxia has long realized the importance of this fossil energy. Shurgai open-pit oil field.

The Zandalari civilization is very developed, but their technology tree has nothing to do with oil. For thousands of years, this open-air oil-rich field was left to be abandoned. At most, the crude oil was used as fire oil.

After Onyxia's explanation, although the vulpe and snake people don't know what oil can be used for, at least they know that this stuff can be sold at a high price in the hands of Quel'Thalas in exchange for the development of the race. other resources as needed.

Under the premise of profit, the vulpera and snakemen supported by Akunda and Jibur finally began to boldly enter Nazmir.

Under Bwonsamdi's selective blindness, the Zandalari trolls who are busy dealing with the counterattack of the blood trolls in the south of Nazmir don't know that there are other races mixed in the Nazmir swamp they regard as forbidden Come in.

Putting away Onyxia's detailed report, a sneer appeared on the corner of Sharlayan's mouth.

"Let's let the bullets fly for a while, I want to see if the Zandalari have the extra energy to intervene in affairs outside the island when they learn that their backyard is on fire."

"Zul, you like to engage in proxy wars, don't you? Okay, I'll play with you, don't overturn the table in the end because you can't afford to be angry."


The matter of Zandalar and Zul'Drak was put aside for the time being. With Raiden's return from the Hall of Lightning, the final battle to regain Ulduar was finally on the agenda.

Although they have left Ulduar for many years, Raiden, Azadas and Thorim still remember the layout of Ulduar.

Generally speaking, Ulduar, the city of Titans, occupies the most extensive area and can be divided into four major regions.

As soon as they entered the gate, what the anti-rebel army had to face was Ulduar's city defense and training camp, commonly known as the big school field.

During the day when Raiden captured the Lightning Hall, no one else was idle.

The earth spirit scouts who are good at digging sneaked into the city of Ulduar and collected some information.

As expected, Loken arranged all the elite troops left in his hands in the large colony, under the unified control of General Biagley who fled back to Ulduar in embarrassment before.

If they can break through the blockade of the massive Titan-forged army, Sharlayan and his party will be able to enter the second area, which is the Ulduar vestibule that Raiden said.

The vestibule houses two important facilities, the Archives and the Observatory.

The archives are used to record the history of Azeroth's development, and the platinum discs obtained by Tire and Azadas came from the archives.

The observatory is a signal transmitter used to contact the observer Algalon, and it also undertakes the task of stargazing as literally.

Only by breaking through the defense of the outer hall can one enter the core area of ​​the inner hall of Ulduar, the Hall of Guardians that Raiden mentioned.

All the guardians have their own area in the inner hall. If there is no accident, Loken will personally lead Vezax and other guardians to stop Raiden and the others from attacking here.

The final area is the Forbidden Places in Ulduar, where Yogg-Saron's cage is located.

In order to re-strengthen the seal of Yogg-Saron, one must first break through the first three areas of Ulduar, and this is obviously not an easy task.

Before the official march, Sharlayan, Raiden and others made a strategy plan in advance.

The miscellaneous troops in the big school field will be dealt with by our own soldiers, as long as they can be restrained and these Loken lackeys will not interfere with the subsequent battle.

The specific situation of the front hall and the inner hall is unclear. In order to avoid being attacked, Sarlayan suggested that after entering the front hall, spend some time to rule out the possibility of ambushes in the archives and the observatory. Lyden also agreed with this.

"As for the inner hall..."

Sharlayan said with a serious expression: "After entering this area is when the bayonet really sees red."

"It is very likely that we will face a joint attack from multiple guardians at the same time as soon as we enter the door. We must be prepared in advance."

The decisive battle in the inner hall is the key of the key, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

The distribution of personnel for this battle has been arranged in advance as early as the time of Wintergrasp Lake, so there is no need to repeat it at this time.


Layden slammed heavily on the temporary mound conference platform built by Azadas: "That's the plan. Is there any part that doesn't understand? Be sure to bring it up before the war begins."

Since Sharlayan used as simple a language as possible, the whole plan did not sound difficult to understand.

Seeing that no one raised any objections, Leiden said to Elonaya, Alkavon and the others with a solemn expression: "The command of the battle at the Grand Campus will be entrusted to you. I only have one request, not to retreat, and must be entangled tightly." Those stubborn lackeys of the ancient gods!"

Ailonaya and other high-level stone giants hurriedly stood up and said: "Yes! Great Guardian, I will not disgrace my life!"

"very good."

Raiden took a deep breath, and looked deeply at the Ulduar gate that was still tightly closed.

"Everyone, go back and rest. Tomorrow morning, the battle for Ulduar will officially begin."

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